Easily speed up your Mac

Last week, we gave you some tips on speeding up your Windows PC, now we’re moving on to Macs!
Avoid using too many tabs/having too many applications open
If you don’t need an application or tab open while you’re using your Mac, close them! They’re just using up precious memory!
Get rid of unnecessary Login Items
Just like Windows’ Startup programs, Macs have applications that automatically open upon logging in. Get rid of the ones that aren’t needed regularly. Go to the Apple Menu (top left), System Preferences, Users & Groups and then under Login Items, uncheck anything you don’t want to automatically start up.
Use the Activity Monitor
The Activity Monitor lets you see how much memory each application is using up, which could help you pinpoint the problem of having a slow Mac. Simply go to Applications, Utilities then Activity Monitor and find out.
Quit applications, don’t just close/hide them
Pressing the X or Command+W when using an application doesn’t quit the application, it just hides it. To quit, go to the Application’s Menu (located next to the Apple Menu) and select Quit. You can also hit Command+Q.
Clean up your desktop
Every application item on your desktop uses up memory. That’s just the way it is. Don’t clog up your desktop with applications you don’t use on a regular basis – organise them into relevant folders and refer to them when needed.
Keep at least 10% disk space free
A hard drive with low disk space can really affect your system’s performance, that’s why it’s advised that you keep at least 10% of your disk space free. Completely filling up the drive can break it, so it’s recommended you keep as much space free as possible. Transfer things over to external hard drives if need be.
If your Mac is still running slowly and you want some extra help, call Nexus on 01753 884 700 and arrange for an appointment at our Gerrards Cross office – we’re happy to help!
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