Windows Registry Cleaning

What is Window’s registry?

Computers that run on Windows operating system use a registry which is your computer’s way of organizing a massive amount of information about your system. When a program is installed on your computer, it makes an entry in the registry. The system can then retrieve information about which programs are on your computer and where they are. Almost anything you do on your computer is somehow connected to your registry, and any program you run depends on the registry remaining healthy.
Unfortunately, Windows registry is a bit of a pack rat. With normal computer use it eventually collects a large quantity of useless, inaccurate, or simply corrupt entries which can slow your entire computer as it fumbles to cope. This happens in a multitude of ways, some of which are simply unavoidable. For example, if you reinstall or update a program, duplicate registry entries are created because old entries are not removed. And if you uninstall something, you should know that programs rarely uninstall all of the entries in the registry that they’ve made. To top it off, the registry never cleans itself. Because of how important the registry is, errors within it can appear as a wide variety of symptoms, the most common of which are crashing, freezing, and simply slowing down.

What is Registry Cleaning Software? Why do you need it?

The registry is very complicated and intimidating in appearance as it contains thousands of entries of data, none of which is intuitively labeled for a layman. This appearance is likely by design, since a user trying to alter their registry without knowing precisely what they’re doing can deal serious damage to the integrity of their system and its operations. Even if you are an adept user with experience in editing the registry, manual changes are not only time consuming and tedious, but are nearly impossible to efficiently carry out due to the sheer size of the task.
Fortunately registry cleaning software exists which can not only scan your registry at superhuman speed, but also knows exactly what to look for. Many systems stand to gain huge performance improvements from simple registry fixes which can be done in a matter of minutes.

Are there other benefits?

Many registry cleaners are also able to remove registry entries for malware, Trojans, and spyware, which is useful at getting rid of some of the harder to remove types of these programs, disabling or deleting them from within the registry. Some of these cleaning programs can even evaluate and restrict new registry entries from being made as they’re being written, providing an extra line of defense to your computer.
Registry cleaning software can also create backups of your registry for you. While Windows does by default create registry backups, these are often ineffective for system recovery from registry errors. This is because registry errors accumulate slowly over time, so Windows backups often contain many of the registry errors that the backup is supposed to save you from. Registry cleaning software backups are valuable because it can create backups of your registry both before and after it has been cleaned.

Are there alternatives to registry cleaning software?

A messy registry is unavoidable in even the most conscientious computer user, and since the registry does not clean itself, the only way to get around the eventual buildup of errors is to go through the time intensive process of a complete reinstall of your Windows operating system every few months. For users that do not want to go through this lengthy process on a regular basis, registry cleaning software is the only viable option.

Why use reputable companies and sites?

Those who create spyware, Trojans, and malware quickly realized that disguising their programs as registry cleaning software was a great way to get access to your computer. There are even cases of spyware which creates a problem, then presents a pop-up window which tells the user where to get expensive and disreputable software to fix the problem the spyware was responsible for.

What about free registry cleaners?

Many users are tempted by free registry cleaning software. Not only is the price appealing, but because a registry only needs to be cleaned once a month or less, freeware or free trials seem to make the most sense to many people.
Even if the free cleaner is reputable, cleaning your computer’s registry is not without risk. Because the very act of altering the registry carries with it some risk, some cleaning software are safer than others. Make sure any registry cleaning software you choose can create a registry backup before using it. Additionally, many free registry cleaners won’t do the whole job, including defragmenting your registry to be in optimal condition. Because you get what you pay for when it comes to registry cleaning software, free software may end up costing you more in the long run.

What are some reputable registry cleaners?

It is said that 9 out of 10 computer problems originate in the registry. If you’re dissatisfied with your computer’s performance, your system is infected with spyware, or even if you’re developed a problem with Windows, a registry cleaner may be your best choice for improving your computer. Some of the highest quality and most reputable registry cleaners in the business are RegCure Registry Cleaner, Registry Mechanic, and CClean, all of which have a long track record of excellence, and which have been downloaded tens of millions of times by satisfied users.

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