Top 3 Tips for Social Media Marketing

 Social media marketing has become one of the number one forms of Internet marketing in recent years. Social media now accounts for a very large percentage of Internet traffic. Consider, for example that the number of Facebook users is approaching a billion; almost a sixth of the world’s population! It is now easy to see why social media marketing is so effective. Businesses are using it to share information, gain feedback from customers and potential customers, to build up a reputation online, provide news and updates and much more. Anyone who is serious about succeeding in the highly competitive but potentially very lucrative world of online business should take into account the following tips on social media marketing.

1 – Join Relevant Social Media Services

There are some social media services that every business should use for their social media marketing campaign. Facebook and Twitter, for example, can be profitable for any online business to use as a platform for marketing. There is far more to the world of social networking that just these two most popular sites, however. There are other networks targeted towards professionals, some which are more popular among women and others which satisfy a specific niche. Social bookmarking sites also present an invaluable resource for sharing and rating content, getting feedback and building up your search engine ranking. Some of the most popular social bookmarking services include Technorati, Digg and StumbleUpon but there are also many others.

2 – Use Social Media Marketing to Make Relationships with Your Customers

Social media marketing is quite different to other forms of marketing. By contrast, traditional forms of marketing are those which make sales pitches. You should actually avoid this in social media marketing. Instead, this is all about building relationships with your customers and potential customers. Social networking sites are no place for blatant advertising and sales pitches. They are online resources which the general public use to share information among others who may be interested. To make yourself heard in the world of social media, you should comment, interact and get involved in the community. It is also worth posting in online forums and commenting on peoples’ blogs when you have something valuable and useful to say. Finally, it is important that you stay active in the community lest your business end up being forgotten about.

3 – Keep Yourself Well-Informed

For businesses, social media is not just about marketing; it is also about keeping well-informed and getting useful feedback. However, in the same way that you should use social media to interact with your customers, you should also keep informed with the latest trends and news. This will help you to become an authority on your niche and greatly enhance your credibility when it comes to posting comments on blogs, forums and social networking sites. It is also a good idea to keep a close eye on your competitors – you might just learn something valuable from them.

Need help with Social Media? Give Nexus a call. Gerrards Cross 01753 884700 or 01494 730120 Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire.

One Comment

Stanley Rao

As a business executive or a marketer, it is very important that you stay active in the community lest your business end up being forgotten about.


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