Never Forget a Birthday Again with iRemembered (App Review)

Do you have a large family or a lot of friends and struggle to keep up with their birthdays?  Forgetting a birthday can have quite an impact on a relationship, so ensure you always remember with the iRemembered app! It’s free on the App Store and is extremely simple to use.


All you have to do is input the name, birthday, phone number and a photograph of the person, press save, and you’re set! The fields are optional, so you don’t have to indulge any personal information if you would prefer not to.


You can import all of your phone or Facebook contacts, if you wish. It’s a very fast process, but you may not want to know the birthday of every person on your list. Though it is handy, it’s entirely up to you whether you want to do this.


Once you’ve inputted your birthdays, slide over to the ‘Upcoming’ tab – this will show you all of the birthdays coming up in the next month.


The ‘calendar’ tab does exactly what it says it does – shows you a calendar. The dots on certain days indicate a birthday, and clicking on them brings up the relevant information. One thing we feel should be improved with this feature is the fact that it doesn’t calculate how old the person will be. We’d much prefer it if it said that Ollie Hirst would be turning 19, rather than having to do the maths ourselves.


The ‘Settings’ tab allows you to schedule reminders to prompt you when a birthday is coming up. It’s tailored to suit your schedule, so you can adjust the time of day and how close to the birthday you’d like to be prompted, meaning you won’t be bombarded with alerts while you’re at work or travelling. You can also reset the calendar, deleting all birthday entries. This is especially useful if you’ve imported your phone contacts and realised that you have too many birthdays!

One thing that lets the app down is the fact that the advertisements that pop up can be annoying. They take up most of the screen, so are impossible to ignore. They also spring up on you out of the blue, so it can catch you off guard and you may find yourself inadvertently clicking one of them, taking you to the App Store.

Overall, the iRemembered app is an extremely useful tool to have if you’re the forgetful type. If you don’t mind a few ads popping up here and there, and having to do some basic mathematics, this one’s for you!

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