Intro to the Cloud

Technology changes so quickly, it’s hard to keep up with it. Internet technology especially has a fluid, ever-evolving nature and an often cryptic terminology. For example, the cloud is one Internet term that may confuse the average user. Yet the cloud is changing the way people use computers and do business.

The cloud is also known as cloud computing. Companies whose business is cloud computing have a network of servers. These servers are both for storage and for running web-based applications. A web-based application is software that is accessed and run entirely on the Internet, without the individual having to download or install it on their computer, such as Yahoo email or Google Docs.

When an individual or company connects with the cloud, they are using this network of servers instead of their own hardware and software to store data and run applications. This provides a huge advantage to people and businesses. The cloud’s servers take on the cost and workload of hardware, software, and storage capacity. This also provides security for data storage in the event of individual computer crashes; the information won’t be lost and is easily retrieved from the cloud.

Another great advantage of the cloud is its portability. Since accessing the cloud is as easy as connecting to the Internet, people and businesses can utilise the cloud from any location on any compatible device, not just a desktop computer at home or at an office. Plus, people from many locations can access the same information, opening up a world of collaboration. This portability and flexibility has streamlined work practices and boosted business efficiency dramatically.

The cloud’s greatest strength, connectivity through the Internet, is also its greatest weakness. The quality of a person or company’s Internet connection and any limits on bandwidth will determine the quality and usability of the cloud. Poor connections and limited bandwidth might create limited access to data or cause web-based applications to malfunction. Some locations may not have Internet connectivity at all, which means even mobile devices will be unable to access the cloud.

While the cloud may at first sound strange and intimidating to the average user, this is one Internet technology that is worth learning about. Both individuals and businesses can benefit greatly from cloud computing, decreasing costs and increasing efficiency. The cloud’s flexibility and portability have taken computer technology into a whole new, global era.

Nexus offers Cloud solutions. One of the key benefits working from the Cloud is the ability to work from multiple locations, meaning that you can access what you need from home or even overseas. If you wish to discuss in more detail then simply contact us today to discuss your requirements and how moving your IT to the Cloud can work for you and your business.

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