How to properly dispose of your old computer

If you’ve decided that you no longer want or need your old computer, it’s important that you dispose of it properly.
First off, you’ll want to completely wipe your data from the computer and hard drives. You can do that with a number of free utilities, such as DBAN.
The obvious method of disposing of your computer is to recycle it. Dumping is not the way to go – always recycle when possible. You can get in touch with your local council and have them collect it for you (for a small fee), or use services like Recycle Now to find out the nearest recycling receptacles near you. There’s also ComputerAid, an organisation that sends computers to those less fortunate.
There are alternatives too! Computers often have parts sought after by other people, so selling it could get you some extra cash. You can even keep spare parts like hard drives and memory for yourself and recycle the rest – you never know when they might come in handy.
Another option is to give it to someone else! An elderly relative or small child could use it to play games or send emails – simple things.
Don’t dump your computer, dispose of it properly – it’s better for the environment and much more efficient.
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