How to open blocked attachments in Office 2013

Those of you who have upgraded to Office 2013 recently may have experienced difficulties with opening files sent as email attachments. Microsoft Word will tell you that it has “experienced an error trying to open the file”. This is because it has been deemed as a potential threat by Outlook due to it originating from another computer. It’s nice to know that Outlook is looking out for us, but it’s also annoying being able to download an attachment but unable to open it! There’s a really simple solution that we’ll share with you, though!

Step one: Right-click on the blocked attachment and select ‘Properties’.

Step two: Under the ‘General’ tab, you’ll notice a ‘Security’ section.

Unblock Word Document

Step 3: Simply click ‘Unblock’, ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’. It’s as easy as that!

Are you experiencing any computer troubles, and aren’t sure how to fix them? Give us a comment below and we’ll try and help you out! Alternatively, call our office on 01753 884 700!


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