How to keep your computer running fast
Declutter your desktop
Anything you store on your desktop can contribute towards slowness, especially on computer start-up. Get into a habit of keeping your desktop clear and clutter free. Make folders and start organising your files into the relevant folders. Before you know it you’ll have a clean and tidy desktop. Make this part of your routine and it will become ritual.
Delete unwanted programs
You may have downloaded a program in the past that you no longer use or need. If you don’t use it delete it. Programs take up space and they might be running in the background without you even realising. It’s a good idea to go through each program on your desktop and evaluate whether you need it. Also check your downloads folder. You could even create a checklist of all the programs you know that you need to keep, and then begin deleting the ones you never use.
Empty the recycle bin
The recycle bin on your computer can fill up fast, especially with each computer tidy up that you do. Therefore it’s a good idea to check this from time to time and delete the contents of your bin. Besides, whatever is in your bin is unlikely to be needed, so this step is a quick one to action as you don’t need to spend time sorting through anything!
Run a virus scan
If you haven’t got any anti-virus protection this is certainly something you need to consider. If you use your computer online you should have protection installed. The internet is full of viruses and they can seep onto your machine without you even realising. Viruses are known to cause slowness amongst various other issues. Invest in anti-virus protection and get into the habit of frequently running a virus scan. As these scans can sometimes take a long time to complete, it’s usually best to run the scan when you don’t need to use the computer, e.g leave it running overnight before you go to bed.
Computer health check
If the hard drive inside your computer hasn’t been replaced in the last 3 years, it’s worthwhile considering having it replaced with a new one or even look at upgrading to a SSD. Hard drives contain moving components and over time they wear out. Increasing the RAM in your machine is also another option to look into. Take your computer to your nearest computer specialist for a MOT health check.
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