Gadgets to help you sleep

Are you struggling to get a good night’s sleep? One third of people suffer with insomnia, and two thirds suffer from disrupted sleep, according to a report by Aviva in 2017.

Thankfully there are some great ways to aid a good nights sleep, from various apps to technology related products, we’ve got them listed here.


There are various lamps and bulbs available to help you with relaxation. Ambient mood lighting can certainly help you wind down before bed and gently wake in the morning. There are also gadgets such as the Lumie alarm clock which can gradually wake you in the morning.

Philips Hue have a range of products from smart bulbs to lamps. You can effortlessly control the lighting from the Philips Hue app on your phone, such as changing the colour and brightness. You can set specific times for the lights to come on and even control the lighting when you’re away from home. These lights offer diversity and provide many purposes, including the white light setting which is designed to help with concentration.

Lumie Bodyclock

The Lumie Bodyclock Glow introduces you to sleeping and waking with light, allowing you to experience a more regular sleep pattern. The sunset feature provides fading tones of pink, orange and red to help you prepare for sleep. Fading light is a signal for the body to produce melatonin in preparation for sleep.

There are a couple of wake options so you can choose between a bright or warm glow, you can also select the final light intensity. In addition to the lighting features you can select a wake-up sound if you prefer to wake with sound too. There are 9 wake and sleep sounds including white noise.

Calm App

Calm is an extremely popular app which has been downloaded more than 50 million times. The Calm app is designed for sleep, mediation and relaxation.

Oil Diffuser

Oil diffusers can help by dispensing aromas into the air such as lavender which is associated with relaxation. Setting this up before bed may help you achieve that good night sleep you’re after.

White Noise App

White noise helps block out unwanted noises and distractions so your mind can solely focus itself on the white noise giving you the rest you need. There are many white noise apps available to download, so you can try out a few to experiment and see which ones work best. Once downloaded you can connect up to your smart pillow and listen directly from your pillow instead of via your device.

Smart Pillow

Sleep like a baby with a smart pillow. Drift off to your preferred sounds without the need of wearing headphones. Provides 8 hours of continuous play. The bluetooth feature enables you to connect the pillow to any bluetooth enabled device so you can listen to whatever you like whether that’s your fave music, podcasts, or even white noise.

Some additional features the accompanying app offers (depending on the smart pillow you have) is a sleep tracker, smart alarm and even a snore manager!

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