5 Things to Consider Before Upgrading to Windows 8

Generally speaking, major upgrades to a computer operating system always bring a wealth of new features and associated benefits to your computer. This is especially true if you’re a user of Microsoft’s Windows. The next iteration of Microsoft’s flagship operating system, titled Windows 8, is due for release in the coming months. While an upgrade may seem like a no-brainer, there are definitely a few things that you’re going to want to consider before you and your computer make the leap into the next generation.
You can only “upgrade” from Windows 7
Previous versions of the Windows operating system, like Windows 7, were available in cheaper “upgrade” versions and more expensive “full” versions. The “full” versions contained the entire operating system, and the “upgrade” versions contained only the files necessary to move from one version of Windows to the next. Windows 8 only allows users to “upgrade” if they have PCs that already run Windows 7. If you have Windows Vista or Windows XP, you will have no other choice but to purchase the “full” version for more money.
The system requirements may slow down your computer
Each new operating system requires more from your computer than the one that came before it. This means that if your computer is more than a few years old, installing Windows 8 may actually make it run slower than when you were running Windows 7 or Windows Vista. Check your computer’s technical specifications against Windows 8’s minimum system requirements before making any purchase. You need to at the very least match the system requirements with your current computer.
If you’re buying a new computer in the near future, it will come with Windows 8
If you’re planning on purchasing a new computer after the official release of Windows 8, that new machine will have Microsoft’s new operating system already installed on it. In this case, it may be better to just wait to enjoy Windows 8 until you get your new computer. It will save you money in the long run as opposed to buying a standalone copy of the operating system and then buying a new computer later on.
You may not like the interface
Previous Windows operating system upgrades offered minimal upgrades to the way Windows looks and operates. Windows 8, however, marks a substantial update in the way the operating system looks and feels. The Windows 8 interface has the look and feel of a touch screen mobile device as opposed to a traditional desktop or laptop computer. Read reviews of the operating system and check out screenshots online before making any kind of decision. The new operating system is drastically different from even Windows 7 in such a way that you may legitimately not like the new interface.
Your current operating system may be just fine for your situation
While Windows 8 will add a wealth of new features to your computer, if you’re not planning on utilizing them there isn’t really any sense in paying the money for a new operating system. If you don’t plan on using the Windows App Store to purchase and download software, for example, then you may want to just stick with what you already have on your machine and save your money for bigger and better things.
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