The End of Windows XP Tech Support

Windows XP was released 12 years ago, and has been a stalwart operating system for millions of PC users.  The era is coming to an end, however, as Microsoft has announced that it will no longer be providing Windows XP support. Instead, Microsoft and its hardware and software partners will be focusing on more recent technologies to ‘continue to deliver great new experiences’.

Tech support for Windows XP will cease to operate from 8th April 2014, and that means that Microsoft Security Essentials will no longer be available for download on the operating system. As well as this, XP users will not be provided with automatic updates, meaning you won’t be fully protected from online threats.

Of course, you’re free to continue using Windows XP after 8th April, but you’ll be more vulnerable to attack. Also, as new versions of Windows are released, fewer programmes and applications will function on Windows XP. That’s why we recommend upgrading your PC to Windows 7 or above, preferably Windows 8.1, the latest operating system release. Or, if your current PC can’t run a newer version, you may want to consider buying a new one.

Whatever your decision, Nexus can help. We’ll upgrade your PC to a newer operating system and can even provide computer lessons to help you get to grips with the new interface.

If you’re looking for a new machine, Nexus can offer practical and effective advice on what to look for. Once you’ve found your perfect PC, we can move all of your data over from your old computer – you won’t have to lift a finger.

Call Nexus now on 01753 884 700 to find out what we can do for you!

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