How and why have you received this threatening email?
If a data breach has happened at some point (whether that be recent or in the past) your email address may have been exposed online.
Cybercriminals gather ‘leaked data’ such as email addresses and passwords, and they then target these victims and use this information against them.
They may not target their victims immediately after the data breach, they may decide to do it months or even years later.
The cybercriminals generate a threatening email, the more threatening the email; the more likely people are to fall victim to it!
In this case, they have used watching porn as a way of humiliating their victims.
Has your password been listed?
If they have listed one of your passwords within their email, it is likely that they’re using this as an attempt to make you feel like they have evidence against you.
Surely if someone did have a video recording of you, they would send it to you as this would be proof.
The more vulnerable they make you (the recipient) feel, the more likely they are to receive their ransom request of payment.
What should you do?
Whatever you do, DO NOT PAY THE RANSOM!
Unfortunately there are lots of people who feel so threatened that they pay the money.
We have listed below some common Google searches of these email scams, which we are seeing traffic for:
“You may not know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this e mail, right? I’m a hacker who cracked your email and devices a few months ago”
“Email saying they have accessed my webcam”
“Bribery email with your password”
“Got an email demanding bitcoin”
“Got an email saying caught masturbating pay bitcoin”
“Hacked iPhone camera threatening email”
“I got an email saying they had a video of me masturbating”
“I got an email for watching porn and masturbation asked me to transfer money otherwise posting my video”
Email scams are becoming big business for cybercriminals and with the rise of anonymous currency such as bitcoin the bad guys often can’t be traced.
Extortion Phishing:
Extortion phishing is the practice of obtaining something, money in particular, through force or threats via email.
In this instance the victim receives an email suggesting they have been recorded through their webcam whilst watching adult websites. The criminals behind this demand a ransom or else threaten to circulate the recording to their contacts (family, friends, colleagues etc).
Scare tactics are often used to threaten the user in the hope that they will hand over funds. Scammers scour the internet for email addresses and build up lists of potential targets before they begin trying to extort your hard earned cash.
Can someone watch me through my webcam?
Some viruses are capable of viewing your webcam, recording your screen and listening to you through your computer microphone.
If you are concerned and want to ensure you are protected in future we recommend the following:
1. Purchase paid anti-virus

2. Get a webcam cover & microphone blocker to prevent access

3. Disable your microphone (if you don’t use it) using these guides:
We’ve had loads of comments about this particular scam! If you would like to discuss please visit our forum, you can click here to get redirected to the forum.
If you receive an email similar to the below please be aware this is a scam!
You received this message because someone requested an email subscription to a FeedBurner feed. If you did not make
this request, please ignore the rest of this message.(Ps: do not ignore this message otherwise all your privacy will be totally
exposed)Hi, i guess you dont know me and you´re asking yourself why you´re
receiving this email, right?I have put an malvware (virus) on a porn site (site with adult videos) and
you accessed it to have some fun (you know what i mean)While you were watching the adult videos the system began to work as a RDP
(Remote Desktop) with a keylogger and i had access to device screen and
your camera.After that my malvware collected all your messengers, emails and social
networks contacts.Then what did i do? i just created an double screen video (the first part
is your screen record, the second part is the recording of your camera
(yes, record of yourself while watching the porn video, i must admit you
have a nice taste 🙂 )I guess isnt good news, right?
But dont worry, there´s a way to fix all this mess. What you have to do is
just pay me U$360,00, this is a fair value to keep our little secret.
You will make this payment through Bitcoin (If you dont know how to do this
just search google “how to buy bitcoin” or “localbitcoins, its pretty easy
to buy it).
My Bitcoin address is: 14AXbqCfLBh6MQzbA6VB7aM49Rsq8GigT6You have only 24 hours after reading this e-mail to send my payment (i have
set a pixel in this message and i will know the date and time you read it).If you decide not to make my payment i will send your double-screen video
to all your contacts (yes this includes co-workers, friends, family, etc…)
and of course make the video public available on internet.If i receive my payment all the material will be destroyed and you will
never hear from me again.If you dont believe and want proof just reply to this email with “PROOF”
and i will send your video to 3 of your contacts.—
This message was sent to you by FeedBurner (feedburner.google.com)
You received this message because someone requested a subscription to the
If you received this in error, please disregard. Do not reply directly to
this email.
Hi, i guess you’re wondering why you’re receiving this email right?
It would be highly beneficial to your privacy if you didn’t ignore it.
I have placed a Marlware on an adult website (…P…0…r…n site) and as you visited and watched the video your device has been affected, placing a spyware on your machine. Which has recorded you both with webcam and screen capture while you had your “funTime” allowing me to see exactly what you see.
This has also affected your smartphone via an expl0it. So do not think for one minute you can circumvent this by reinstalling your OS. You have already been recorded.
After that my malvware collected all your messengers, emails and social networks contacts.
I guess this isn’t good news right?
But don’t worry too much, there’s a way we can fix this privacy issue. All i require is a Bitcoin payment of 150 USD which i think is a fair price considering the circumstances.The address to make the payment is: 1FGX3VjWNpc1CK33884cftMWuq7sJjCJGw
If you don’t understand bitcoin, go on youtube and search for “how to buy bitcoin” or google for “localbitcoins”, its pretty easy to do it.You have only 48 hours after reading this e-mail to send payment (Be warned i know when you have opened and read this email, i have placed a pixel image inside it. Which enables me to know when you have opened the messaged on exactly what day and time)
If you decide to ignore this email, i will have no choice but to forward the video to all the collected contacts you have on your email account, aswell as post on your social media accounts (facebook etc) + send as a personal message to all FB contacts. and of course make the video publicly available on internet, via youtube and adult websites. And considering the current christmas period, i highly doubt you want to be exposed to your family/friends/coworkers during december.
If i receive payment all the material will be destroyed and you will never hear from me again.
If you dont believe and want proof just reply to this email with “PROOF” and i will send your video to 3 of your contacts via email, and post on your facebook wall. In which you will be able to remove it once, not forever.
BELLOW TO UNDERSTAND:Hi, how are you today?
Im afraid you dont know me but thats not the point of this email, i am
contacting you regarding an urgent issue that requires your immediate
attentionI am a member of Elite Black Group and we setup a very aggressive malvware
inside a porn website with adult videosYou accesed the website to watch videos and have some fun (you know what i
mean, no problem with that, you have a good taste, lol)While you were watching the video our virus started to work and setup your
computer as a Remote Desktop. When this happened i had full control of your
computer screen and your camera (yes i could see what you were watching
along with your face and actions by your cam).
We also collected all your contacts from Messengers, Social Networks,
Emails.So what i did next? Well, i started to record an live double-screen video
(first part your screen sharing, second part your camera while watching
porn)You dont need to freak out, there is an easy way to fix all this mess and
you will not have your privacy exposed:All you have to do is pay me U$450 i think this is a fair value to keep
our little secret safe.You will make this payment by Bitcoin (if you dont know what is Bitcoin or
how to use it, just search “How to buy bitcoin” on internet, its easy).
The wallet address you will send the money to is:
1FqHTugquxNZ8cHdm9LqPYvSrzuaatkRXsYou have only 24h from the time you read this email to make my payment
(i setup a tracking pixel in this message and i will know when you read it).If i dont receive my Bitcoins i will send your video to all contacts that
i collected from you.If i receive my money all the evidence will be destroyed and you will
never hear from me again.Now its up to you, will you be smart enough or the joke of your family and
friends forever?
Another is going around now FYI, almost identical to this one. Account is “1P8Mfus9XKrNWJMv8HxccchZgtRxERk9m3”.
Can you comment it? Hopefully this post will help others.
Received one of these. Account given 1P8Mfus9XKrNWJMv8HxccchZgtRxERk9m3
This scams are so stupid I got the same one you posted
Me too. I will cut to the chase. I know that pokemon is your pass word. More importantly, I do know about your secret and I have proof of your secret. You don’t know me and no one paid me to check out you.
It is just your hard luck that I came across your misdemeanor. In fact, I installed a malware on the adult vids (pornography) and you visited this website to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching videos, your internet browser began functioning as a Rdp (Remote control desktop) having a key logger which gave me access to your display screen as well as web camera. Immediately after that, my software obtained all your contacts from your social networks, as well as e-mail.
Next, I put in more hours than I should’ve into your life and generated a two screen video. First part shows the video you were watching and second part displays the capture of your webcam (its you doing inappropriate things).
Frankly, I want to forget about you and let you move on with your daily life. And I am going to give you 2 options that will make it happen. The two choices are to either ignore this letter, or simply just pay me $ 2700. Let us investigate above 2 options in more detail.
First Option is to ignore this message. Let’s see what will happen if you take this option. I will definately send out your video to your contacts including relatives, colleagues, and many others. It will not save you from the humiliation your household will have to feel when relatives and buddies find out your sordid videos from me.
Second Option is to make the payment of $ 2700. We will name it my “confidentiality charges”. Here is what happens if you choose this option. Your secret remains your secret. I’ll delete the video immediately. You keep your life as if nothing ever occurred.
Now you may be thinking, “I will go to the cops”. Let me tell you, I’ve covered my steps to make sure that this e mail can’t be traced time for me plus it won’t stay away from the evidence from destroying your lifetime. I’m not planning to steal all your savings. I am just looking to be compensated for my time I put into investigating you. Let’s hope you’ve decided to produce all of this go away and pay me my confidentiality fee. You’ll make the payment through Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search “how to buy bitcoins” in google search)
Amount to be sent: $ 2700
Receiving Bitcoin Address: 13RSMJ3Hbz7*xSPyDsn8NdNdmYt4TPTTh8u (Delete * from it and copy and paste it carefully)
Sender’s address is “MrUnknown@gail.com”. is this just scam, too?
i recieved one myself, this muppets email is Aaron@Smith999.edu, tried to extort a grand from me: I am aware cunt1988 one of your passphrase. Lets get directly to point. You may not know me and you are probably thinking why you’re getting this e mail? None has compensated me to check you.
In fact, I actually placed a malware on the xxx streaming (porn material) web site and guess what, you visited this website to experience fun (you know what I mean). While you were viewing video clips, your internet browser started out operating as a Remote control Desktop with a keylogger which provided me with access to your screen as well as cam. Just after that, my software program collected all of your contacts from your Messenger, Facebook, as well as e-mailaccount. And then I made a video. First part shows the video you were viewing (you’ve got a fine taste haha . . .), and 2nd part displays the recording of your cam, and its you.
You do have two solutions. Why dont we read up on each of these options in aspects:
Very first alternative is to disregard this email. In this situation, I will send out your actual video to every single one of your personal contacts and thus you can easily imagine regarding the disgrace that you receive. Not to forget should you be in an affair, exactly how this will affect?
Next option should be to give me $1000. Lets think of it as a donation. Consequently, I will straight away discard your video recording. You could continue your life like this never took place and you never will hear back again from me.
You will make the payment by Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search for “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
BTC Address to send to: 1HwK2QhnmHLsrqgm8BpmfGYsR1SHapp8kL
[case SENSITIVE so copy & paste it]
In case you are planning on going to the law enforcement, very well, this e-mail can not be traced back to me. I have taken care of my steps. I am also not trying to charge you very much, I would like to be compensated.
You now have one day in order to pay. I have a special pixel in this message, and now I know that you have read this message. If I don’t get the BitCoins, I will certainly send out your video to all of your contacts including close relatives, co-workers, and many others. Nevertheless, if I do get paid, I will erase the recording immediately. If you want proof, reply with Yea! & I definitely will send your video recording to your 10 friends. This is the nonnegotiable offer and so do not waste mine time & yours by replying to this message.
Got the same email from the exact address today 🙂
I am also continuously receiving these type of mails, sent from my e-mail account that is hacked by the sender. I’ve chaanged the password, but still I am receiving the e-mails. Please suggest what to do. The mail body is as follows:
I’m a programmer who cracked your email account and device about half year ago.
You entered a password on one of the insecure site you visited, and I catched it.
Your password from ……………..(mail ID) on moment of crack: 6tcjgfke
Of course you can will change your password, or already made it.
But it doesn’t matter, my rat software update it every time.
Please don’t try to contact me or find me, it is impossible, since I sent you an email from your email account.
Through your e-mail, I uploaded malicious code to your Operation System.
I saved all of your contacts with friends, colleagues, relatives and a complete history of visits to the Internet resources.
Also I installed a rat software on your device and long tome spying for you.
You are not my only victim, I usually lock devices and ask for a ransom.
But I was struck by the sites of intimate content that you very often visit.
I am in shock of your reach fantasies! Wow! I’ve never seen anything like this!
I did not even know that SUCH content could be so exciting!
So, when you had fun on intime sites (you know what I mean!)
I made screenshot with using my program from your camera of yours device.
After that, I jointed them to the content of the currently viewed site.
Will be funny when I send these photos to your contacts! And if your relatives see it?
BUT I’m sure you don’t want it. I definitely would not want to …
I will not do this if you pay me a little amount.
I think $850 is a nice price for it!
I accept only Bitcoins.
My BTC wallet: 1HQ7wGdA5G9qUtM8jyDt5obDv1x3vEvjCy
If you have difficulty with this – Ask Google “how to make a payment on a bitcoin wallet”. It’s easy.
After receiving the above amount, all your data will be immediately removed automatically.
My virus will also will be destroy itself from your operating system.
My Trojan have auto alert, after this email is looked, I will be know it!
You have 2 days (48 hours) for make a payment.
If this does not happen – all your contacts will get crazy shots with your dirty life!
And so that you do not obstruct me, your device will be locked (also after 48 hours)
Do not take this frivolously! This is the last warning!
Various security services or antiviruses won’t help you for sure (I have already collected all your data).
Here are the recommendations of a professional:
Antiviruses do not help against modern malicious code. Just do not enter your passwords on unsafe sites!
I hope you will be prudent.
I just got the exact same one yet different Bitcoin
What did happen after the two days? I received the same mail. Was the computer really hacked or is it just fake?
It usually is fake. Real viruses wouldn’t communicate through email if they actually did get into your computer. They would probably send you a straight up message and wreck havoc on your computer.
Hi I have received the same mail today, what happened after 2 days ? They seems to have mentioned my old password,
Yep me too 9 Dec 2017
Ditto, 1MHvjyHCTB4rZMDoLXTSeP6LkXi9xNAypT
Got a similar email that also specified an old password I used to use for websites I don’t care about. Bitcoin addresses used is: 1JHwenDp9A98XdjfYkHKyiE3R99Q72K9X4
new one;
BTC Address: 1KsKtrYQ6ZfGEsZweq4TPWBkSCgGfXRL3b
new one :
Receiving Bitcoin Address: 13CWwPooE5krVDagymxAmReTw7X76BqFkU
Got one this morning with this BTC address:
Just got one now, so i googled it.
Asked me for a few thousand bucks sent to this BTC:
Real or fake?
From: Isabelle Rodriguez
Date: February 4, 2018 at 9:28:32 PM EST
Subject: WeI have a video of you jerking off, you will probably be very curious
Reply-To: leotwcuz@www.hand-s.com
How R u?
I really do not plan to judge you, in addition don’t think that tootin’ your horn to porn web sites is rather awful thing to try and do, but if all ur loved ones, see it will probably definitely be fucked up.
And so, just what do i need? U stopped at the online adult porn site, which poisoned with my computer virus. Right after you pushed on a video, malware started working on you system and all cams and display screen begun recording immediately and after that my malware gathered all contacts from your personal system.
I chose to contact you on this email, because i have located it on ur gadget, i’m quite positive that you are reading this because it is your work address.
The most significant thing is that I edited video the way that, on one part it shows your monitor, on another your online cam with u on it. Kind of hilarious isn’t it?. To be quick, if you need me to remove all the evidence, this is my bitcoin wallet address-
(its needs to be with no “spaces” or “=”, check if you get it correct). If u do not understand how to work with it, you could simply yahoo or google it or discover guidelines on youtube its really easy. I think that 630 bucks will compensate your issue with myself.
You have 5 days after reading this email (I placed monitoring pixel on it and is going to know when you open it).
If u not going to make this transaction, ill reveal the video with all contacts i’ve obtained from your device.
I don’t think that police officers will possibly locate me, so think 5 days, before you may burn your respect.
What happened after the 5 days? I just got a very similiar email.
Obviously nothing.
I think I’ve received this mail (or variations of it) on 6 different accounts. I don’t even have a camera lul.
What has happened with this? Has anyone ever seen a video they claim to have? Have they ever sent anything out to anyone’s email list? Or have they all gone silent after the first threat?
I get tons of these spams, and I know they’re all fake because (a) I don’t visit adult web sites, and (b) I don’t _have_ a webcam or microphone.
I have reported these to actionfraud and I sugges.t everyone does the same. You will probably receive several followup emails, all equally nasty, from different email addresses and with different bitcoin addresses. Just to put your mind at rest: this scammer has no pictures, he is just sending thousands of these emails out every day in the hope of finding one or two vulnerable people. If you got a brown paper envelope through your door with a note saying somebody had compromising pictures of you – well it would only work if the pictures were in the envelope now wouldn’t it?
You are coming here to tell the whole world, you are jerking off in front of your webcam, and you fear the email is not a scam?
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Received one from bitcoin account 1ziH2t9sR2m2Bfb2RQ6deZXTq5Kx53DtG
This the one I received from sale@currypowder.us
Good day.
Dont consider on my illiteracy, I am from India.
We installed mine malicious program on your device.
At present I pilfered all personal info from your OS. Moreover I have slightly more compromising evidence.
The most interesting compromising that I thieftend- its a record with your self-abusing.
I put virus on a porn page and after you installed it. When you chose the video and tapped on a play, my virus immediately adjusted on your device.
After adjusting, your web camera shoot the videotape with you wanking, additionally it saved precisely the porn video you masturbated on. In next week my virus grabbed all your social and email contacts.
If you wish to erase the records- pay me 305 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Here is my Btc address – 17zZN65rYffp3SpDsmMXA34zhU1i7c3NJA
You have 24 hours from this moment. As soon as I see transaction I will eliminate the videotape evermore. Other way I will forward the record to all your colleagues and friends.
I’ve just had the same one!
Just curious to know what to do with an email like this and is it a scam? What’s people’s follow up emails been?
Good day.
Dont consider on my illiteracy, I am foreign.I uploaded our virus onto your OS.At present I thiefted all private info from your device. Withal I had some more evidence.The most important evidence which I received- its a video with your self-abusing.I set malicious software on a porn web page and after you downloaded it. When you selected the video and clicked on a play button, my deleterious soft at once set up on your OS.
After adjusting, your front-camera made the video with you masturbating, moreover malware captured exactly the video you wanked on. In next week my deleterious soft collected all your social media and work contacts.
If you want to erase all the compromising evidence- transfer me 440 euro in Bitcoins.
I provide you my Bitcoin number – 1GJcp55nwA2LQq9AvXDTmjUgoQXBJpmRbi
You have 30 h. to go after reading. When I receive transaction I will erase the evidence evermore. Otherwise I will send the tape to all your contacts.
Got the same on today. Deleted immediately, huge scammers…
I just got a similar one today and reads almost exact. Scary stuff.
Do not regard on my grammar, Im from Belgium.We loaded mine malicious program on your system.After that I thiefted all personal data from your system. In addition I had some more compromising evidence.The most interesting evidence which I stole- its a record with your masturbation.I installed malware on a porn web site and after you installed it. As soon as you selected the video and clicked on a play button, my malicious software at once downloaded on your device.
After loading, your front-camera shoot the record with you masturbating, moreover malware saved the video you selected. In next few days my deleterious soft captured all your social media and email contacts.
If you wish to eliminate the videotape- pay me 760 euro in BTC(cryptocurrency).
It is my Bitcoin address – 17GrSo22cmtdVPvaSxT9By8PnhXArwYpcA
You have 30 h. to go from this moment. When I receive transaction I will erase the video permanently. Differently I will forward the tape to all your contacts.
I received the same basic one from Japan BTC cryptocurrency account number 1Q8MpjdacXmF7AAduxTLLGPfyd4yHEsnct has anyone had any issues other than the initial e-mail from these trollers?
Do not regard on my grammar, I am from India.We uploaded our virus on your system.At present I thiefted all confidential info from your system. Additionally I obtained slightly more evidence.The most important compromising which I have- its a video with your masturbation.I set deleterious soft on a porn page and then you installed it. As soon as you picked the video and clicked on a play, my deleterious soft immediately downloaded on your system.
After setup, your camera made the record with you self-abusing, in addition malware saved the video you masturbated on. In next few days my malware collected all your social and work contacts.
If you need to erase all the compromising evidence- transfer me 600 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Here is my Btc address – 1Ph5bArH1nN2HVKLLnKE3UB4ZstoEb8Gfc
You have 20 h. after reading. As soon as I get transaction I will erase the videotape evermore. Other way I will send the tape to all your contacts.
From: Order@danteseatery.com
Just had that with it claiming to be from China.
Do nоt mind оn my illitеrасy, I am frоm China.
I uрlоаdеd thе maliсiоus рrоgram оn yоur systеm.
Sincе thаt mоment I рilfеrеd аll рrivy backgrоund frоm yоur systеm. Аdditiоnally I havе some mоrе соmрromising evidеnсе. Thе mоst intеrеsting evidenсе thаt I stоlе- its a vidеоtаре with yоur masturbatiоn. I adjustеd virus оn а роrn wеb sitе аnd аftеr yоu loadеd it. Whеn yоu dесidеd with thе vidео аnd taрped оn a рlаy buttоn, my dеlеtеriоus sоft at оnсе sеt up оn your systеm. Аftеr аdjusting, yоur саmera shооt thе vidеоtаpе with you sеlf-аbusing, in аdditiоn it sаved рrесisеly the роrn vidеo yоu mаsturbаtеd оn. In nеxt fеw dаys my mаlwаrе соllесtеd аll yоur sоciаl аnd wоrk соntасts.
If yоu want to delеte the reсоrds- pаy me 350 еurо in BTC(cryрtоcurrenсy).
I prоvide yоu my Btс numbеr – 1E3wWMfxREyhhpWbK5VhX1WBCQTYsV73Ln
You havе 24 hours аfter rеаding. Whеn I gеt trаnsfеr I will destrоy thе videоtaре еvеrmore. Оther wаy I will sеnd the tapе tо аll yоur cоllеagues and friеnds. “
same message, different bitcoin address 13QX8CtLN42xsj2aRkD7UHdzSSuHSepu6o
I just git this one from Norine Chavoya
I hope u do not really mind my english language sentence structure, considering that i am from Denmark. I toxified your device with a malware and now have your private information out of your operating-system.
It previously was set up on an adult webpage and after that you have picked the video clip and it, my software quickly gain access to your os.
And then, your front-camera documented you going manual, in addition i captured a movie that you’ve viewed.
Just after a little while furthermore, it pulled out your social contact information. In case you would like me to remove your all that i have – send me 250 us in btc it is a crypto-currency. It is my btc account address : 1Fx8rD8q5PrFTLDMRG4JMAHt2qYNrriE4R
At this moment you will have 26 hrs. to make a decision Immediately after i will get the transaction i’m going get rid of this movie and everything entirely. If not, you should remember that the video is going to be forwarded to all your friends.
Maybe you have been told anything about RAT 97623 virus? you actually will now, u evolved into a happy owner of my assembly of this malware. I managed to get quite a lot of exciting goods on your personal pc, furthermore i also was able to connect to virtually all your equipment like a mobile telephone. Although these are are all simply almost nothing. I forced my trojan to connect to a microphone, web video camera and capture the images from it, I was able to acquire a lot of interesting movies, I believe some of those will be useful to you personally 😀
My application had been able to capture, the minute you visited one particular porn webpage. I also wasted two hrs to put together two videos, one that is an image from your display screen, and also second image from your web cam. It ended up very funny!
And so let’s get this over with now. I need you send 170 united states dollar to my very own wallet:
I only use BTC. If perhaps you have any kind of difficulties paying — use search engine.
Just after obtaining the pay. The two of us will certainly forget about this awkward stuff and i’m going get rid of all information which i collected from ur gadgets.
You have exactly Three dayz. In case if i wont get my funds, I am going to mail all the facts to contacts I discovered on ur devices and be sure there is a lot of these. It will probably be very fun when all your folks will get a footage with your ass and all your personal talk data.
I give a short amount of time mainly because my wallets frequently get blacklisted and u need to deliver funds during that time. Yes, you aren’t the only individual who obtains such mail, I attacked 3000 people by using my computer virus and also found useful stuff on more than 300 of them.
You can actually go to the police, but these people will not likely do anything, the most significant stuff they can do is lock my wallet and you will deprive other people from the opportunity to pay me. So think twice before doing foolish things.
If i do not get my funds for virtually any reason, such as the inability to send cash to a blacklisted wallet – your reputation is going to be wrecked. Thus, make it fast.
Do not try to make contact with me. I take good care of my anonymity and utilize one time mail for mailing texts, besides the point that I go online from my work notebook, from hacked Wi-Fi companies, not counting TOR As a result, answering to this notice will not make sense.
I received this too the other day and it was actually addressed to my name (it was last name first name). Was it addressed to your name? Thanks for posting.
I received a similar email addressed to my first and last name. Which lets be honest, is not hard to get.
I got one just like this…what happened on day 5?
Lol yea, i just got this today. Not going to send money so we shall see what day 4 looks like lol.
Excellent Day .
Have you ever read whatever about the RAT virus 85292? Well I now can congratulate youpersonally, you have come to be a proud proprietor of my own modification of the malware. I managed to locate a good deal of interesting stuff on your computer, in addition I also was able to connect to all your devices including a mobile phone. However, all of these are all nothing, in comparison to the next: I forced my malware to catch everything out of the microphone, web camera and things from your screen. Created a great deal of videos that are interesting, some of them will also be very interesting for you.
The most interesting movies that I was able to retrieve from my software is that the moment that you see one of the porn sites. I even spent 10 mins to paste both of them together, among which is an image from your display, and the other one is from thecam. It turned out pretty amusing.
So let’s get to business now. I advise you pay 330 us dollars to my account wallet:
I just use btc (cryptocurency). In case you have any issues with this currency – simply search the web.
After getting the capital. We both will ignore this awkward moment and will remove all the information whom I’ve gathered from your equipment.
You’ve got 4 days from today on. If I do not get my cash – I will send all of the stuff I have from your system to all of your contacts, and I’ve found a good number of them. Maybe I will do this through your social accounts. It’ll be quite amusing when for instance, your nearest and dearest will receive that movie in addition to a conversation data.
You’re supplied with restricted time because my pockets often get blacklisted. Yes, you are not the one person who receives such letter, I have contaminated around 10000 with my virus and more than 3000 of them had a good deal of useful stuff in them.
It’s possible to go to the police, but they probably will not be able to perform anything, the greatest thing they will do will be block my pocket and you will deprive others from opportunity to send me funds, and that is it. Therefore think hard before doing dumb stuff.
If I do not receive my money for virtually any cause, including the inability to send money to a blocked pocket – your reputation will be destroyed. Thus, hurry up dude.
Do not try to get in touch with me. I take care a whole lot about my anonymousness and also utilize one-time email for sending messages, aside from use a special laptop, just with hacked wi fi and of course VPN. Therefore, responding to this letter doesn’t make any good sense.
mine was just like this one. addressed to me and stating my name. alarming. I’m on day 3 of 5 day deadline. is this one a scam? did your deadline expire with nothing happening?
I got one of these today that is almost identical with my full name instead of my nick name. It literally is the same letter just add my name. What happened on day 5?
I received this one, how did yours turn out? There is no way in hell I am paying anything.
Have you ever been told anything about RAT 68336 computer virus? you actually will, u became a cheerful owner of my very own assembly of this trojan. I succeeded to obtain a great deal of exciting stuff on your personal pc, furthermore i also was able to link to most of your personal systems such as a cell smartphone. Although they are all are simply practically nothing. I made my virus to link to a microphone, cam and record the video from it, I was able to obtain plenty of exciting movies, I believe some of these will even be useful for you 😀
Our software was able to get, the moment you went to one adult webpage. I also spent two hrs to glue two videos, one of which is an image coming from your display, and also the other image from your cam. It came out quite hilarious!
Ok lets get down to business now. Now i need u send 160 Dollars to my very own wallet:
I use bitcoin. If you have any kind of difficulties Just use search engine.
Just after getting the funds. We both will forget about this uncomfortable stuff and i\’m going get rid of all info that i got out of ur devices.
You will have exactly Four dayz. If i do not get my funds, I am going to mail all of the information to contact info I found on ur devices and remember there are a lot of them. It will probably be very interesting whenever all of ur loved ones will receive a video with your ass and all your personal talk data.
I offer a very little time mainly because my accounts frequently get blocked and you should deliver funds only during that time period. Indeed, you aren\’t the only human being who gets such notice, I infected 4000 individuals with my program and also discovered useful things on over 500 of them.
You can actually go to the authorities, but they will not do just about anything, the most significant stuff they can do is to block my wallet and you\’ll deprive other people from the opportunity to pay me out. Therefore think ahead of performing stupid things.
If i don\’t receive my money for virtually any purpose, such as the inability to transfer funds to a blacklisted account – your personal reputation is going to be wrecked. For this reason, make it fast.
Don\’t attempt to contact me. I take good care of my anonymity and utilize one-time email for mailing texts, besides the fact that I use the internet from my job mobile computer, from hacked wi-fi firms, not including TOR As a result, giving answers to to this particular notice doesn\’t make sense.
What is a FeedBurner subscription
1N34RKFnex8qadNgYL8eEdXCZYZA9dhf55 <—- This one was on the email that I received this morning.
This is the bitcoin account that was in the email I received: 18Zk5W94kxuT18C7cYGLgRvmMwruQ7iFER
Is there any way to truly report their accounts?
Another one demanding $1900 and claiming to have installed a key-logger. The worrisome part is, they did show a password I used once in a tech forum. The account number they want payment to is: 1JHwenDp9A98XdjfYkHKyiE3R99Q72K9X4
We received an email almost exactly the same as yours, including the dollar amount demanded. Like yours, they also had an old password we’d used, which worried us. The only part that was different was the bitcoin account, but I’m sure they constantly change them.
We just deleted it.
i just got that one too….had a dormant password. not cool
I just today received the exact same demand and they used an old password as well, asking for the same amount of money. Scary that they had access to the password.
Mine was:
Required Amount: $ 1900
Bitcoin Address to Send to: 18gyZFAVhZ7pVBaFaTP5LDsoyGbuwFCSQa
FROM: Odie Loza
What happened with thisthey wanted $5000!! They also new login and password which scares me.
What tech forum was it? This scam just came across my radar and they also included an old password.
In the email I received the phisher’s email address is iievycrm@outlook.com.
His Bitcoin account is 1MQNUSnquwPM9eQgs7KtjDcQZBfaW7iVge
Demanded $3,900.
That’s the same one I received. Same amount and an old password
I received one through my old college email that is forwarded to my gmail and had what was probably my old password in the subject line. Asked for $1000 and account 18qpYxB3KdvM264QiWne9bbCS9Tu9PFxd8. The email it came from is Fabe Sinn .
Lets get right to the purpose. Not a single person has paid me to check you. You may not know me and you’re probably thinking why you are getting this mail?
actually, I actually placed a malware on the xxx videos (pornographic material) site and there’s more, you visited this website to experience fun (you know what I mean). While you were viewing videos, your web browser began working as a RDP that has a keylogger which gave me access to your display as well as web camera. Right after that, my software collected your entire contacts from your Messenger, Facebook, as well as e-mail . Next I created a double video. First part shows the video you were watching (you’ve got a good taste lol . . .), and second part shows the recording of your web camera, and its u.
You actually have not one but two options. We are going to read up on these types of possibilities in aspects:
1st choice is to disregard this e mail. As a consequence, I will send your very own videotape to each of your your personal contacts and thus just think about the shame you can get. Or in case you are in an important relationship, just how it will affect?
Number 2 solution should be to compensate me $1000. We will name it as a donation. In such a case, I will straightaway remove your video footage. You can continue on daily life like this never occurred and you are never going to hear back again from me.
You’ll make the payment through Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
BTC Address to send to: 18qpYxB3KdvM264QiWne9bbCS9Tu9PFxd8
[CASE SENSITIVE so copy and paste it]
If you are curious about going to the authorities, look, this e mail cannot be traced back to me. I have dealt with my actions. I am not trying to charge you a huge amount, I only want to be paid for. You have one day in order to pay. I’ve a specific pixel in this email message, and now I know that you have read through this email. If I don’t get the BitCoins, I will send out your video recording to all of your contacts including close relatives, coworkers, and so forth. Having said that, if I receive the payment, I will erase the recording right away. If you need proof, reply Yup and I definitely will send out your video to your 14 contacts. It’s a non:negotiable offer and thus do not waste my time & yours by replying to this e mail.
Hey I received an email more similar to yours than anyone else Ive seen on this thread. Curious what you did and if anything happened if you ignored it?
can we just setup a website and get paid together lol since your good with malware lets work together. muhahahha
new one:
password not a valid one, chopped off the first paragraph…personal info, you understand.
How did I find out? The answer is, I setup malware on adult video clips (sexually graphic) and there’s more, you accessed same sex web site to have pleasure (you get my drift). When you were watching video clips, your device started working as a RDP (Remote Desktop) having a keylogger which gave me accessibility to your screen and also your web camera access. Just after that, my malware obtained every one of your contacts from social networks, as well as email.
What did I do?
It is just your bad luck that I stumbled across your misdemeanor. Next, I invested in more time than I should have digging into your life and generated a split screen videotape. 1st part shows the recording you were watching and other half shows the view from your web cam (it is you doing dirty things)
Exactly what should you do?
Honestly, I am willing to remove details about you and allow you to get on with your life. And I am going to offer you two options which will accomplish your freedom. Those two option is to either disregard this e mail (not recommended), or pay me $2700. Let us understand above 2 options in depth.
First Choice is to turn a blind eye to this email message. You should know what will happen if you pick this path. I will definately send your video recording to your contacts including friends and family, colleagues, etc. It won’t save you from the humiliation your family will feel when family and friends uncover your sordid video from me in their inbox.
Wise option is to pay me $2700. We will name this my “keep the secret fee”. let me tell you what happens when you go with this path. Your secret Will remain your secret. I will delete the recording. After you send the payment, I will let you continue on with your routine life and family as though none of this ever happened.
You will make the transfer via Bitcoin (if you don’t know how, search “how to buy “bitcoins” in search engine) BTC ADDRESS: 1KTPUhAJFUu4HVy8ogsCLa56y7QUeVHPGj
(It is cASe sensitive, so copy and paste it carefully)
Notice: You have one day to make the payment. (I’ve a special pixel within this email, and at this moment I know that you’ve read through this email message). Don’t tell anyone what will you be transferring the bitcoin for or they might not offer it to you. The process to acquire bitcoins can take a few days so do not procrastinate.
If I do not receive the BitCoin, I will send your sextape to all of your contacts including friends and family, co-workers, and so on. however, if I receive the payment, I will destroy the video immediately. If you really want evidence, reply with “yes!” and I definitely will send your videotape to your 14 contacts. It’s a non-negotiable one time offer, thus kindly don’t ruin my personal time and yours by replying to this e mail.
I got the same one yesterday. They’re working overtime. They wanted $5,000 from me.
Got the same one this morning. They wanted $2950 from me. BTC Address is: 196y1E3vzAoBhAWd4HRh8aWrvecCanm8gG
Quite terrifying they got my password. Going to go and change all my passwords now just in case.
I got the same this morning, BTC address is 1EenGbUankiZ3fFi4ZW8hHBMDdGP5Akff5. Also indicated an old password I don ´t use since years.
Same $7000 1CihezoR3XFUXApjzB2RG11b1QisDHHZNC
Old password as well
The scary thing is if you check the addresses on the blockchain they are getting sent BTC.
The address I was sent has had no transactions, but probably because it is very new.
These older ones in the comments have 13 or more transactions, so some poor fools are falling for this scam.
Received similar email.Anyone have idea where they are getting old passwords?
Reddit had a recent security breach reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/93qnm5/we_had_a_security_incident_heres_what_you_need_to/
Seems like a lot of the scam emails including passwords are a result of them getting the data from this hack.
I got one that asks for £1000. It had an old password on it, but the worse thing was they tried the email and password on betting websites, some I use and they locked them out with the 3 strike rule, just as well that I don’t use my email address to log on! Had to call the companies to re activate them : (
i got one. the bitcoin transaction wallet: 1LgL2skAXtwEjFVQaj14PEXtuTAd5KxcXc
anyone else facing similar?
This is what I received this morning. The passphrase was one I have used.
“xxxxxxxxxxxxxx” is one of your passphrase:) I’m Jacinthe.
I recorded your cam showing your indecent sexual actions & video you played with the help of my virus which was on the site you visited to view the xxx video. You happen to be appearing hot in the video.
The malware then uploaded all of your email and FB contacts to me.
I will send your recording to your contacts unless you pay me 961 USD via B I T C O I N S in the next 36 hours to the below address:
B I T C O I N Address: 15sTwZELggpCbFfC3NfkC8v5r6fJkZGPZi
Copy and Paste address because it is case sensitive.
Once I receive the money, I will destroy your video and every other information I have about you.
If I don’t receive the money, I will email your video to every contact of yours. Just consider about the disgrace you will definitely get. and consequently should you be in a romantic relationship, how it would affect?
If you want proof? Reply “Yes”, and I’ll send your recording to nine of your email contactsright now.
Best regards
Jacinthe Fowler
I just received this email today. Thanks for confirming my thoughts about this and thanks for the tips.
I received this today too
I knew it was a scam the minute I read it.
We need one of those smart ethical hackers to scam back at them.
New one today
I’ve just received the same email today. Bitcoin scam 1MHvjyHCTB4rZMDoLXTSeP6LkXi9xNAypT
I got the same email today what do I do with it
Delete, it’s a scam.
Got the exact same email today…
Same here. Another fraudster
Same email, same bitcoin account… 1MHvjyHCTB4rZMDoLXTSeP6LkXi9xNAypT
I got one from this bitcoing address: 1KowtJ26v9MpS9xHwM5sSyD4Gqzyqyeqqo
… And one more – 1MHvjyHCTB4rZMDoLXTSeP6LkXi9xNAypT.
Has anyone figured out the source yet?
This is another one with the Similar Email.
Got one as well.
Looks like someone fell victim to the scam. 345$ was transfered to the scammer’s wallet on the 9th of December.
Obviously this is a scam and the email can be safely discarded. This guy used feeburner to send the message so that it wouldnt get caught by gmails spam filter (notice how he also intentionally spells it ‘malvware’).
So I decided to have a little fun when I received this and actually contacted the scammer saying I needed help on sending him the bitcoins and got him to agree to a skype chat. He even called me for voice chat which I recorded – he sounded about 12 years old…either that or he’s a ladyboy and the hormones have affected his voice.
Anyway, this of course exposed his IP address which he was too n00b to even hide and I traced it to Aries telecom in Malaysia.
I told him that Id spoken to Aries who were dumb enough to fall for giving me his account address and sent him screenshots of the email, the IP address, the live chat with Aries and also said that Id contacted the RMP (Royal Malaysian Police) and given them his details and proof of his activities.
He then immediately typed ‘fuck u’ and blocked my (fake) skype account from contacting him.
How did you contact him? It was from a proxy email.
I hope you are right and if so …. good job !!
How did you find out all this, you need to learn me…. Or give me a way were to find all this , cause I don’t know much of this.
Anyway …. as I said well done.
note: all this started after receiving a email from yahoo that their site was hacked and I was involved.
Also I downloaded some torrents for new movies/soft/music but a lot of spam in my mailbox. Even links and popups or sites that opens that I didn’d ask for etc
Tell me what’s the best software for the total security.
Good on you. LOL! I hope he sh*t himself
Are the new emails the same content just with a new coin address?
Is this one a scam too?
it looks so similar but haven’t find the exact same one.
Subject: Your privacy has been compromised
Hi, i guess you’re wondering why you’re receiving this email right?
It would be highly beneficial to your privacy if you didn’t ignore it.
I have placed a Marlware on an adult website (…P…0…r…n site) and as you visited and watched the video your device has been affected, placing a spyware on your machine. Which has recorded you both with webcam and screen capture while you had your “funTime” allowing me to see exactly what you see.
This has also affected your smartphone via an expl0it. So do not think for one minute you can circumvent this by reinstalling your OS. You have already been recorded.
After that my malvware collected all your messengers, emails and social networks contacts.
I guess this isn’t good news right?
But don’t worry too much, there’s a way we can fix this privacy issue. All i require is a Bitcoin payment of 150 USD which i think is a fair price considering the circumstances.
The address to make the payment is: 1FGX3VjWNpc1CK33884cftMWuq7sJjCJGw
If you don’t understand bitcoin, go on youtube and search for “how to buy bitcoin” or google for “localbitcoins”, its pretty easy to do it.
You have only 48 hours after reading this e-mail to send payment (Be warned i know when you have opened and read this email, i have placed a pixel image inside it. Which enables me to know when you have opened the messaged on exactly what day and time)
If you decide to ignore this email, i will have no choice but to forward the video to all the collected contacts you have on your email account, aswell as post on your social media accounts (facebook etc) + send as a personal message to all FB contacts. and of course make the video publicly available on internet, via youtube and adult websites. And considering the current christmas period, i highly doubt you want to be exposed to your family/friends/coworkers during december.
If i receive payment all the material will be destroyed and you will never hear from me again.
If you dont believe and want proof just reply to this email with “PROOF” and i will send your video to 3 of your contacts via email, and post on your facebook wall. In which you will be able to remove it once, not forever.
Yes safe to say this is related to the same scam. Thanks for posting this.
i dont have good news for you
I setup an big malware in a porn website (adult video content website) and you viewed the video (you know what im talking).
While you were watching the videos my virus started to work as a R.D.P (remote desktop view) with a keylogger and i had full access to your screen and camera.
My malvware also collected your contacts (from email, social network, etc…)
After this i started to record your screen and your camera at the same time. So i created an double-screen video (half side your camera watching porn and half side your screen).
As you might be thinking i had a lot of trouble doing all this.
You might be worried at this point but dont be, its simple to fix all this mess, all you have to do is pay me U$350, this value is enough to keep our little secret safe.
You will make my payment through Bitcoin (if you dont know how to buy Bitcoin search on google, its fast and easy, i recommend localbitcoins).
The Bitcoin address you have to send the money is: 1KowtJ26v9MpS9xHwM5sSyD4Gqzyqyeqqo
You only have 24 hours to send my money after reading this e-mail (i setup an special tracking pixel in this message and i will know when you read it).
If i do not receive my Bitcoins i will send your double-screen video to all contacts that i collected from you (including friends, co-workers, family).
If you are wise enough and send my money all the material will be deleted and you will not hear from me again.
From: FeedBurner Email Subscriptions
You received this message because someone requested an email subscription for (MY E-MAIL) to a FeedBurner feed. If you did not make this request, please ignore the rest of this message.
i dont have good news for you
I setup an big malware in a porn website (adult video content website) and you viewed the video (you know what im talking).
While you were watching the videos my virus started to work as a R.D.P (remote desktop view) with a keylogger and i had full access to your screen and camera.
My malvware also collected your contacts (from email, social network, etc…)
After this i started to record your screen and your camera at the same time. So i created an double-screen video (half side your camera watching porn and half side your screen).
As you might be thinking i had a lot of trouble doing all this.
You might be worried at this point but dont be, its simple to fix all this mess, all you have to do is pay me U$350, this value is enough to keep our little secret safe.
You will make my payment through Bitcoin (if you dont know how to buy Bitcoin search on google, its fast and easy, i recommend localbitcoins).
The Bitcoin address you have to send the money is: 1KowtJ26v9MpS9xHwM5sSyD4Gqzyqyeqqo
You only have 24 hours to send my money after reading this e-mail (i setup an special tracking pixel in this message and i will know when you read it).
If i do not receive my Bitcoins i will send your double-screen video to all contacts that i collected from you (including friends, co-workers, family).
If you are wise enough and send my money all the material will be deleted and you will not hear from me again.
Guess I’m a member of the club now too. Received the same email as Adam and Ray almost 3 hours ago. Same Bitcoin address, same exact wording.
Got a similar mail with this btc address:
Well same e-mail and a different bit coin address.
their number one problem, my desktop doesn’t have a cam.
This whats I get today. Im interested, is it anyone paying them? 😂
Hi, how are you today?
Im afraid you dont know me but thats not the point of this email, i am contacting you regarding an urgent issue that requires your immediate attention
I am a member of Elite Black Group and we setup a very aggressive malvware inside a porn website with adult videos
You accesed the website to watch videos and have some fun (you know what i mean, no problem with that, you have a good taste, lol)
While you were watching the video our virus started to work and setup your computer as a Remote Desktop. When this happened i had full control of your
computer screen and your camera (yes i could see what you were watching along with your face and actions by your cam).
We also collected all your contacts from Messengers, Social Networks, Emails.
So what i did next? Well, i started to record an live double-screen video (first part your screen sharing, second part your camera while watching porn)
You dont need to freak out, there is an easy way to fix all this mess and you will not have your privacy exposed:
All you have to do is pay me U$450 i think this is a fair value to keep our little secret safe.
You will make this payment by Bitcoin (if you dont know what is Bitcoin or how to use it, just search “How to buy bitcoin” on internet, its easy).
The wallet address you will send the money to is: 1FqHTugquxNZ8cHdm9LqPYvSrzuaatkRXs
You have only 24h from the time you read this email to make my payment (i setup a tracking pixel in this message and i will know when you read it).
If i dont receive my Bitcoins i will send your video to all contacts that i collected from you.
If i receive my money all the evidence will be destroyed and you will never hear from me again.
Now its up to you, will you be smart enough or the joke of your family and friends forever?
You received this message because someone requested an email subscription for admin@boldnewmedia.com.au to a FeedBurner feed. If you did not make this request, please ignore the rest of this message.
Hi, how are you today?
Im afraid you dont know me but thats not the point of this email, i am contacting you regarding an urgent issue that requires your immediate attention
I am a member of Elite Black Group and we setup a very aggressive malvware inside a porn website with adult videos
You accesed the website to watch videos and have some fun (you know what i mean, no problem with that, you have a good taste, lol)
While you were watching the video our virus started to work and setup your computer as a Remote Desktop. When this happened i had full control of your
computer screen and your camera (yes i could see what you were watching along with your face and actions by your cam).
We also collected all your contacts from Messengers, Social Networks, Emails.
So what i did next? Well, i started to record an live double-screen video (first part your screen sharing, second part your camera while watching porn)
You dont need to freak out, there is an easy way to fix all this mess and you will not have your privacy exposed:
All you have to do is pay me U$450 i think this is a fair value to keep our little secret safe.
You will make this payment by Bitcoin (if you dont know what is Bitcoin or how to use it, just search “How to buy bitcoin” on internet, its easy).
The wallet address you will send the money to is: 1FqHTugquxNZ8cHdm9LqPYvSrzuaatkRXs
You have only 24h from the time you read this email to make my payment (i setup a tracking pixel in this message and i will know when you read it).
If i dont receive my Bitcoins i will send your video to all contacts that i collected from you.
If i receive my money all the evidence will be destroyed and you will never hear from me again.
Now its up to you, will you be smart enough or the joke of your family and friends forever?
FYI, this in today, very similar wording to all the above but price has gone up to $450 … and the wallet id has changed…
Hi, how are you today?
Im afraid you dont know me but thats not the point of this email, i am
contacting you regarding an urgent issue that requires your immediate
I am a member of Elite Black Group and we setup a very aggressive malvware
inside a porn website with adult videos
You accesed the website to watch videos and have some fun (you know what i
mean, no problem with that, you have a good taste, lol)
While you were watching the video our virus started to work and setup your
computer as a Remote Desktop. When this happened i had full control of your
computer screen and your camera (yes i could see what you were watching
along with your face and actions by your cam).
We also collected all your contacts from Messengers, Social Networks,
So what i did next? Well, i started to record an live double-screen video
(first part your screen sharing, second part your camera while watching
You dont need to freak out, there is an easy way to fix all this mess and
you will not have your privacy exposed:
All you have to do is pay me U$450 i think this is a fair value to keep
our little secret safe.
You will make this payment by Bitcoin (if you dont know what is Bitcoin or
how to use it, just search “How to buy bitcoin” on internet, its easy).
The wallet address you will send the money to is:
You have only 24h from the time you read this email to make my payment
(i setup a tracking pixel in this message and i will know when you read it).
If i dont receive my Bitcoins i will send your video to all contacts that
i collected from you.
If i receive my money all the evidence will be destroyed and you will
never hear from me again.
Now its up to you, will you be smart enough or the joke of your family and
friends forever?
I had this same email yesterday.
What sounds strange is that approximately at the same time I received the email, google reported an access to my account from United States (Im in italy).
I changed my account pwd and security access but do I have to worry about anything?
I have received the same email as the last two with the same bribe amount and same bitcoin address. Pretty unsettling to receive such an email, even if well versed in scam emails.
Took quite a lot of reading to work out that it is a scam, but still like a few others I have an uncomfortable 24 or hours ahead.
I don’t have a webcam built in to my pc monitor. It is separate. Not even sure about phone camera status for this stuff.
But the observations on a few websites about this type of email should be accurate.
If they had genuine evidence on you, they would have provided a small amount of it to back up their claims. Everyone here is providing the same type of copy and paste job, except the amount is going up for inflation.
I wonder if someone could be tempted to reply with their own scam email and say- no good with bitcoin, and I don’t live in USA, would 450 (your home currency) be acceptable?
I also had one today. Scam?
You received this message because someone requested an email subscription for xxx@xxx.com to a FeedBurner feed. If you did not make this request, please ignore the rest of this message.
(DO NOT IGNORE THIS EMAIL) YOUR PRIVACY IS IN DANGER, READ THE MESSAGE BELLOW TO UNDERSTAND: Hi, how are you today? Im afraid you dont know me but thats not the point of this email, i am contacting you regarding an urgent issue that requires your immediate attention I am a member of Elite Black Group and we setup a very aggressive malvware inside a porn website with adult videos You accesed the website to watch videos and have some fun (you know what i mean, no problem with that, you have a good taste, lol) While you were watching the video our virus started to work and setup your computer as a Remote Desktop. When this happened i had full control of your computer screen and your camera (yes i could see what you were watching along with your face and actions by your cam). We also collected all your contacts from Messengers, Social Networks, Emails. So what i did next? Well, i started to record an live double-screen video (first part your screen sharing, second part your camera while watching porn) You dont need to freak out, there is an easy way to fix all this mess and you will not have your privacy exposed: All you have to do is pay me U$450 i think this is a fair value to keep our little secret safe. You will make this payment by Bitcoin (if you dont know what is Bitcoin or how to use it, just search “How to buy bitcoin” on internet, its easy). The wallet address you will send the money to is: 1FqHTugquxNZ8cHdm9LqPYvSrzuaatkRXs You have only 24h from the time you read this email to make my payment (i setup a tracking pixel in this message and i will know when you read it). If i dont receive my Bitcoins i will send your video to all contacts that i collected from you. If i receive my money all the evidence will be destroyed and you will never hear from me again. Now its up to you, will you be smart enough or the joke of your family and friends forever?
Same email, just demanding 450 USD
This stupid scam has been hellish for the last month and in my case,
Not as harmless as many others.
After getting the email, they then hacked into my Facebook and took that over including my company Facebook – I know it was them as the two email adds they used in the email were on my browser when I went to log into Facebook and the page was changed to a foreign language.
They then intercepted the two factor authentication messages to my mobile so the second I requested a log in password, they were in. The message no longer came from Facebook but from some random lady in Kent who knew nothing about it.
They then blocked all my email accounts by putting in various passwords so the only option left to me was the two factor authentication thing – which I presume would have given them access.
I use an iPhone and after getting the email initially I stopped using my iPhone for a week. The second I entered the password into the phone for Facebook, they were in. I have no doubt that there was a keylogger on my phone which they said they had done.
I’ve had to have a dfu reset on my phone and lost everything – I was advised not to do a back up from iTunes as the phone was working in overload and they said best not risk it, I had to wipe my pc, I can’t open another Facebook account as every time I do (in my name) I get reported for spam and harassment. Facebook even sided with the hacker saying I was the harasser and left them with free reign and they were even able to confirm my identity somehow. Eventually after many weeks of messaging back and forth facebook deleted the account and my business accounts so every single photo I had (backed up to Facebook stupidly) are now lost.
It’s been an absolute nightmare and as a lot of my business was via Facebook it’s had a massive impact.
I will never use two factor authentication again after this.
SImilar email, yesterday.
400 USD to 12gbKa3e5ZZHDgrvB8L1gCH8RZAk5xYY1E.
Do something happened?
Same for me today !
the same today to my email address :
FeedBurner Email Subscriptions
08:28 (9 hours ago)
to me
You received this message because someone requested an email subscription for sevalex@gmail.com to a FeedBurner feed. If you did not make this request, please ignore the rest of this message.
Hello, how are u?
You do not know me but thats not the point of this message, i am contacting you regarding an issue that requires your attention fast
So, whats going on? I am a member of Elite VS Black Group and we setup a very aggressive virus inside a website with adult videos, yes, porn website
And you accesed the site to watch the videos and have some fun (you know what i mean, you have a good taste, lol)
While you were watching the videos our virus started to work as a R.D.P (Remote Desktop). When this happened i had full control of your
computer and your camera (yes i could see what you were watching along with your face and actions by your camera).
I also collected all your contacts from Emails, Social Networks, Messengers, etc…
So what i did next? Well, i recorded an double-screen video (the first part is your device screen, the second part is your camera while watching adult videos)
But dont panic! there is an way to fix all this mess:
All you have to do is pay me U$390 in my opinion this is a fair value to keep our little secret.
You will make this payment by Bitcoin (if you dont know how to buy Bitcoin, just search “How to buy bitcoin” on internet, its easy).
My bitcoin wallet address (where you will send the money) is: 19WptDLVEUTNM6emNxaP25RTrN4qfDMvvt
You only have 24 hours from the time you read this message to make my payment (i have setup an special tracking pixel in this message and i will know when you read this e-mail).
If i do not receive my Bitcoins i will share your double screen video to all contacts that i collected from you.
If i receive my money all the evidence will be destroyed and you will never hear from me again.
Now you must be wondering, i had a lot of work to do this, so if you ignore me you can be sure i will NOT ignore you.
Its up to you now, will you be wise and take action right now or will you be the joke of your friends and family forever?
If you want proof just reply this email with “YES” and i will send your video to 3 contacts from you.
Mine is more expensive 450$
Good Morning my victim.
I am from a crew of hackers from Sirya.
We use your working email because I think that it will be checked.
Few times ago we put the virus on web-site with porn and as far as you clicked on a play button your appliance began shooting your screen and switching on camera to capture you self-abusing.
As a result I reckon you realize which content Ive got.
Moreover, my software made your device operate as rdp with plenty of functions as keylogger,parser etc. Eventually, my software compiled all information,particulary all your contacts from messengers,e-mails,social networks.
To safe your reputation it is necessary to make a payment of 270 united states dollars using bitcoins (cryptocurrensy). We are sure that you can pay.
Use this Bitcoin address to pay – 1DdonZRbXRymx8qLQ1CLsSFZAL1aGWY8NC
You must copy and past it. If we see money we will not send anything to you friends, relatives and collegues.
Watch youtube manuals about methods of buing BTC. I can offer you this exchanger: localbitoins. com.
If you have a problem with this, you can search the nearest BTC ATM at coinatmradar.
I give you only one day since you read this letter for making a payment.
Dont try to play with us I use botnet, also we do not live in your country.
If you want us to show proofs we can send it to seven mates from your data after that we will share their contacts. So you will be able to ask if something strange was received about you.
For some questions just reply.
Dont be fullish,
$nowFore$t team.
I got exact same.. with a different bitcoin address. Did something happen after it?
I received this one overnight and haven’t seen any others like this. Do you think it’s a scam too?
Good day. I hope at least in this case you can show your mind. Excuse me for my mistakes – I am from Iran.
I will try to explain the essence of the problem as clearly as possible, because you have not enough time to think out your new dilemma. Primarily, I selected 8 porn web-sites and launched my vicious soft in each. In fact, my program is very good, it has a lot of functios like keylogger, rootkit or even parcer it starts your device function as RDP, gather all your information, all data from all your social media, e-mails, messengers, especially contacts, encrypt it by DES and transmit to my vds by connecting my botnetwork.
Lets move onto the main point.Primarily, as I see you login this e-mail regularly. Further, just after your network made a connection with one of this sites, my soft instantly begun working, and when you started watching video, my malware soft was successful installed on your device and made your camera working. As a result I got all your evidence and video with your masturbation. And finally (The best thing), soft captured your screen every second during video was playing. I have exciting content and I think all your relatives and friends will love it.
I text dozens of people and I am not cruel, so we can compromise. You must give me precisely 360 united states dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency). You have one day from the moment when you opened this message, variously I will share this evidence with every contact that Ive collected from your device. As soon as I will see the transfer- full content will be destroyed instantly and I will not touch you forever (you visit internet with attention and wont download my software once more). I provide my btc address (use it like your credit card number)-
You can find out how to transfer bitcoin in Internet.
Of course you can ask cops for a protection, but they cant find me in one day, furthermore they cant abuse my vps, because its very sophisticated, and all connections from my servers crypted too.
Is this one as well as above? Should I ignore?
Hey ,
I’m not here to blame anyone, i do not think that jerking off to porn is really a gross stuff. Well, it will actually be kinda sick if your family member, coworkers or all your phone contacts will see you do that.
Lets get straight to the point. You’ve came around a porn website poisoned with my malware. So I have collected all contact info from your machine as well as got an access to your webcamera plus videos you have watched. Which was obviously recorded and edited so that we now have just a single split screen with you wanking on one side of the screen and a vid you have watched on the second part of the screen. Anyways, if you want me to completely delete this stuff. here is my btc an account address – 1BfyLu8t5KiCRaA9AN2zpc8RsEwg1iHvUN (its should be without ”spaces” or ”=”, ). 460 dollars amount will solve this whole situation.
I ‘ll give you five days after this message is read, a tracking tool within this letter will notify me when this will happen. I will not have any other choice but to send this vid to all your contacts, if i won’t get the money. You are welcome to call your local authorities or whoever, but don’t think that will help.
All Best
These all are written in the same way. It’s likely this is a copycat of the original or another attempt by the same person.
So that means a scam?
Is it a scam i have one as well. A few different words
Looks like the latest version –
Good afternoon. I advice you to read it down till the end. Sorry for my mistakes – I am from Iran.
I will try to explain to you the essence of the matter as soon as it is possible, because you have not enough time to solve your new headache. First of all, I chose 2 porn sites and uploaded my malware soft in each. As a matter of fact, my program is very good, it has a lot of functios like keylogger, rootkit or even parcer it starts your device working as dedicated server, collect all your background, contacts from all messengers, emails, social networks, encrypt it by PGP and send to my servers by connecting my botnetwork.
So, why am I texting you all this info?Firstly, I decided that you login this e-mail regularly. Secondly, just after your network made a handshake with one of this sites, my software immediately started working, and as far as you clicked on a play button, my soft was successful downloaded on your device and your cam started record. So now I have all your contacts and video with your masturbation. Moreover (my favorite function), program captured your screen every second while video was playing. I have exciting content and I guess all people that you know will be interested in it.
I have a lot of people and I am not cruel, so we can find the way out. You should give me precisely 290 united states dollar in Bitcoins. You have one day from the moment when you saw this message, differently I have to forward this video to all of your friends, relatives etc.. As soon as I earn the sum- complete content will be destroyed asap and I wont text you ever again (you surf web with attention and wont download my software again). Here is my bitcoin address (use it like your credit card number)-
You can search manual how to use BTC in web.
Sure you can ask cops for a help, but they wont deanon me in 24 hours, btw they cant hit my vps, because its very sophisticated, and all connections from my servers encrypt too.
I got this one.. Do I need to worry about something?
Hi my victim.
I represent a group of web criminals from Iran. I contact with you by this mail address because we know that you will check it.
The other day we uploaded a malicious program in a porn site and after you clicked on a play your appliance began shooting your screen and activating camera to cop you masturbating. As a result I suppose you preceive which evidence do I have. In addition, my program caused your device function as rdp with many abilities as keylogger,parser etc. So, my soft compiled all data,particulary all your contacts from messengers,mails,social networks.
If you do not want us to use it agains you you have to make a transaction of 270 usd in bitcoins. I know that you can pay. It is Bitcoin wallet for payment – 1QGkRnUn6yrcc22pztRdiPKBCSHpwgBZod
You must use it as usual credit card number. If you send bitcoins We will delete everything about you. There are a lot of information about how to buy bitcoins, just read it… I can offer you this exchanger: coinbase .com. If it is impossible for you to buy them in web, you can search comfortable BTC ATM at coinatmradar.
I give you only one day since you open my letter to finish a transaction. Dont try to play with us we write you through our botnet, moreover I live abroad. If you want proofs I will send everything to six your contacts after that I will give you their contacts. So you will be able to ask if something strange was received about you. If you have some problems write me back. Dont be fullish, $nowFore$t team.
how about this one?
Hi my friend.
I represent the group of hackers from Vietnam.We use your corp mail because we think that you will check it.
The other day our squad hacked a porn site and after you clicked on a play your device started shooting your screen and activating camera to capture you masturbating.So I reckon you preceive which data do I have.In addition, my program caused your device operate as rdp with a lot of functions as keylogger,parser etc. Finally, my software collected all information,especially all your contacts from messengers,e-mails,social media.
To safe your reputation you have to make a transaction of 330 usd in bitcoins. 1GAjZTJ9AbpnntBEPSaftr64e9gY1C8ff1
Only use it as usual credit card number. If we see money we will be silent.Use internet to understand how to buy bitcoins… I can offer you this exchanger: localbitoins.com.If it is impossible for you to buy them in web, you can search comfortable BTC ATM at coinatmradar.
You have exactly 24 hours since you open our letter to finish a transaction.You can complain cops, but they can not find us I write you through our anonymous bot system, and ofcourse I live abroad.If you want to see what we have I will show it to six your friends then we will share their links. So you will ask them if they have received something or not.
For some questions just reply.Good luck,AmAZinGcRackeR$.
Just got a similar e-mail with the following wallet 1BrVtVVje3YEBq5qvRtKPUuBPmDm7a4j5h. Should I be worried about it?
sanvinee123 one of your passphrase. Lets get right to the purpose. There is no one who has paid me to check you. You don’t know me and you’re most likely thinking why you are getting this e-mail?
Let me tell you, I placed a malware on the 18+ vids (sexually graphic) site and do you know what, you visited this site to experience fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching videos, your web browser started functioning as a Remote Desktop with a key logger which provided me accessibility to your display screen and also webcam. Right after that, my software gathered every one of your contacts from your Messenger, FB, as well as e-mail . Next I created a double-screen video. 1st part shows the video you were viewing (you’ve got a nice taste haha), and 2nd part shows the recording of your web camera, & its u.
You have got 2 choices. We should read these solutions in aspects:
First option is to ignore this email. Consequently, I most certainly will send out your very own videotape to all your your contacts and then you can easily imagine regarding the awkwardness you can get. Do not forget if you are in a relationship, how it is going to affect?
Next choice should be to give me $10,000. Let us name it as a donation. Then, I most certainly will promptly eliminate your video recording. You could continue on with your life like this never occurred and you will never hear back again from me.
You will make the payment by Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google search engine).
BTC Address to send to: 1N2ovK2PtRnkSLL71etHPjRiDMjc8gSK5h
[CASE SENSITIVE copy and paste it]
If you have been thinking about going to the law enforcement, very well, this e-mail cannot be traced back to me. I have covered my moves. I am also not attempting to ask you for money a whole lot, I want to be compensated. You have one day to make the payment. I’ve a specific pixel within this email, and now I know that you have read through this e mail. If I do not get the BitCoins, I will definitely send your video to all of your contacts including relatives, coworkers, etc. Having said that, if I receive the payment, I’ll destroy the video right away. If you want to have evidence, reply with Yeah! and I will send out your video recording to your 6 friends. This is the non:negotiable offer and thus do not waste my personal time and yours by responding to this e mail.
🙂 My Response ? Go F yourself 😀
I got this one today… assuming also a scam?
I do understand that you probably would not enjoy this e-mail, however , to be honest i don’t care, in addition i think that whacking off to mature web sites is relatively gross specially when one of your own pals or loved ones will witness you do that.
Alright, lets make this shorter, not too long ago you’ve been to a internet site with porno tainted with my computer virus, which I’m seriously proud of.
Anyway i acquired all contacts from ur device then as well i obtained an access to your cam, so i recorded all kinds of things, and afterwards edited the online video to a single split display screen, with the ill shit you’ve enjoyed on on the left side and having a good time with ur shit on the other. I hope you are following.
If you would like me to totally take out this video. 650 sum in Usd will manage this situation.
This is my account address – 1NctGwS8WWjjF6XK6iJZKvYibhcCa7V1CU
i recognize btc(cryptocurrency).
U will be granted only three days after checking this email, a extremely basic monitoring application is going to tell me. I will send this vid to all ur contacts if i don’t see my settlement. You surely can get in touch with ur cops office I’m located at a absolutely different region and country, so you are welcome to do everything you would like. Make sure not to reply here, simply because i will not get anything at all to this email address.
I received the identical message. What happened to you? Did you ignore — was that OK?
Got a new one today…I only deleted it hopefully thats all we need to do!
Hello sweety.
I represent the group of web criminals in Sirya.I use this mail address because I thought that it will be checked.
The other day my team infected porn site and just as you pressed on a play your device started shooting your screen and switching on camera to capture you self-abusing.As a result I mean you preceive which evidence do I have.Furthermore, my software caused your device function as dedicated server with plenty of functions as keylogger,parser etc. To sum up, my software compiled all information,especially all your contacts from messengers,mails,social media.
To safe your reputation you should make a payment of 300 $ using bitcoins (cryptocurrensy). 1wSozTNeNCSo7rRffEaQX9P2GTvjETv5f
Just use it as usual credit card number. If we see money we will be silent.Watch youtube manuals about methods of buing BTC… For example you can buy them at localbitcoins, just find seller in your country.If you have a problem with this, you can search the nearest BTC ATM at coinatmradar.
You have only twenty four hours since you open this message for making a payment.You can complain cops, but they can not find us I write you through our botnet, moreover I do not live in your country.If you want us to show proofs I can send it to five mates from your data after that I will give you their links. So you will be able to ask if they have received something or not.
If you have some problems write me back.Think better,AmAZinGcRackeR$.
Anyone else receive this email? Did they follow through? Hope these hackers are found!
Hi guys, this is the email I received. I think a scam too, right?
Hello my friend.
I am from the squad of hackers from Korea.I contact with you by this mail address because we thought that it will be checked.
Last month our group put the virus on porn site and after you clicked on a play your system began shooting your screen and switching on camera to capture you self-abusing.As a result I believe you recognize which compromising evidence Ive earned.Besides, this program began your device act as remote desktop with many functions as keylogger,parser etc. So, my program collected all information,particulary all your contacts from messengers,e-mails,social networks.
If you wanna make me silent you have to make a transaction of 290 united states dollars in bitcoins. 1HgZYQ2dtSgt42WSxuZELhtTmmG7SbZbYt
Only copy and past it. If we see money We will delete everything about you.Watch youtube manuals about methods of buing BTC. I can offer you this exchanger: localbitcoins, just find seller in your country.If you have a problem with this, try to find comfortable BTC ATM at coinatmradar.
I give you no more than 1 day since you open my message for making a payment.You can complain cops, but they can not find us I write you through our botnet, moreover I live abroad.If you want proofs we can share everything to nine your friends after that you will be given their contacts. If you want you will be able to ask if they have received something or not.
For some questions just reply.Good luck,$ui$ideBunnY squad.
Hello, just got this email 2 days ago from this jerk, Alefftinik Geroj, efneqc@www.rallyejeanbehrahistorique.com. Did anyone hear from them again when you did not respond? His IP address is from somewhere in France, I believe
I’m not here to blame anyone, plus i don’t think that wanking to porn videos is a gross stuff to do. Well, it will actually be kinda sick if your relatives, coworkers or all your phone contacts will watch you do that.
Lets get straight to the point. You’ve came around an adult website which was poisoned with my malware. So i have downloaded all contacts from your machine you have used as well as got an access to your web camera plus vids you have watched. Which was obviously recorded and later edited so that we now have just a single screen with you doing your thing on one side and a video you’ve watched on the other. Anyway, if you want me to completely delete this stuff. here is my BTC account address-
(its should be without ‘spaces’ or ‘=’, make sure you get it correct). 250 dollars amount will settle everything up with me and resolve this whole situation.
I will give you 3 days after this message is read, a simple tracking tool will let me know when you’ll open it. I will not have any other choice but to forward this vid to all your contacts, if i won’t get the money. You are welcome to call your local authorities or whoever, but not sure if that will help.
1/31/2018 Just got another one from a different guy. Lets see how many are on the way. Aleftinushka Barsik vidfgj@prolega.com via just124.justhost.com
I do understand that you likely won\’t enjoy this mail, however , to be truthful i i don\’t give a fuck, besides i believe that whacking off to adult web-sites is something disgusting specially when one of your own close friends or household members will witness you do that.
All right, lets make this quick, fairly recently you\’ve been to a website with adult infected with my computer virus, which I\’m definitely pleased with.
Anyway i acquired all contacts from your machine then additionally i got an easy access to your cams, so i saved everything, then afterward modified the video to a one split display screen, along with the ill stuff you have watched on on the left part and having a great time with your shit on the right. I hope you\’re following.
If u really want me to totally take out this movie. 460 total in Usd will manage this scenario.
This is an address – 1EQVwwEdqwVUgKRV9pQB3QpFKomcP3HSTw
i only take Bitcoin.
You will be given five days after checking this letter, a extremely simple checking application is going to tell me. I will distribute this footage to all your personal contacts if i don\’t find my settlement. You surely can make contact with ur law enforcement officials I am at a a absolutely different region and place, so you\’re welcome to do everything u wish. Please do not answer here, because i won\’t receive anything to this mail box.
Sincerely Yours.
Do they actually have the video or contacts? or released anything to anyone?
I received this mail today and the thing that’s worrying me is that it’s different from all of yours and I got it the INBOX not in the scam folder .Should I be worried what should I do..?
This is the message :
In my opinion you didnt think about the security in web attentively.
At present there is a big problem.
I put the malicious programm on the site with porn which you watched…
Your system is infected using our maleware.
After the system made a handshake with a movie the camera activated and started shooting your masturbation…. Later I uploaded the formgrabber and have collected contact list with mates.
I will be silent- just pay 280 $ in BTC (cryptocurrency).
Thats my wallet address 1LsqzeUADiWzsLQAhqsj9ScX1TjjPEwgc2
Visit exchangers to buy bitcoins.
You have 1 day from the moment this letter was read… I put a tracking pixel here…
I live abroad it means that cops wont be able to find my ip address for 24 hours.
Give me this sum or all your friends will watch your shame.
I recived the same email 17.07.2018
It is just so unfortunate. I know —— was my old password is your password. More to the point, I am aware about your secret and I have proof of it. You do not know me and no one hired me to look into you.
It’s just your hard luck that I found your bad deeds. In fact, I setup a malware on the adult videos (sexually graphic) and you visited this website to have fun (you know what I mean). When you were busy watching video clips, your browser began operating as a Rdp (Remote control desktop) having a keylogger which provided me access to your display screen and cam. Just after that, my software program obtained all your contacts from your fb, and e-mail.
After that I put in much more time than I probably should’ve exploring into your life and made a two screen video. First part shows the video you were watching and second part displays the recording of your web camera (its you doing inappropriate things).
Honestly, I want to forget exactly about you and let you move on with your regular life. And I am about to give you two options that will achieve that. These two option is with the idea to ignore this letter, or just pay me $1900. Let’s explore these 2 options in more details.
Option 1 is to ignore this mail. Let me tell you what will happen if you take this path. I will certainly send your video recording to your entire contacts including friends and family, co-workers, and many others. It does not shield you from the humiliation your self will feel when family and friends discover your sordid details from me.
Other Option is to send me $1900. We’ll name this my “confidentiality tip”. Here is what will happen if you choose this choice. Your secret remains your secret. I will erase the video immediately. You continue on with your lifetime like nothing like this ever occurred.
Now you may be thinking, “I will complain to the police”. Without a doubt, I have taken steps to ensure that this email message cannot be traced to me and it will not stop the evidence from destroying your life. I’m not planning to steal all your savings. I just want to be paid for efforts and time I placed into investigating you. Let’s hope you have decided to produce pretty much everything go away and pay me the confidentiality fee. You will make the payment via Bitcoin (if you do not know this, type “how to buy bitcoins” on search engine)
Transfer Amount: $1900
Bitcoin Address to Send to: 1HH79G9DqFscMpfZs1uPzNNw3bQwdcNvZN
(It’s case sensitive, so you should copy and paste it carefully)
Tell no-one what you should be utilising the Bitcoins for or they might not give it to you. The task to get bitcoins usually takes a couple of days so do not wait.
I have a unique pixel within this message, and right now I know that you’ve read this e-mail. You now have 2 days in order to make the payment. If I don’t get the BitCoin, I will definitely send your video recording to all of your contacts including family members, colleagues, and so on. You better come up with an excuse for friends and family before they find out. Nonetheless, if I receive the payment, I’ll erase the recording and all other proofs immediately. It’s a non negotiable one time offer, thus please do not waste my time and yours. Time is running out.
I just got this email…. guess same scam from what I am looking here!
I know that you didnt care about your safety in the web mindfully.
At present there is the great issue.
I uploaded a damnific soft in the web-site with porno which you have watched.
Your computer is infected by our virus.
At the moment your system connected to the video content the cams turned on and started shooting you carressing your-self…. Later I uploaded a keylogger and I collected contact list with friends.
I will be silent- just pay 310 usd with bitcoin.
Thats my btc address 1GhGvwWqfHM6BfexkMdi1xcN4YU2o3Rr3z
Try exchangers to buy BTC (cryptocurrency).
Dont forget I will wait only twenty four hours since you have read my message… I put a tracking pixel here…
I dont live in your country it means that cops cant track my real ip for 24 hours.
Give me this sum or all your friends will watch your shame.
Das geht jetzt rum
I think that you didnt think about the security in the internet too much.
At present you have the big issue.
We placed a virus soft in a site with porno which you have visited.
Your system was controlled by our maleware.
At the moment the device made a handshake with the video the camers activated and made a video of your masturbation…. After that I uploaded the keylogger and I collected your contacts.
I will be silent- simply send 330 dollars in bitcoin.
Thats my btc identificator 1JiqAW2TVZ8jn9EFjYuFh6N1u1xcGCxBb4
Visit crypto-exchangers to buy bitcoin.
Dont forget I will wait only twenty four hours from the moment my message was read… I put a tracking pixel here…
I live abroad so cops wont be able to find me for 24 hours.
Send me bitcoins or everybody will see the video with you.
This is now my second received email both were different in content:
I don’t would like to sue you, in addition do not think that wanking off to porno web sites is very terrible thing to carry out, but if all ur relatives, see it may clearly be awful.
And so, what do i need? You actually went to the web adult site, which poisoned with my virus. Soon after you clicked on a video, malware begun functioning on you unit and all cams and screen began recording immediately and then my program obtained all your contacts from your personal equipment.
I decided to contact you on this address, because i’ve found it on ur machine, now i am pretty confident that you are reading this because it is your work address.
The most important point is that I edited movie the way that, on one half it shows your display, on another your net cam with you on it. Sort of hilarious isn’t it?. To be short, if u need me to get rid of all of the evidence, right here is my bitcoin wallet address-
(its needs to be with out “spaces” or “=”, verify you get it right). If u do not know how to work with it, you could simply yahoo or google it or discover guidelines on youtube it is incredibly simple. I think that 630 dollars will compensate the problem with me.
You have three days right after reading this message (I set monitoring pixel on it and will know whenever you open it).
If you don’t make this transfer, ill reveal the video with all contacts i’ve obtained from you.
I don’t think that police officers will possibly find me, so think three days, just before you may lose your honor.
Got one just some few hours ago.
From: rkikx@concordiafinance.pl
Good morning!
I know that you didnt care about the safeness on web attentively.
Now there is a large problem.
We uploaded a malicious programm on a site with porno which you visited.
Your system is added in our bot network using the virus.
At the moment the device connected to the video content the cam activated and started shooting your masturbation.. Later I installed a key logger function and have collected your friends contacts.
If you want me to safe our secret- simply send 290 dollars with bitcoins.
It is my bitcoin address 1QFUeab5zT43nEYqxqjiYGaCHnfV5YTNMm
Use crypto-exchangers to buy BTC (cryptocurrency).
You have 24 hours since my message was opened… I put a tracking pixel here…
I dont live in your country so police wont be able to find my ip address for twenty four hours.
Send me bitcoin or all your friends will watch your shame.
Someone contact concordiafinance.pl and tell them that their mail server is being misused
I recIeved this email.. this is the 2nd one . It was sent to my work email address.
Good morning.
I suppose that you didnt attach importance to your caution on the web mindfully.
At present we tell you that you have a large problem.
We placed the damnific programm on the web-page with porn that you have visited…
Your computer was infected by the soft.
When your computer connected to the porn-vid the cam turned on and made a video with your masturbation…. Later I uploaded a formgrabber and have found your contacts.
If you want me to safe our secret- simply pay 330 united states dollars with bitcoin.
Thats my bitcoin identificator 1GYvuLz9bQaKupCyK6v7cEbG5sMSrNGoPd
Use exchangers to buy BTC (cryptocurrency).
I give you twenty four hours from the moment my message was opened… I put a tracking pixel here.
I am foreigner it means that policemen wont be able to find me for twenty four hours.
Send me bitcoins or all your friends will watch your shame.
From email address
Heading in subject I wont be the friend: JBKuYy aON wXo
How Are you? Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx.
To be honest i don’t care when ever u are perv or not, but some of your loved ones or close friends will most likely do, particularly if you may get caught, that might really suck don’t you think?
I’ll be as short as possible. I created a virus thats begins capturing the activity by web cameras and gathers all material from these gadgets at the same time, such as individual files, contacts or anything else, the moment some one goes to a specified adult porn site. Wish that you are sticking with me on that one, you probably already guessed exactly what type of a video i currently have starring you.
I chose to use this e mail address which was gathered from your contact list as well, considering that it is ur work e mail and you’ll most definately check it.
Oh yeah, and a movie was modified by the way, the way that i now have you on one part and a movie you’ve viewed on the other, all on a single display screen. Quite amazing huh? Alright lets reduce the crap, if u need me to remove this vid, this is my BTC wallet address –
(it must be with out any ‘spaces’ or ‘=’, please be sure).
To learn tips on how to use it, just yahoo or google or see a youtube.com video tutorial, if don’t already fully understand how to, quite straightforward. 370 Dollars is how much i will need to quit annoying and to loose you footage forever.
There is a very simple checking tool connected to this letter so i will know as soon as you are going to read it. As soon as that will occur you’ll be offered just Four days to transfer me those funds.
I will share this evidence with each damn contact from ur device if i am not going to find my money within a period of time mentioned above
Please think two times before humiliating your ass and dialling police or whoever, i guarantee that they will not ever find me.
Warmest Regards Man.
Got the same with slightly different wording. Bitcoin address:
Got the same one with slightly different wording as well. Different bitcoin addy… on March 25
To be honest i do not care whenever you are perv or not, but some of your loved ones or buddies will most likely do, especially if you will get busted, that might seriously suk don”t you think that?
I will try to be as quick as i can. I created a software that”s will start filming ur activity from online cams and records all data from those systems too, for example individual information, contact information or anything else, as soon as some one goes to a specific adult web-site. Beleive you are sticking with me on that one, you probably already guessed what kind of a movie i currently have featuring you.
I chosen to use the following e mail address which has been gathered from ur list of contacts as well, considering that it is ur work email address and you”ll definately check it.
Oh yeah, and even a video was edited by the way, the way that i now have you on left side and a online video you have enjoyed on the right, all on one single display screen. Rather impressive right? Alright lets reduce the crap, if you want me to remove this video clip, here is my BTC wallet address:
(it needs to be without having any ”spaces” or ”=”, please ensure).
To figure out the best way to use it, just yahoo or google or see a youtube.com video tutorial, if don”t already fully understand how to, pretty straightforward. 170 us dollars is just how much i will need to stop bothering and to loose you contact forever.
There is also a basic checking program attached to this letter so i will know if you are going to read it. When that will happen you”ll be given just 5 days to deliver me all those funds.
I”m going share this movie with every single damn contact from ur pc if i am not going to find my dollars within a time-frame stated above
Think two times just before embarrassing your arse and dialling cops or anyone, i promise they will not ever locate me.
Sincerely dude.
Hi, what happened, anything?
Just got one in the northeast US, 15UFia29BHdN37APyfE7p9tuZ4uwPdfsaa
Spelled my name incorrectly, even though my name is my email…interesting little fraud scam. And if it’s not a scam, shame on all of my contacts who watch my video he made for me!
I got one but it mentioned my full name but the message was practically the same. Should I be worried?
Don think so.. they should have added some proof. at least your picture from the video..
this is 99% scum.. (perhaps 100)
I recently received this. Some variations from what has been listed. What do you think? Your help would be greatly appreciated:
How is ur day going ? I got a little something very special for u.
If weren’t your love with adult sites – nothing at all might have took place.
Ur system was within my control a not so long ago. What i necessarily mean by that is the fact that i infected about 42274 adult porn sites with my computer virus, Its called LOG 1. When you pressed the play button the software starts recording everything thru ’webrtc’ as well as ja.scr. . Then I discovered your own personal web page on one of the community source (using your personal cookies), therefore I have the split screen vid right now (ur enjoying your self and the porno footage itself) and also all your own personal contacts: family members, co-workers and good friends. Furthermore, there is also a keylog on your system now, so I can use it as a committed server
I definitely suggest you paying myself 250 dollars just before i will mess up ur social reputation
i take Btc and also it is my wallet address:
You can ask yahoo and google the best way to buy these (you will find plenty of trading exchanges).
Send me the exact total and time period right after the transfer.
You are going to have 3 days after u go through my letter. TP is in the html data file and so it will show me as soon as you will open it up.
You actually can certainly ask police for support, however they will undoubtedly don’t have required gear to get me. I have encrypted my connection, so they cant find my actual ip, additionally I’m from the different country
if you are going to have a problem with the exchange (confirmation may take some more time) let me know, and i will simply wait
Think twice ahead of executing anything foolish. I believe that your personal reputation can cost far more than I asked you to pay.
I received the same exact email as the one directly above two days ago. From everything I read above, this seems like spam as well.
What’s up,
If u were more watchful while caress yourself, I wouldn’t worry you. I don’t think that playing with yourself is really awful, but when all your friends, relatives, сolleagues get video of it- it is undoubtedly [bad news.
I adjusted malisious soft on a porn site which you have visited. When the target press on a play button, device begins recording the screen and all cameras on your device begins working.
Moreover, my virus makes a rdp supplied with keylogger function from ur system , so I could get all contacts from ya e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I’m writing on this e-mail cuz It’s your corporate address, so u should check it.
In my opinion 380 usd is pretty enough for this little false. I made a split screen vid(records from screen (interesting category ) and camera ohh… its awful AF)
So its ur choice, if u want me to delete ur disgrace use my bitcoin wallеt addrеss- 1M5vQJ5FHZUThexi5vu85TvL4ktZzFQNLt
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will know.If ya want me to show u the proofs, reply on this message and I will send my creation to five contacts that I’ve got from ur contacts.
P.S.. U can try to complain to police, but I don’t think that they can solve ur problem, the investigation will last for several months- I’m from Estonia – so I dgf lmao
Received the same in Australia. Ignored it. Any follow up ones?
Received this one in Ireland today with slightly different text and with a different bitcoin wallet 1JXuMq6sbL95XnrcDEsrZTCvvRjB52RCAD (2 payments to it in last couple of days so a couple paid up)
I got this exact one several months ago. The ’email address’ I kind of tracked to Russia, even though he says Estonia (they can say any country of course to put you off). I dont know how they find our work address.. Even though its a scam, I suspect they have hacked somewhat because they find your work address. I have Norton, but when you click an unsecure site, you leave yourself exposed. I run Norton eraser, an aggressive eraser program, and it found no malicous software. Hard to work out how far the scammer did get
Nothing happened to me in hte end, you?
A girl posted here that she had much more serious consequences, they hacked her FB and gmail, intercepted 2FA, and she lost her business FB acct, so lost so much business..
Received this in UK …
What’s up.
If u were more vigilant while playing with yourself, I wouldn’t write dis message. I don’t think that playing with yourself is really bad, but when all colleagues, relatives and friends receive video record of it- it is obviously for u.
I adjusted virus on a porn web-site which you have visited. When the victim press on a play button, device begins recording the screen and all cameras on your device starts working.
Moreover, my virus makes a remote desktop supplied with key logger function from your system , so I could save all contacts from ya e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I’m writing on this e-mail because It’s your corporate address, so u must check it.
I think that three hundred twenty usd is pretty enough for this little false. I made a split screen video(records from screen (u have interesting tastes ) and camera ohh… its awful AF)
So its your choice, if u want me to delete ur disgrace use my bitсoin wallеt addrеss- 1CvdHahQv8ikwKDw16RebTDaPEw8e741yP
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will know.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this letter and I will send my creation to five contacts that I’ve got from ur device.
P.S. U are able to complain to cops, but I don’t think that they can help, the inquisition will last for 5 month- I’m from Ukraine – so I dgf lmao
I got exactly the same today from a Simon Hofman
Simon Hofman
Тiсket Detаils: RSV-412-94887
Camera ready,Notification: 20/02/2018 05:27:52
Status: Waiting for Reply 59xuIaBy8A3f14wCnBmGkC4KrF1Jy35Nu4_Priority: Normal
If you were more careful while playing with yourself, I wouldn\’t worry you. I don\’t think that playing with yourself is extremely bad, but when all your friends, relatives, сolleagues get video of it- it is awful for you.
I adjusted malisious soft on a web-site for adults (with porn) which you have visited. When the target click on a play button, device begins recording the screen and all cameras on ur device starts working.
Moreover, soft makes a rdp supplied with key logger function from your device , so I was able to get all contacts from ur e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I\’m writing on dis e-mail cuz It\’s your working address, so u will read it.
In my opinion 320 usd is pretty enough for this little misstep. I made a split screen video(records from screen (u have interesting tastes ) and camera ohh… its awful AF)
So its your choice, if u want me to destroy ur disgrace use my bitcоin wallet address: 1rFqhwni9avowKWpXCk5bqP9U739JY9n3
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will see.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this letter and I will send my creation to five contacts that I\’ve got from ur contacts.
P.S.. U can try to complain to police, but I don\’t think that they can help, the inquisition will last for several months- I\’m from Ukraine – so I dgf lmao
I received this exact same email this morning at 2am, UK time.
I’ve been worried about it all morning, until I did a Google search & have seen its a complete scam. Will ignore it.
I got one today, everything same except the guy is from Belarus, I deleted the mail, after reading it and now I am actually thinking when I watched a porn last time 😂😂😂😂 chill guys there are lots of fraud people living in webspace, never reply to such mails and never think too much.
What happened? I received a similar email this morning
Tonight i received this:
Good day…
Sorry for my English, I am from Belgium.
Your device was controlled by the virus.
Now all your privy background belongs to me. Furthermore I got slightly more compromising.
I have a video, and you are wanking on it.
You installed my virus from an infected porn site. When you chose the video and clicked on a play, my malware instantly loaded on your device.
After loading, your web camera shoot the videotape with you masturbating, in addition it captured exactly the video you chose. During 4 hours my virus collected all your social and email contacts.
If you dont want me to send all this evidence to all your relations Ive captured- transfer me 315 usd in Bitcoins.
Here is my Btc wallet address – 1ECbpy7iEkvuhGcvJHZjXty34KzW7j9xfz
You have 20 hours to go from this moment. When I see transfer I will erase the compromising permanently. Other way I will forward the record to all your colleagues and friends.
It’s scam?
Hi, Received this today via my work email,
What’s up.
If you were more scrutiny while caress yourself, I wouldn’t write dis message. I don’t think that playing with yourself is really terrible, but when all your friends, relatives, сolleagues get video of it- it is terrible news.
I seized malisious soft on a web-site for adults (with porn) which you have visited. When the victim tap on a play button, device starts recording the screen and all cameras on ur device begins working.
Moreover, soft makes a rdp supplied with key logger function from your system , so I was able to save all contacts from your e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I’ve chosen dis e-mail cuz It’s your corporate address, so you should check it.
I suppose that 350 usd is pretty enough for this little false. I made a split screen video(records from screen (u have interesting tastes ) and camera ooooooh… its funny AF)
So its ur choice, if u want me to delete ur disgrace use my bitсоin wаllеt address- 1NrnLY1mgnn8aEVcXQPYbxDuiDEpEsaEuZ
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will know.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this letter and I will send my creation to five contacts that I’ve got from ur contacts.
P.S… You are able to complain to cops, but I don’t think that they can solve ur problem, the investigation will last for one year- I’m from Ukraine – so I dgf lmao
I received this one today in Western Canada.
Suspected Junk Email]Be sure to go through this may be definitely important information for you
Reply-To: rwe@www.ksdoing.com
Hello there XXXXXX XXXXX
I understand that you likely will not enjoy this email, but to be truthful i don’t care, in addition i think that jerking off to mature web-sites is relatively disgusting specially if one of your own close friends or family members will witness you do that.
Okay, lets make this short, not too long ago you’ve visited a web page with adult contaminated with my computer virus, which Now i’m really proud of.
Anyway i acquired all contacts from ur system then in addition i acquired an access to your cams, so i registered almost everything, then soon after modified the video to a single divided display screen, along with the sick shit you have enjoyed on on the left side and enjoying yourself with your stuff on the right. I hope you are following.
If U would like me to completely take out this video. 480 amount in Usd will manage this scenario.
This is my address – 1E3nf5j35ZUWAqbMXB2hC9WnN3oSTSfEfh
i recognize btc(cryptocurrency)
U will be provided with only five days after checking this letter, a really easy checking software will notify me. I’ll distribute this vid to all ur contacts if i will not see my payment. You undoubtedly can get in touch with ur police I am from a a absolutely different region and place, so you’re welcome to do anything u prefer. Please do not reply right here, because i won’t receive anything at all to this .
All the Best.
I got the same one, from western Canada as well.
Lol I also received this today, also in western Canada!
I received relatively the same one from someone calling themselves Khloe Morgan, giving me four days to comply.
I know that you most likely will not like this mail, however to be sincere i could care less, besides i feel that mastrubating to mature web sites is something gross specially if one of your own buddies or household members will see u do that.
Okay, lets make this shorter, a short while ago you’ve been to a site with adult porn tainted with my virus, which I’m seriously happy with.
Anyways i acquired all contacts from ur device then furthermore i got an easy access to your camera, so i recorded every thing, then soon after edited the video clip to a solo split computer screen, along with the sick shit you’ve watched on on the left side and having fun with ur privates on the right. I wish you are sticking with.
If you would like me to totally eliminate this video. 380 amount of money in United states dollars will handle this problem.
This is an account address – 13BURTisJJq49nUrkZLg2xb4VDeLXY6JDi
i take Bitcoin
You will be provided with only four days after checking this letter, a extremely easy monitoring application will inform me. I will distribute this vid to all your personal contacts if i don’t find my payment. You surely can call ur law enforcement office I’m at a a totally different region and country, so you are allowed to do anything u desire. Make sure not to answer here, because i will not receive anything to this mail box.
Fond Regards.
I received the same variant of email. After doing a geo IP track, tracked it to the following Company in Vasteras, Sweden. After that was reported to Europol, Stockholm division. If you are reading this a$$hole, enjoy jail. You aren’t the only one who knows computers and IT.
Company: Loopia AB
Latitude: 59.3247
+46 21 12 82 22
Got the same as the 2/26-27 entries. So what happened?
my guess is an email scraper. I’m in the electrical industry, curious if you guys are as well.
this from
Do not consider on my grammar, I am from China.
Your OS was infected with mine virus.
Since that moment all your private information appertains to me. Moreover I had a little bit more then just data.
The most entertaining compromising that I have- its a record, and you were wanking on it.
You downloaded my malware from a phishing porn web site. The moment you clicked on a porn videotape, my virus immediately downloaded on your system.
After adjusting, your front-camera made the videotape with you masturbating, in addition it captured precisely the video you watched. In next few days my virus grabbed all your social and email.
If you wish to destroy all the compromising evidence- pay me 319 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
It is my Btc address –
You have 24 hours to go from this moment. As soon as I receive transfer I will erase the compromising permanently. Otherwise I will send the record to all your contacts.
email traced to russia, I dont have a camera, I have no contacts, keep them in a physical notebook on my coffee table. how do you actually watch a video tape online, it would either be a video file or a video.flv, reference to front-camera would be a iphone, i don’t have one of those.
Patricia Cummings
U absolutely need to read this e mail, may find a quite significant info for your self
Hey there
I currently have almost nothing against perverted folks, additionally I can’t judge u, and also definitely not really right here to harm ur cardiovascular system, actually i don’t give a fuck in all honesty. I understand that stuff takes place to everyone, although in this situation it happened to you:
i have built the very special computer virus on a internet site with mature content, you definitely understand what i necessarily mean, because you’ve been recently there.
And then, as soon as u pressed on a video, my software immediately begun operating, all cameras turned on and monitor started documenting, then my soft gathered your all contact information from emails, messengers etc that you have on your system. I am truly pleased with this soft, it helps make systems act as remote desktop computer, quite exciting, don’t u think that?. And also this is the e-mail address Ive obtained from your device, I mailed you here due to the fact I feel u are likely gonna check ur work email address.
Therefore, I edited a video later on to a solitary divided screen. I actually can share this particular video with all your friends, fellow workers, loved ones etcetera. U believe they will care? because i don’t really.
Although we are able to resolve this situation. 200 dollars – in my opinion will certainly negotiate this down with me. I accept only Bitcoin, this is my address below:
wallet address: 1NgqDRFhTDgqvjN7eDe3oio2WnUhALzRTS
You have only 5 days right after opening up my email to finish transaction. I are fully aware when you check this note, There is pixel inside that trails the letter . This really is plenty of time period for you to accomplish the transfer. In case I won’t get my pay, I will reveal this video with all your contact list.
U can ask police officers for an assistance, but i question they’ll ever locate me, Im from Australia, so think one more time. When I’ll obtain my btc- all proof are going to be deleted forever and I will never ever make contact with you again.
That is a one time email, therefore i won’t receive your answer back. All the best ., I actually believe u can make a very good decision.
I’m in the US and got the email below earlier today. Looks very similar to the other scam emails. I’m assuming that no one has actually had a video sent to their contacts, right???
You should certainly read this just before something negative will happen
Gabriella Moore via iwdcom
5:02 PM
To XXXXX@comcast.net
Quick reply allReplyForwardDelete
How is everything going for you xxx xxxxxx? I have some thing extremely special for u.
All of it probably would not have actually took place if it wasnt ur love for porno websites.
There are actually all-around 4938 mature sites poisoned with my malware, I called it LOG 1. It begins capturing every little thing instantly whenever you pressed the play buttom via \’webrtc\’ and ja.scr. Ur cookies really helped me to find ur ass on social sources. And so now I have the splitscreen footage (you are playing with yourself and a captured video clip you have saw) and all your personal contact information: family members and so forth. And also i can easily utilize ur gadget as a dedicated server now.
I will mess up ur social reputation and so u better pay. 180 USD is enough for me to keep this tiny secret.
I take only bitcoin and it is my wallet address:
You are able to very easily find several exchanges.
Be sure to send me an exact time and amount immediately after the transfer.
TP is inside this html letter so it will inform me when you open it, so you have Four days now.
I take my level of privacy very serious, therefore you can certainly contact the cops or anyone u want.
I will wait just in case the transaction will take much more time, sometimes happens.
I think that ur status costs a lot more than that I told you to pay out, therefore think carefully, before making any foolish decisions.
Pretty much the same here:
Good day.
Do not consider on my illiteracy, I am from Japan.
I put our virus on your device.
At present I pilfered all confidential background from your OS. Furthermore I got a little bit more compromising evidence.
The most amusing compromising that I have- its a record with your masturbation.
I adjusted malicious software on a porn site and then you installed it. When you chose the video and tapped on a play, my software instantly set up on your system.
After loading, your camera made the video with you self-abusing, in addition software saved precisely the video you watched. In next few days my malicious software found all your social and work contacts.
If you need to destroy the records- send me 295 united state dollar in Bitcoins.
It is my Bitcoin wallet address – 18RonsJjK6n2RCC11E59wMMKnBZJEPnPSB
You have 24 hours to go since now. As soon as I get transfer I will eliminate the videotape evermore. Otherwise I will send the tape to all your colleagues and friends.
Got this today. While most you guys here are being asked for 400+ USD while they asked me only 295 USD. It’s a BARGAIN..!!
Do not pay attention on my illiteracy, Im from Japan.I uploaded our malicious program on your OS.Since that moment I pilfered all privy information from your system. Withal I received a little bit more compromising.The most important compromising that I stole- its a record with your self-abusing.I put malware on a porn web site and then you downloaded it. When you chose the video and clicked on a play button, my deleterious soft at once set up on your system.
After setup, your front-camera made the videotape with you masturbating, in addition software captured precisely the porn video you watched. In next few days my malware found all your social and work contacts.
If you desire to erase the videotape- transfer me 295 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
It is my Bitcoin number – 1GQZi8nXP3Fu3e4MZFSo7v5Rrm95vFLAS6
You have 20 hours to go after reading. If I get transaction I will eliminate the compromising evermore. Other way I will send the tape to all your contacts.
Here’s another variant, received today 6 March 18 @ 08:28hrs:
From: wzeqsqxwxnhn
Subject: I would like to reach an agreement
Good morning.
Do not pay attention on my English, I am from Romania.
I installed our malicious program onto your device.
After that I stole all confidential background from your device. Moreover I have some more compromising.
The most entertaining evidence that I got- its a videotape with your wanking.
I set deleterious soft on a porn page and after you loaded it. As soon as you chose the video and pressed play button, my software at once loaded on your device.
After loading, your camera made the record with you masturbating, furthermore it captured the porn video you wanked on. In next week my malicious software captured all your social media and work contacts.
If you want to erase all the compromising evidence- transfer me 319 euro in BTC(cryptocurrency).
It is my Btc wallet address – 1FjDGfsvUAGhAbMNnYL8kmp877fQm38jxb
You have 24 hours from this moment. When I receive transaction I will destroy the evidence permanently. Differently I will forward the tape to all your colleagues and friends.
Got the same email (with subtle variation in the wording). Bitcoin wallet: – 18T5UZCZ57y5ESUXcGUkJyMxys5ZfiPaoK
In Dutch more or less the messages reported-sender by name of Benjamin.
It is about a computer which has no active camera nor active sound .
Bitcoin address:-
Ransom asked 500 Euro within 5 days.
Got this today…
Do not pay attention on my illiteracy, I am from Belgium.
We put mine malicious program on your device.
At present I thiefted all confidential background from your system. Additionally I received a little bit more then just data.
The most amusing compromising which I have- its a videotape with your masturbation.
I adjusted deleterious soft on a porn site and then you downloaded it. The moment you decided with the video and tapped on a play, my malware instantly downloaded on your OS.
After downloading, your web camera made the video with you self-abusing, in addition I captured exactly the porn video you chose. In next few days my virus found all your social and email contacts.
If you wish to eliminate the videotape- send me 329 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Its my Btc number – 15S1s4zNvZLmKt2p2Ltt8sY2f6sDgCDoqv
You have 30 h. from this moment. When I get transfer I will eliminate the video evermore. Otherwise I will send the video to all your contacts.
Got this today:
Tiсkеt Dеtails: MUU-374-75359
Camera ready,Notification: 07-03-2018 03:33:53
Status: Waiting for Reply 76xuKaHy8A7f14wEnXmYkE0SrD4Xy20Eu8_Priority: Normal
Good day.
If u were more attentive while playing with yourself, I wouldn’t write dis message. I don’t think that playing with yourself is really bad, but when all your friends, relatives, сolleagues receive video of it- it is terrible news.
I seized virus on a porn web-site which was visited by you. When the target press on a play button, device starts recording the screen and all cameras on your device starts working.
Moreover, my program makes a remote desktop supplied with key logger function from ur device , so I could collect all contacts from ur e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I’ve chosen this e-mail cuz It’s your working address, so u should read it.
In my opinion 380 usd is pretty enough for this little misstep. I made a split screen video(records from screen (interesting category ) and camera ooooooh… its funny AF)
So its ur choice, if u want me to delete this сompromising evidence use my bitcоin wаllеt аddrеss: 1DbdP1mQZqD8HxC2PMme7DTHxM8sKFK4p9
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will see.If ya want me to show u the proofs, reply on this letter and I will send my creation to five contacts that I’ve got from ur device.
P.S… U can try to complain to cops, but I don’t think that they can help, the investigation will last for several months- I’m from Estonia – so I dgf lmao
I got the very same yesterday, Ano! What happened win the following days? Are still receiving these things?
PS: I was just informed, minutes before actually seeing the e-mail, that my data from a Sports Website, here in Brazil (netshoes.com.br) had been leaked. There must be some connection. Maybe that’s how they got my e-mail.
Ahhh, that makes sense – how they get your work email – they hack another easy site, or have email addresses from hackers website, which includes sites you entered your company address, NOT form your contacts list.
Hi . Have few issues to resolve with you, will not take to much time, for u to read and can undoubtedly get your attention. How will u feel if all ur relatives or good friends will witness you taking care of your own self? How would they feel is the correct dilemma.
See exactly where I am going with this one already? poisoned selected adult sites using a malware that takes all information from the device and gets an easy access to it’s web cameras, and lots more. Therefore today i have a video clip of u mastrubating and a video you wanked to, plus all your personal contact info.
That is ur work email, that I have located on your system btw.
Ok last one, I’ve also modified the video to fit on a single screen, so it is going to be much more comfy to watch for anyone. Anyway- if you need me to delete all your contact information with the video, this is my btc payment address –
make sure that you will not include no spaces or different symbols. You can quickly get the details on the web on the best way to use this method of payment if you have no clue how to. 570 is the amount in dollars i will need to leave you on your own once and for all.
This letter has invisible tracking tool within and i will be aware of when you will check it, and from that minute on, you’ll be provided with Two days, to make up your mind.
i guarantee that every single contact from ur list will see this movie, in case for some reason i won’t see my funds.
You are welcome to get in contact with your nearby cops or whoever, i doubt it should help.
Got same email with slightly different wording. bitcoin address: 12moR6jDaqMAwXywqmcSbVrmKQpN1gsubz
If you were more watchful while playing with yourself, I wouldn’t write dis message. I don’t think that playing with yourself is really awful, but when all your friends, relatives, сolleagues get video of it- it is definitely for you.
I seized malisious soft on a web-site for adults (with porn) which you have visited. When the object click on a play button, device begins recording the screen and all cameras on ur device starts working.
Moreover, my program makes a dedicated desktop supplied with keylogger function from the device , so I could collect all contacts from your e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I’ve chosen this e-mail cuz It’s your working address, so u should check it.
In my opinion 320 usd is pretty enough for this little false. I made a split screen vid(records from screen (u have interesting tastes ) and camera ooooooh… its awful AF)
So its your choice, if u want me to destroy ur disgrace use my bitсоin wаllеt addrеss- 1DbdP1mQZqD8HxC2PMme7DTHxM8sKFK4p9
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will see.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this letter and I will send my creation to five contacts that I’ve got from ur device.
P.S.. U are able to complain to cops, but I don’t think that they can solve ur problem, the inquisition will last for one year- I’m from Estonia – so I dgf LOL
Received the below from careers@lmebel.com (Bently Mott) … Wish there was some way I could find out who they are:
Tiскet Dеtails: QZX-237-62999
Email: (my email address removed)
Camera ready,Notification: 04-08-2018 12:15:59
Status: Waiting for Reply 87xuPaZy8A5f10wVnOmGkV5PrH4Vy10Su3_Priority: Normal
If u were more careful while playing with yourself, I wouldn’t worry you. I don’t think that playing with yourself is really awful, but when all your friends, relatives, сolleagues get video of it- it is undoubtedly [bad for u.
I seized virus on a porn site which was visited by you. When the object tap on a play button, device begins recording the screen and all cameras on your device starts working.
Moreover, my virus makes a dedicated desktop supplied with key logger function from the system , so I was able to collect all contacts from ya e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I’m writing on this e-mail because It’s your corporate address, so you should check it.
In my opinion 380 usd is pretty enough for this little misstep. I made a split screen vid(records from screen (interesting category ) and camera ooooooh… its funny AF)
So its ur choice, if u want me to erase this сompromising evidence use my bitcoin wаllet аddrеss: 1GSKzcNz1xUxE1yZMwhvb6rZq3rya4HRrQ
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will know.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this message and I will send my creation to five contacts that I’ve got from ur device.
P.S.. You can try to complain to cops, but I don’t think that they can solve ur problem, the investigation will last for several months- I’m from Belarus – so I dgf LOL
I got the exact same one today, only it was from Marc Maxim
I assume nothing happened? Gave me a real fright!
I got the same one as well. What happened to you all, guys?
Got a similar email with this address 1PQwtyeo2Bg77N5z8gLzS3cT4Hv6GSKrqQ
Pretty clearly a scam, you would think it’s not that hard to send the alleged incriminating evidence by email if the had it and are fine with giving it out.
I’ve received this one this morning. Should I be worried? I sure hope it is a scam
Good day!
Dont regard on my English, I am from China.
I loaded the malicious program on your OS.
After that I stole all private info from your OS. Additionally I got a little bit more compromising evidence.
The most entertaining evidence which I thieftend- its a videotape with your masturbation.
I installed virus on a porn site and then you loaded it. The moment you chose the video and tapped on a play button, my software instantly adjusted on your Operating System.
After setup, your camera made the record with you self-abusing, in addition it captured the video you chose. In next few days my malware captured all your social media and work contacts.
If you want to destroy all the compromising evidence- pay me 329 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
It is my Bitcoin number – 1GCFVj5RCMPSk3antvapvtKEuHV79t14R
You have 22 hours to go from this moment. As soon as I get transaction I will destroy the video permanently. Differently I will send the tape to all your friends.
i´ve received one too:
Good day!
Do not regard on my English, Im from Japan.I installed mine malware on your device.Now I thiefted all individual information from your device. Moreover I got a little bit more evidence.The most interesting compromising which I stole- its a record with your masturbation.I installed malware on a porn page and after you installed it. The moment you chose the video and clicked on a play button, my virus at once adjusted on your device.
After downloading, your web camera made the record with you wanking, in addition I captured the video you selected. In next week my malware captured all your social media and work contacts.
If you want to destroy the records- pay me 290 euro in Bitcoins.
Its my Bitcoin address – 16Qn8XwWdEGRCLVbBXnvPXqVRsA7qmvJFW
You have 22 hours to go since now. As soon as I get transaction I will destroy the video evermore. Differently I will send the tape to all your colleagues and friends.
I got this message. Scam?
Good day!
Do not pay attention on my illiteracy, Im from China.We put the malware onto your device.At present I pilfered all private background from your device. Furthermore I have a little bit more evidence.The most interesting evidence that I got- its a video with your masturbation.I installed malware on a porn web page and then you loaded it. The moment you selected the video and clicked on a play button, my virus at once downloaded on your device.
After downloading, your front-camera shoot the videotape with you wanking, furthermore software captured precisely the video you masturbated on. In next few days my malicious software captured all your social and work contacts.
If you wish to delete the videotape- transfer me 319 united state dollar in Bitcoins.
Here is my Bitcoin address – 13Yn1hCWyanJSxHZUrnybsAcrHFtEspLPU
You have 20 hours after reading. When I receive transfer I will destroy the evidence forever. Otherwise I will send the record to all your friends.
I received similar email on my office computer. All my colleagues know that in our company no one have sex during working hours or even during breaks.
We are quite busy here and my colleague are joking now all over because they are accusing me of masturbating at work. Hilarious!
Mine was from
“qqanmsj” billing@neighborgood.net
Btc number – 1N4TwCHg4bryVAVxucD2LEEhHeYFLoRsL4
Got this one today:
Subject: Your reputation is at stake
We loaded our malware onto your device.
At present I thiefted all personal info from your system. Moreover I had slightly more compromising.
The most entertaining evidence which I stole- its a video with your masturbation.
I put virus on a porn web site and then you loaded it. When you selected the video and clicked on a play, my deleterious soft at once downloaded on your OS.
After adjusting, your front-camera shoot the record with you wanking, in addition malware saved exactly the porn video you wanked on. In next week my malware captured all your social media and work contacts.
If you desire to eliminate the videotape- transfer me 290 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Here is my Bitcoin address – 18tjsT3iGVvo19xY9aF785di8ysX5Bp9Jv
You have 22 h. from this moment. As soon as I see transaction I will eliminate the compromising evermore. Otherwise I will send the tape to all your colleagues and friends.
When I checked the long headers, it looked like the sender had hijacked a real email address. I sent a note to the abuse department of the sender’s host.
Subject: Do not do mistakes
Dont mind on my English, Im foreign.
I put the malicious program on your device.
Since that moment I stole all personal data from your OS. Withal I have some more compromising.
The most amusing compromising that I stole- its a record with your masturbation.
I set malicious software on a porn web site and after you loaded it. The moment you chose the video and clicked on a play, my software immediately adjusted on your OS.
After adjusting, your camera made the record with you self-abusing, in addition it captured exactly the video you wanked on. In next few days my malware captured all your social media and work contacts.
If you desire to eliminate the records- pay me 290 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
I provide you my Btc number – 18nKUGvL92MEpxc4GTMWFfXkitGA41L9bW
You have 30 hours since now. As soon as I see transaction I will erase the video permanently. Other way I will forward the tape to all your contacts.
Good day…
Do not mind on my English, I am from Iran.We uploaded mine malware on your system.Now I pilfered all privy data from your device. Furthermore I have a little bit more compromising evidence.The most amusing evidence which I have- its a videotape with your self-abusing.I set deleterious soft on a porn page and then you loaded it. The moment you selected the video and clicked on a play button, my malicious software instantly downloaded on your system.
After loading, your front-camera shoot the record with you masturbating, moreover malware saved the porn video you masturbated on. In next week my malicious software grabbed all your social and work contacts.
If you need to eliminate the records- pay me 315 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
I provide you my Btc wallet address – 1KZPpKFVsiHea7RcGH2HLwcMzDBPi41vXr
You have 20 hours to go since now. As soon as I receive transaction I will eliminate the video permanently. Other way I will forward the tape to all your colleagues and friends.
I received this today from the email I write below in Email* field…
Dont regard on my grammar, Im from Japan.I put mine malicious program on your OS.At present I stole all private data from your system. In addition I obtained some more then just data.The most interesting evidence which I have- its a record with your masturbation.I installed virus on a porn page and then you loaded it. As soon as you picked the video and clicked on a play button, my virus at once adjusted on your system.
After downloading, your camera shoot the videotape with you self-abusing, moreover I saved the video you wanked on. In next few days my malicious software grabbed all your social media and email contacts.
If you need to eliminate the videotape- send me 319 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
I provide you my Bitcoin number – 1DMssjdesmsR3y1ipnW3PKHvXVZ7SzPfHY
You have 22 h. after reading. If I receive transaction I will eliminate the evidence evermore. Differently I will forward the record to all your contacts.
Dont mind on my English, I am from India.
We installed mine virus on your OS.
Since that moment I stole all individual data from your device. In addition I have a little bit more evidence.
The most important compromising that I thieftend- its a video with your self-abusing.
I put virus on a porn web page and after you installed it. As soon as you picked the video and clicked on a play, my virus immediately set up on your Operating System.
After loading, your front-camera shoot the videotape with you masturbating, in addition it saved precisely the porn video you chose. In next week my deleterious soft grabbed all your social media and work contacts.
If you want to destroy the records- send me 205 usd in Bitcoins.
Its my Btc wallet address – 1MW1fHur8aEEngcpi8BKBFqaBqLg4RB2N7
You have 30 hours to go after reading. When I receive transfer I will eliminate the videotape forever. Otherwise I will forward the record to all your contacts.
Variation on previous emails. Just received
Subject: I collected very interesting content
Sender: Disgrace
Good day…
Do not mind on my English, Im from Iran.
I uploaded the virus on your system.
Since that moment I thiefted all individual background from your OS. Furthermore I got a little bit more compromising evidence.
The most amusing compromising which I received- its a record with your self-abusing.
I adjusted virus on a porn web site and after you installed it. When you decided with the video and pressed play button, my virus immediately set up on your Operating System.
After setup, your web camera shoot the video with you wanking, in addition it saved exactly the porn video you watched. In next week my malware captured all your social and email contacts.
If you want to delete the records- send me 300 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Its my Btc number – 18T5UZCZ57y5ESUXcGUkJyMxys5ZfiPaoK
You have 22 hours since now. If I receive transfer I will erase the video evermore. Otherwise I will send the video to all your colleagues and friends.
Slightly reworded:
Good morning.
Do not regard on my illiteracy, I am from Romania.
I uploaded mine malware on your system.
Since that moment I thiefted all privy background from your device. Furthermore I got slightly more then just data.
The most interesting compromising which I received- its a video with your self-abusing.
I set malware on a porn page and after you installed it. When you selected the video and tapped on a play, my malicious software instantly loaded on your OS.
After loading, your camera shoot the videotape with you wanking, in addition it saved precisely the porn video you wanked on. In next few days my virus grabbed all your social and email contacts.
If you desire to eliminate the videotape- pay me 200 euro in Bitcoins.
I provide you my Bitcoin address – 1MW1fHur8aEEngcpi8BKBFqaBqLg4RB2N7
You have 30 h. to go since now. If I receive transfer I will destroy the evidence evermore. Other way I will send the tape to all your contacts
More of the same with some variances…
Receiving the same in NZ from a bitcoin a/c 18T5UZCZ57y5ESUXcGUkJyMxys5ZfiPaoK
Dont mind on my grammar, Im from India.
We loaded the virus on your device.
Then I stole all privy data from your system. Furthermore I have some more evidence.
The most interesting evidence that I have- its a videotape with your self-abusing.
I put virus on a porn page and then you loaded it. The moment you selected the video and clicked on a play button, my malware instantly downloaded on your OS.
After loading, your web camera shoot the videotape with you wanking, moreover it captured the porn video you masturbated on. In next few days my malicious software collected all your social media and work contacts.
If you want to eliminate all the evidence- transfer me 209 united state dollar in Bitcoins.
Here is my Bitcoin address – 18T5UZCZ57y5ESUXcGUkJyMxys5ZfiPaoK
You have 24 hours to go from this moment. If I see transfer I will destroy the evidence permanently. Otherwise I will send the video to all your colleagues and friends.
received same. IS this for real?
Got this tonight.
Have you been told something about RAT 58960 software virus? you will, you became a cheerful owner of my own assembly of this virus. I succeeded to find a lot of interesting stuff on your own personal computer, furthermore i also was able to connect to all your gadgets such as a mobile phone. But they are are all simply practically nothing. I forced my trojan to link up to a mic, video camera and capture the graphics from this, I managed to obtain plenty of exciting videos, I think that a few of them will even be appealing to you personally )
Our program had been able to record, when you went to one particular adult site. I even spent 3 hrs to put together those movies, 1 that is a picture from your monitor, and the second footage coming from a livecam. It turned out very funny!!
So lets get this over with. I want you send 280 us dollars to my very own account wallet:
I only work with BTC. If perhaps you have any kind of difficulties — use online search engine.
Right after receiving the funds. We will forget about this embarrassing stuff and i am going to remove all the information which i received out of ur devices.
You now have Four days. In case if i do not obtain my money, I am going to send all the information to contacts I found on ur devices and be sure there is a good deal of these. It\’ll be very hilarious when all ur loved ones will receive a movie with you and all your personal conversation data.
I provide a short amount of time mainly because my accounts often get blacklisted and you should send money through this specific period. Of course, you aren\’t the only individual who receives this kind of a notice, I attacked 5500 people by using my virus as well as found interesting stuff on over 300 of these.
You can go to the police, however they will not do anything at all, the greatest thing they are able to do is to lock my wallet and you\’ll restrict other people from the opportunity to pay me out. Therefore think twice before performing stupid things.
If i do not receive my funds for any purpose, like the failure to transfer cash to a blocked account – your personal reputation will be damaged. Thus, make it fast!!
Do not attempt to contact me. I take care of my anonymousness and use one time mail for mailing emails, apart from the truth that I go online from my work mobile computer, from hacked wi fi firms, not counting sock4 For that reason, responding to to the letter is not going to make sense.
This what the idiots sent me. About the same as yours. I got it the same day 12MAR18.
Good day (My Name). Perhaps you have been told anything related to RAT 81432 computer virus? you actually will now, u became a cheerful holder of my very own assembly of this virus. I managed to find a whole lot of fascinating stuff on your personal computer, furthermore i also was able to link to most of your systems like a telephone. Yet these are typically are all simply practically nothing. I forced my virus to connect to a microphone, web cam and capture the graphics from it, I was able to obtain lots of exciting clips, I think that some of those will even be useful to you personally 😀
My software was able to catch, when you went to one particular adult page. I actually spent 2 hrs to glue those video clips, 1 is a picture from your screen, and also second footage from a cam. It turned out pretty funny.
So let’s get this over with now. I want u to pay 270 Usd to this wallet:
I work with BTC. If you will have any difficulties – use online search engine.
Right after obtaining the transaction. Both of us will certainly forget about this uncomfortable moment and i’m going delete all the info which i received out of ur devices.
You will have exactly Four dayz. If i will not obtain my funds, I am going to send out all facts to contact info I seen on ur gadgets and be sure there are a lot of these! It will probably be quite fun whenever all the loved ones will get a movie with you and all your personal talk history.
I give a very little time because my wallets often get blacklisted and you should deliver bucks just through this specific time period. Yes, you are not the only person who gets such letter, I attacked 1000 people with my malware as well as discovered useful things on more than 500 of these.
You can visit the police, however these people will not likely do just about anything, the greatest thing they are able to do is block my account and you will restrict other folks from the possibility to pay me out. So think two times before doing stupid things.
If i do not get my funds for any purpose, such as the failure to transfer cash to a blocked account – your reputation is going to be wrecked. Therefore, move!!
Don’t attempt to make contact with me. I take good care of my anonymity and use one time email for mailing texts, besides the fact I use the internet from my work mobile computer, only from hacked Wi-fi companies, not including VPN As a result, giving answers to to this mail doesn’t appear reasonable.
Here in Virginia, I got this variant. Is this truly a scam?? Does anything happen after receiving this??
Perhaps you have heard information about the RAT virus 88378? Well, i want to congratulate you, you have became a pleased user of my own personal type of this software. I’ve succeeded to locate quite a few helpful stuff on your pc plus I also been able to connect to all your systems, as well as a wireless phone. But they’re each one is little things in comparison to following.
I have programmed my soft to fully capture your mic, a cam, and an image from your screen, and created a few videos. I do believe they will even be interesting for you personally.
The most fascinating part is that my application recorded is the moment you check out one of the adult site. I have even spent 30 mins of my time to mix two, one is an a picture from display screen and the other image from webcam. It absolutely was hilarious
Alright, let’s get straight to the issue. I suggest you pay 280 us dollars to my wallet
I use btc. If you have difficulty sending use any web website.
Later on. We’ll both forget about this unpleasant moment and eliminate all the information I’ve collected from your own devices.
You have exactly 3 days. If I don’t acquire my income, I will send all the info to the contact list I discovered in your computing devices
Probably I’ll take action along with your accounts. It will be very funny if all of your family or friends be given a footage of this kind.
There is a little mainly because my wallet accounts frequently get blocked and you’ll need to send before that. You bet, you are not the only real person receiving a email of this type, I have poisoned over 6000 individuals and significantly more than 1500 of these were with interesting things on their devices.
You can call police, think its pointless, the worst type of thing they have the ability to do is block my account. So don’t do brainless things.
If I won’t receive my money for any reason, including the inability to send them to a blocked account, your good reputation will soon be destroyed. So make it fast!
I look after my security and utilize the temporary address to send texts, furthermore I am on the web from my working laptop and i only use fake Wi fi from different companies besides i use Sock4. Thus, getting in touch with me and replying to to this notice doesn’t make any good sense
almost same email except it was a RAT 39273 virus……did you hear anymore from them?
it came to my company email so I was told by IT to file a police report and they seemed baffled.
One more from Canada today
Good day!
Do not pay attention on my grammar, Im from Iran.
I put mine virus onto your system.
Now I thiefted all privy information from your device. Additionally I had a little bit more compromising evidence.
The most amusing evidence which I got- its a videotape with your wanking.
I set virus on a porn page and then you downloaded it. The moment you picked the video and pressed play button, my virus at once loaded on your system.
After setup, your camera made the record with you self-abusing, additionally I saved precisely the porn video you chose. In next few days my malware collected all your social and email contacts.
If you wish to delete the videotape- send me 225 united state dollar in Bitcoins.
I provide you my Btc address – 1AG4eQxJ2EYNGGgpGrSdhzN8Ajw8D2qoGV
You have 30 h. after reading. If I see transaction I will eliminate the videotape permanently. Other way I will send the record to all your colleagues and friends.
Got this in NZ
I had the same email information in some way but the same bitcoin number and traced this email, it comes from neighborgood.net and clownmessage.com. they are under namecheap.com. interesting.
Here are the details
Subject: Maybe next time you will hide your camera
Good morning…
Dont mind on my grammar, I am from India.
I loaded our malware onto your device.
After that I thiefted all confidential information from your OS. Moreover I received some more compromising.
The most important evidence which I have- its a videotape with your masturbation.
I set virus on a porn web site and then you downloaded it. When you picked the video and clicked on a play, my software instantly downloaded on your Operating System.
After loading, your front-camera shoot the video with you self-abusing, in addition I saved the porn video you selected. In next few days my virus collected all your social media and work contacts.
If you wish to destroy the records- send me 200 euro in Bitcoins.
I provide you my Btc wallet address – 18T5UZCZ57y5ESUXcGUkJyMxys5ZfiPaoK
You have 22 hours to go since now. As soon as I see transaction I will destroy the videotape in perpetuity. Other way I will send the video to all your friends.
Got this one today in NZ
Good day!
Do not consider on my English, I am from India.
I installed the malicious program onto your device.
After that I thiefted all privy information from your device. Additionally I received slightly more then just data.
The most entertaining evidence that I stole- its a videotape with your masturbation.
I put malicious software on a porn page and then you installed it. When you picked the video and pressed play, my virus instantly set up on your device.
After loading, your camera made the videotape with you self-abusing, in addition it captured precisely the video you selected. In next week my malware collected all your social media and work contacts.
If you wish to delete all the compromising evidence- transfer me 329 united state dollar in Bitcoins.
Its my Btc wallet address – 1AG4eQxJ2EYNGGgpGrSdhzN8Ajw8D2qoGV
You have 24 h. after reading. If I see transaction I will erase the videotape permanently. Differently I will forward the tape to all your colleagues and friends.
Received this one overnight. Not seen any other posts on here that says the email originates from Romania.
Good day…
Dont consider on my grammar, Im from Romania.I loaded our malware onto your device.After that I stole all private information from your device. Furthermore I have some more compromising evidence.The most interesting compromising that I received- its a record with your wanking.I put deleterious soft on a porn site and after you installed it. As soon as you picked the video and pressed play, my virus at once adjusted on your Operating System.
After loading, your camera shoot the record with you self-abusing, moreover I saved precisely the video you selected. In next few days my malicious software found all your social media and work contacts.
If you want to eliminate all the evidence- pay me 290 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
It is my Btc number – 1NQMFjVVfTnGnaMavT12v2kcUF5VpWb7mH
You have 30 h. to go from this moment. When I receive transfer I will destroy the video permanently. Differently I will send the video to all your friends.
Got this today. I don’t have a web cam on my works computer:)
Dont mind on my grammar, I am from Iran.
I uploaded the virus on your device.
After that I thiefted all individual info from your OS. Withal I had a little bit more compromising.
The most important compromising that I got- its a videotape with your self-abusing.
I adjusted virus on a porn page and then you installed it. When you selected the video and pressed play button, my malicious software at once loaded on your device.
After setup, your front-camera made the record with you masturbating, additionally software captured exactly the video you chose. In next week my malware grabbed all your social and work contacts.
If you wish to destroy the videotape- send me 209 united state dollar in Bitcoins.
Its my Bitcoin address – 1AG4eQxJ2EYNGGgpGrSdhzN8Ajw8D2qoGV
You have 22 hours since now. If I receive transfer I will erase the compromising forever. Other way I will send the video to all your contacts.
I received this one this morning.
Good day…
Dont consider on my grammar, Im from Romania.I loaded our malware onto your device.After that I stole all private information from your device. Furthermore I have some more compromising evidence.The most interesting compromising that I received- its a record with your wanking.I put deleterious soft on a porn site and after you installed it. As soon as you picked the video and pressed play, my virus at once adjusted on your Operating System.
After loading, your camera shoot the record with you self-abusing, moreover I saved precisely the video you selected. In next few days my malicious software found all your social media and work contacts.
If you want to eliminate all the evidence- pay me 290 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
It is my Btc number – 1NQMFjVVfTnGnaMavT12v2kcUF5VpWb7mH
You have 30 h. to go from this moment. When I receive transfer I will destroy the video permanently. Differently I will send the video to all your friends.
Got this one this morning from Dick Dowd (telqirtw@bed-station.tk@www385.sakura.ne.jp. Assuming its also a scam.
Hi Dave L. Perhaps you have been told anything related to the RAT 98207 virus? you will now, u became a happy user of my assembly of this trojan. I was able to obtain a whole lot of exciting stuff on your computer, furthermore also i managed to link to most of your personal gadgets such as a mobile telephone. Yet these are typically are all just absolutely nothing. I made my virus to link to a microphone, cam and catch the images from it, I managed to get quite a lot of interesting movies, I believe that some of these may even be interesting for you 😀
My software managed to get, the moment you went to one particular adult page. I also wasted 3 hours to glue two movies, one is a picture from the display, and also second footage from the web cam. It ended up pretty hilarious.
Ok lets get this over with. I want u send 480 Dollars to this wallet:
I only use bitcoin. If you will have any kind of issues paying Just use internet search engine.
Just after receiving the funds. We will just forget about this awkward stuff and i will remove all data which i got out of ur gadgets.
You have 5 days. If i wont obtain my funds, I’ll mail the whole set of information to contacts I found on ur gadgets and be sure there are a lot of them. It will probably be quite interesting when all ur loved ones will receive a footage with your ass and all ur talk data.
I offer a very little time mainly because my wallets frequently get blocked and you need to send bucks during that time period. Yes, you aren’t the only human being who gets this kind of a mail, I attacked 3000 people by using my virus and also discovered interesting stuff on over 400 of these.
You may call the cops, but they will not do anything, the most significant stuff they can do is to lock my account and you’ll restrict other people from the opportunity to pay me. Therefore think two times before performing foolish things.
If i don’t get my cash for virtually any reason, such as the inability to transfer cash to a blacklisted account – your status will be wrecked. For this reason, hurry up!
Don’t attempt to contact me. I take care of my anonymousness and use one-time email for mailing messages, apart from the fact that I use the internet from my job laptop, only from hacked wi fi firms, not counting sock4 For that reason, giving answers to to this mail will not appear reasonable.
Do not regard on my illiteracy, Im from Belgium.I uploaded our virus onto your OS.Then I pilfered all confidential data from your device. Moreover I have some more compromising evidence.The most entertaining evidence which I thieftend- its a record with your wanking.I put virus on a porn page and then you downloaded it. As soon as you decided with the video and tapped on a play, my malware instantly set up on your Operating System.
After adjusting, your web camera made the record with you wanking, moreover it saved the video you masturbated on. In next few days my malware collected all your social and work contacts.
If you need to delete the videotape- send me 305 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Its my Bitcoin wallet address – 1DMssjdesmsR3y1ipnW3PKHvXVZ7SzPfHY
You have 22 h. from this moment. If I get transaction I will erase the evidence permanently. Other way I will forward the record to all your contacts.
{{received 3/11/18}}
{{Mississippi, USA}}
{{will ignore, of course}}
{{will update if further developments warrant}}
From:Carlos Parkinson
Subject: have a footage of you playing with your privates, you will be interested
Hi xxxxxxx. Perhaps you have been told anything related to the RAT 14144 computer virus? you will, you became a happy holder of my very own assembly of this malware. I was able to get a great deal of exciting goods on your own computer, additionally also i was able to link to all your systems including a mobile telephone. Although they are all are simply nothing. I made my virus to link to a microphone, web camera and record the images from it, I managed to acquire a lot of interesting clips, I think that a few of those may even be interesting to you )
Our software had been able to capture, the moment you visited one adult site. I actually spent 3 hrs to glue two videos, one of which is an image from your monitor, and also the second footage from your livecam. It came out rather humorous!!
And so let’s get down to business now. Now i need u send 370 UDS to my very own account wallet:
I only work with Bitcoin. If you have any difficulties — use online search engine.
Right after receiving the pay. Both of us will certainly forget about this awkward stuff and i will remove all information which i got out of ur devices.
You now have 5 days. In case if i will not get hold of my funds, I will send out all information to contact info I found on ur gadgets and remember there are a lot of them! It will likely be quite interesting whenever all of your loved ones will get a movie with your ass and all ur chat history.
I provide a little time because my accounts often get blacklisted and you need to deliver money just during this specific time. Indeed, you aren’t the only individual who receives such mail, I infected 4000 people by using my virus as well as discovered exciting stuff on over 400 of them.
You may go to the cops, but they will not do just about anything, the greatest stuff they can do is to lock my wallet and you’ll deprive other people from the opportunity to pay me out. So think twice before performing foolish things.
If i don’t receive my funds for virtually any reason, such as the failure to transfer funds to a blacklisted account – your status is going to be wrecked. Thus, hurry up!
Do not attempt to get in touch with me. I take good care of my anonymousness and use one time mail for sending messages, besides the fact that I go online from my job mobile computer, from hacked wireless companies, not including sock4 For that reason, responding to to the letter will not appear reasonable.
Got the same one as Sean (very similar)….was pretty sure it was a scam b/c used an alias I have out there. If he truly got my info, he would have used my real name. I’m also ignoring. Even it were legit, I’m not sending money to a terrorist.
Subject: have a video of you jerking off, you will be very excited [Excited? Really?!]
Hi there xxxxxx. Have you ever heard anything about RAT 29882 computer virus? you actually will now, you has become a cheerful owner of my own assembly of this trojan. I succeeded to find a good deal of interesting stuff on your personal computer, in addition also i managed to connect to most of your devices which includes a cell smartphone. Although these are all are just practically nothing. I forced my trojan to hook up to a microphone, camera and catch the video from it, I managed to get plenty of exciting movies, I think that a few of those will even be interesting for you )
My application was able to get, when you visited one adult page. I even spent two hours to put together two video clips, 1 that is a picture coming from the display, and also second footage from your webcam. It came out very hilarious!
And so let’s get this over with now. I need you to pay 220 usd to this wallet:
I work with bitcoin. If perhaps you have any kind of difficulties paying — use internet search engine.
Right after receiving the pay. We both will just forget about this awkward stuff and i’m going get rid of all info which i received from ur devices.
You have exactly Five dayz. In case if i wont get hold of my money, I am going to send all of the info to contact info I found on your gadgets and be certain there is a good deal of them. It will likely be incredibly funny when all of your folks will receive a video with u and all your personal talk data.
I offer a little time mainly because my accounts often get blocked and u must deliver bucks just during this specific time period. Yes, you aren’t the only person who receives such letter, I infected 3000 people by using my virus as well as discovered exciting things on over 600 of these.
You can go to the police, however they will not likely do anything at all, the biggest thing they are able to do is block my account and you’ll restrict others from the opportunity to pay me out. So think before doing stupid things.
If i don’t get my money for virtually any reason, such as the inability to transfer funds to a blocked account – your reputation is going to be wrecked. Thus, make it fast!!
Don’t attempt to make contact with me. I take care of my anonymity and use one time mail for mailing emails, besides the fact I go online from my job mobile computer, from cracked wi fi firms, not including TOR As a result, answering to this letter doesn’t appear reasonable.
It’s been over 5 days and…
If I had real evidence and was scumbag enough to blackmail somebody, here’s what I would have done: After 2.5 days I would have sent proof of my claim (screenshot, etc). At the t-24 hour mark, I would have sent a threatening email and more details as proof of the deed. In the end, they only want money–nothing more.
If you’re under the thumb of a real blackmailer with real proof, the only way to thwart their power is to proactively notify people of your wrong doing. Truth is power. Pay them and then you’re trusting a total a**hole to do what he promised and destroy evidence. And then what? He doesn’t. He got money once so he raises the stakes again and again until you literally can’t pay it. Then you’re back where you started except financially ruined. Not worth it.
Still nothing Pete? Two weeks later?
I received one of these scam e-mail messages today, and I was like, “Ooh, it’s one of those scams demanding payment in Bitcoin!” And then, “Even if it wasn’t, who cares? Well, I guess I can apologize if it happened to be a bad hair day!”
Got this one today:
Good day.
Dont mind on my illiteracy, I am from Iran.I installed mine malicious program onto your system.At present I thiefted all confidential information from your device. Moreover I have a little bit more evidence.The most amusing evidence which I got- its a video with your self-abusing.I installed deleterious soft on a porn web site and after you installed it. When you chose the video and clicked on a play, my deleterious soft instantly loaded on your OS.
After adjusting, your camera shoot the video with you masturbating, in addition it saved exactly the porn video you selected. In next few days my virus found all your social and email contacts.
If you wish to delete all the evidence- send me 315 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Here is my Bitcoin address – 1QDHNA8U35bTuvXDWP2YaqHF25TpqizkPi
You have 20 h. since now. As soon as I get transfer I will erase the video forever. Otherwise I will forward the video to all your colleagues and friends.
From: Schweitzer Towery
Sent: Tuesday, 13 March, 02:08
Subject: Ticкеt#85500495: 13/03/2018 03:11:10 Attention
To: Hello.
Do not mind on my grammar, I am from Belgium.I loaded mine malware onto your system.Now I stole all privy data from your OS. Moreover I had a little bit more compromising.The most interesting evidence which I have- its a video with your self-abusing.I adjusted virus on a porn page and then you loaded it. When you decided with the video and clicked on a play button, my malicious software at once set up on your Operating System.
After setup, your web camera shoot the videotape with you wanking, additionally malware saved precisely the porn video you selected. In next few days my deleterious soft grabbed all your social and work contacts.
If you need to erase the records- send me 295 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
It is my Bitcoin number – 1HjS4k6Yx6Zjk5b8YaUrRsBzwtCf7qk3Wx
You have 22 hours to go from this moment. When I receive transfer I will eliminate the evidence evermore. Differently I will send the video to all your colleagues and friends.
Also got the ‘I am from Romania, don’t mind my English’ version of this titled shame..
How do they get hold of your work email address? Are they literally just spamming loads of random names and email extensions?
Dont consider on my illiteracy, Im from China.We installed the virus on your device.At present I pilfered all private data from your OS. Moreover I have a little bit more compromising.The most amusing evidence which I thieftend- its a record with your self-abusing.I set malware on a porn web site and after you loaded it. As soon as you decided with the video and clicked on a play, my software instantly downloaded on your device.
After downloading, your front-camera shoot the record with you masturbating, in addition I captured precisely the video you masturbated on. In next week my virus grabbed all your social and email contacts.
If you desire to destroy the records- send me 315 euro in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Its my Bitcoin number – 15QYKvTd7cTXQPN765EvrnbV6TzS5JnZvg
You have 24 h. from this moment. As soon as I see transfer I will erase the video permanently. Other way I will send the video to all your contacts.
— IP from Moscow, Russia
Receveid today : sender mail : orders@byshkin.com
Dont regard on my illiteracy, I am from Japan.I installed our virus onto your OS.Then I thiefted all individual information from your OS. Furthermore I received slightly more compromising evidence.The most important evidence that I stole- its a videotape with your wanking.I set deleterious soft on a porn web page and then you installed it. When you chose the video and tapped on a play button, my malware at once adjusted on your system.
After downloading, your front-camera shoot the video with you masturbating, furthermore malware captured precisely the video you selected. In next few days my malware captured all your social and email contacts.
If you want to erase all the compromising evidence- pay me 319 usd in Bitcoins.
Its my Bitcoin wallet address – 15Q9EDL3Rcc6nbVyP2kpPjeC3NR8jJf6sE
You have 24 h. to go from this moment. As soon as I get transaction I will destroy the video permanently. Other way I will forward the tape to all your colleagues and friends.
One more :
Good morning.
Do not regard on my illiteracy, Im from Belgium.I uploaded mine virus onto your device.Since that moment I pilfered all private information from your system. Additionally I received slightly more then just data.The most entertaining compromising which I received- its a videotape with your self-abusing.I set virus on a porn web site and after you loaded it. As soon as you selected the video and pressed play, my malicious software instantly set up on your system.
After loading, your web camera made the video with you self-abusing, furthermore it saved precisely the video you wanked on. In next week my deleterious soft found all your social and email contacts.
If you wish to destroy all the compromising evidence- send me 290 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
I provide you my Bitcoin wallet address – 1BRF7pTyHUUKdXJfytWSTQbnNax1qJ7aaZ
You have 20 h. after reading. When I receive transfer I will erase the evidence forever. Other way I will forward the video to all your friends.
Two similar mails received today at the same time:
from Roosevelt Monge
“Good morning…
Do not pay attention on my grammar, I am from Japan.I installed mine malicious program onto your OS.After that I stole all private information from your device. In addition I received some more evidence.The most interesting compromising that I thieftend- its a record with your self-abusing.I adjusted deleterious soft on a porn web site and after you loaded it. When you picked the video and tapped on a play button, my malicious software immediately set up on your OS.
After setup, your web camera made the record with you wanking, moreover it saved the video you selected. In next few days my malware grabbed all your social and email contacts.
If you need to destroy the videotape- send me 309 euro in Bitcoins.
I provide you my Btc number – 15Q9EDL3Rcc6nbVyP2kpPjeC3NR8jJf6sE
You have 24 hours from this moment. When I see transfer I will eliminate the videotape forever. Differently I will send the tape to all your friends.”
and Jamison Hering …
Dont consider on my illiteracy, Im from Iran.We put our malicious program on your system.After that I pilfered all personal information from your device. In addition I got slightly more compromising evidence.The most interesting evidence that I got- its a record with your masturbation.I installed virus on a porn page and after you installed it. The moment you chose the video and pressed play button, my malicious software instantly loaded on your Operating System.
After loading, your web camera shoot the record with you self-abusing, in addition software saved exactly the porn video you masturbated on. In next week my malware collected all your social media and work contacts.
If you want to destroy the records- send me 329 euro in Bitcoins.
It is my Btc address – 16kdj5j8nG9LddyJRCXXQB5o44mWE9whD8
You have 22 hours since now. As soon as I get transfer I will erase the video permanently. Differently I will forward the tape to all your friends.”
I got this one yesterday:
Hello XXXXX. Perhaps you have heard something about RAT 13686 virus? you actually will now, you evolved into a happy holder of my very own assembly of this trojan. I was able to get a great deal of exciting things on your own personal computer, in addition i also managed to link to all your systems such as a cellular smartphone. Yet these are are all just almost nothing. I forced my virus to connect to a microphone, web cam and get the graphics from this, I was able to obtain a lot of fascinating movies, I believe that some of these will be interesting to you personally ))
My application had been able to get, when you visited one porn webpage. I actually spent three hrs to put together two movies, 1 of which is a picture coming from the screen, and also the second footage from your cam. It came out pretty humorous!
So lets get down to business now. Now i need you to pay 160 UDS to this account wallet:
I use bitcoin. If you will have any kind of issues Just use internet search engine.
Right after obtaining the funds. We will just forget about this uncomfortable moment and i will remove all info which i collected from your devices.
You now have Three days. If i will not get hold of my money, I’ll send the whole set of facts to contact info I discovered on your gadgets and remember there is a lot of these! It will be very fun whenever all ur relatives will receive a movie with your ass and all ur conversation history.
I provide a short amount of time because my accounts often get blacklisted and u need to send funds just through this period. Of course, you aren’t the only human being who receives such letter, I attacked 3000 individuals by using my program as well as discovered exciting things on more than 400 of them.
You can head over to the police, however they will not do just about anything, the biggest stuff they are able to do is to block my wallet and you will deprive others from the possibility to pay me. So think two times ahead of performing foolish things.
If i do not get my funds for virtually any reason, including the failure to send cash to a blocked wallet – your reputation is going to be damaged. Thus, hurry up!!!
Don’t try to contact me. I take care of my anonymousness and utilize one time mail for transmitting texts, apart from the point that I go online from my job notebook, from hacked wireless firms, not including Double VPN For that reason, responding to to this letter is not going to appear reasonable.
I received this same one on March 12th. Same wallet number too. This is the second time in the last few months I’ve received one of these.
I hear you – definitely scary when they address you by the correct name. All you can do is hope it’s the same phishing scam that all these indicate, and wait to see if they send you proof…
I got one very similar with this wallet address:
And what is what we risk something?
I received it today :
Dont regard on my illiteracy, I am from Romania.
We loaded our malicious program onto your device. After that I stole all personal info from your device. Furthermore I obtained some more compromising evidence.
The most important evidence which I stole- its a video with your masturbation.
I installed malicious software on a porn web site and after you downloaded it. As soon as you decided with the video and tapped on a play, my malware at once loaded on your OS.
After setup, your camera made the video with you self-abusing, furthermore it saved exactly the porn video you watched. In next week my malicious software captured all your social and work contacts.
If you desire to eliminate all the compromising evidence- pay me 299 usd in Bitcoins.
Its my Bitcoin number – 15Q9EDL3Rcc6nbVyP2kpPjeC3NR8jJf6sE 15S1s4zNvZLmKt2p2Ltt8sY2f6sDgCDoqv
You have 22 hours to go since now. If I see transaction I will destroy the video in perpetuity. Otherwise I will forward the tape to all your colleagues and friends.
Just received this email:
Subject: Our Common Ground
Sender: Disgrace, help@comericacard.com
Dont regard on my illiteracy, I am from Romania.
We put the malware onto your OS.
At present I thiefted all individual background from your system. In addition I have slightly more then just data.
The most entertaining evidence that I received- its a videotape with your masturbation.
I set malicious software on a porn web page and then you installed it. As soon as you selected the video and clicked on a play button, my virus at once downloaded on your system.
After loading, your front-camera made the videotape with you masturbating, moreover software captured the video you watched. In next week my malicious software found all your social and email contacts.
If you want to erase the videotape- pay me 300 united state dollar in Bitcoins.
Here is my Btc number – 1AUPj5PgsH2q9Xw4Nn9Bv8yJt3yz4x7zzW
You have 30 h. after reading. When I get transaction I will erase the compromising permanently. Differently I will send the record to all your friends.
Guys you’ll love this:
One of my mates is a special forces operative and he got one of these emails not long ago to his business he runs on the side. He is fairly confident that they didn’t access his files but can’t be sure of course. His problem is that he’s got lots of secrets on his computer which obviously is well protected. Nevertheless …as one would expect the SF guys are well connected and have tracked down some of these clowns and going after them to secure their information.
Lol. If I were one of these scammers I would dump all my electronics and hide in a cabin deep in a forest 🙂
Great to hear this, hope theye destroyed, literally..
It seems that most are from Russia. The one I had was Russian IP address. Not 1 letter states they are from Russia, so that is typical – never make your own country look shit, always make other adversary countries look bad..
Please let me know what your SF mate found, done,
Do not consider on my grammar, I am from Belgium.
We installed mine malware on your device.
After that I pilfered all private background from your device. Furthermore I received some more compromising.
The most entertaining compromising that I got- its a video with your masturbation.
I set malware on a porn web site and after you installed it. As soon as you chose the video and pressed play, my deleterious soft immediately downloaded on your device.
After loading, your web camera shoot the videotape with you wanking, moreover software saved precisely the porn video you selected. In next week my deleterious soft grabbed all your social media and work contacts.
If you need to eliminate the videotape- pay me 300 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
I provide you my Btc number – 15LoX7MNH8UaJfVgmCQNq5bc15fzGkmsCy
You have 24 h. to go from this moment. As soon as I get transaction I will erase the video permanently. Differently I will send the record to all your colleagues and friends.
I just received this one tonight from this email sale@ignitionfinance.net Do people have nothing better to do?
Good day…
Do not pay attention on my illiteracy, I am from Belgium.
We put mine malicious program onto your OS.
Since that moment I pilfered all personal info from your OS. In addition I obtained slightly more evidence.
The most interesting evidence that I got- its a record with your self-abusing.
I installed malicious software on a porn web site and after you installed it. As soon as you decided with the video and pressed play, my virus immediately loaded on your Operating System.
After adjusting, your front-camera made the video with you wanking, additionally malware captured exactly the porn video you selected. In next week my deleterious soft found all your social media and work contacts.
If you desire to destroy all the compromising evidence- transfer me 300 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
I provide you my Btc number – 1NFg2CuRUBrfK7uLwYAmmvHX1KLVNiBPF8
You have 30 hours to go since now. If I get transaction I will destroy the evidence forever. Otherwise I will forward the record to all your colleagues and friends.
Just received this one, title as follows:
Ticket#869225904: 13.03.2018 03:02:44 It can change everything
Good morning…
Dont pay attention on my illiteracy, I am foreign.We put the malicious program onto your device.Since that moment I pilfered all confidential information from your device. Additionally I had some more compromising.The most amusing evidence which I received- its a video with your self-abusing.I set deleterious soft on a porn web page and after you downloaded it. When you decided with the video and pressed play, my malware at once downloaded on your Operating System.
After loading, your front-camera shoot the record with you masturbating, additionally software captured precisely the video you wanked on. In next few days my deleterious soft grabbed all your social media and work contacts.
If you want to delete all the compromising evidence- pay me 325 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
I provide you my Btc number – 18VdhfJi2sGvetWkas54AnLpgt2EqkHzN5
You have 30 hours from this moment. If I get transfer I will erase the compromising in perpetuity. Otherwise I will forward the video to all your friends.
Hello sweety.
I m a member of the team of hackers from Sirya. I contact with you by your working email because I thought that you always visit it.
Last month our squad put the virus on porn site and after you clicked on a play button your appliance began shooting your screen and switching on cam to catch you masturbating.Eventually I suppose you preceive which evidence do I have.
Also, this program started your device work as dedicated server with many abilities like keylogger,parser etc. Eventually, my soft compiled all evidence,particulary all your contacts from messengers,mails,social networks.
If you wanna make me silent you should make a transaction of 330 dollars in bitcoins. We are sure that you have this money.
Make a transaction on this btc address – 1AWRCcPfE9wDRQ7W1JCasZM3kc8ycnsTY3
You should use it as usual credit card number. If I receive this sum we will not send anything to you friends, relatives and collegues.
There are a lot of information about how to buy bitcoins, just read it… I can offer you this exchanger: localbitcoins, just find seller in your country. If you have a problem with this, you can search comfortable BTC ATM through coin atm radar.
You have only twenty four hours since you read this message to pay.Dont try to play with us I write you through our bot network, also I do not live in your country.If you want to see what we have I can share it to 5 mates from your data then you will be given their links. If you want you will ask them if something strange was received about you.If you have some problems write me back.
Think twice.
This is what I received early this morning while I was 7000 miles away from home.
From: “=?utf-8?Q?Kilby_Truman?=”
Reply-To: “=?utf-8?Q?Kilby_Truman?=”
Organization: etasbbqep
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Hi my friend.
I m a member of the crew of hackers from Iran. We contact with you by your corp mail because we thought that you always visit it.
Few times ago we hacked porn site and when you tapped on a play button your device started recording your screen and turning on cam to catch you self-abusing.So I guess you recognize which data Ive got.
Also, my program made your device act as rdp with a lot of possibilities like keylogger,parser etc. Finally, my software compiled all data,particulary all your contacts from messengers,e-mails,social media.
To safe your reputation you should pay 260 united states dollars with bitcoin. We are sure that you can pay.
It is Bitcoin wallet for payment – 1FPiDv9kQ19QWCVy2NKjUJZtvucm1KpKek
Only copy and past it. If you send bitcoins we will not send anything to you friends, relatives and collegues.
Use internet to understand how to buy bitcoins. I can offer you this exchanger: localbitoins. com. If you have a problem with this, try to find comfortable BTC ATM through coin atm radar.
You have no more than twenty four hours since you read this message to finish a transaction.You can complain cops, but they can not find us I write you through our botnet, and ofcourse I do not live in your country.If you want proofs we will share everything to 7 your friends then I will give you their contacts. If you want you will be able to ask if they have received something or not.If you have some problems write me back.
Good luck.
I had one today from a Vietnamese hacking crew, almost word for word the same as the recent ones recorded here, I didn’t copy it just binned it straight away, so obviously fake. I have my webcam taped over in any case so even it were true the video would show nothing, these people are without a doubt the lowest of the low.
They are Russian based. They give ‘alternative’ countries as their location to deflect their own bad country..
Got this one last night …
Good morning…
Do not mind on my illiteracy, I am from China.
We put the malicious program on your device.
Then I thiefted all private info from your OS. Additionally I had a little bit more compromising. The most entertaining evidence which I have- its a videotape with your wanking. I adjusted malware on a porn page and after you downloaded it. When you chose the video and pressed play, my malicious software at once adjusted on your device.
After setup, your front-camera shoot the videotape with you masturbating, additionally malware captured precisely the video you selected. In next week my malware grabbed all your social media and work contacts.
If you need to delete all the compromising evidence- send me 200 euro in Bitcoins.I provide you my Bitcoin number – 13e7WUrigtACx45n4s3MUeLYLi3q5cN86r
You have 24 h. to go after reading. When I see transaction I will erase the compromising permanently. Differently I will forward the record to all your colleagues and friends.
Received today
Sender: wgxlaacc
Subject: Yоu havе thе talеnt tо роsе fоr thе сamеra, dоn’t bе nеrvоus.
Mail Body:
Dо nоt mind оn my illitеrасy, I am frоm China.
I uрlоаdеd thе maliсiоus рrоgrаm оn your systеm.
Sinсе thаt mоmеnt I рilfеrеd аll privy bаckgrоund frоm yоur systеm. Аdditiоnаlly I hаve somе morе соmрrоmising еvidеnсе. The mоst interеsting evidenсе thаt I stоlе- its а videоtаpe with your mаsturbatiоn. I аdjustеd virus оn а роrn web sitе аnd аftеr yоu lоadеd it. Whеn yоu dесidеd with thе video аnd tарpеd on a рlаy buttоn, my dеlеtеriоus sоft аt оnсе sеt up оn your systеm. Аftеr аdjusting, yоur саmerа shoоt the vidеоtаpе with yоu sеlf-abusing, in аdditiоn it sаvеd рrесisеly the роrn video yоu mаsturbаtеd оn. In nеxt fеw dаys my mаlwаre cоllеctеd аll yоur soсiаl аnd wоrk сontаcts.
If yоu want to deletе the rеcоrds- раy me 400 euro in BTC(cryptоcurrency).
I prоvide yоu my Btc numbеr – 1GMqxD5CAx5awJ3vN4dzG3pgULt4Si5KvF
You hаvе 24 hours аftеr rеаding. When I get transfеr I will dеstrоy the vidеоtaрe evermоrе. Оthеr wаy I will sеnd thе tape to аll yоur соlleаguеs and friends.
Same here:
Dont consider on my grammar, Im from Romania.We installed the virus on your system.Since that moment I thiefted all individual background from your system. In addition I had slightly more compromising evidence.The most entertaining compromising that I got- its a record with your masturbation.I adjusted deleterious soft on a porn page and after you loaded it. When you picked the video and tapped on a play, my virus instantly set up on your system.
After adjusting, your web camera made the videotape with you masturbating, in addition malware captured exactly the porn video you watched. In next few days my malware grabbed all your social media and work contacts.
If you wish to eliminate the videotape- transfer me 315 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
It is my Btc wallet address – 1NWiwmq9VTjxMjM5M6ynsHmwpq2p9fX853
You have 22 hours to go since now. If I get transaction I will erase the compromising evermore. Other way I will send the record to all your contacts.
i received this today,
Good day.
Do not pay attention on my grammar, I am from Iran.We loaded the malicious program on your system.At present I stole all private background from your device. Furthermore I have some more evidence.The most amusing compromising which I got- its a video with your masturbation.I installed virus on a porn web site and then you downloaded it. The moment you chose the video and tapped on a play, my virus immediately loaded on your device.
After loading, your camera shoot the videotape with you wanking, moreover it saved precisely the video you chose. In next few days my deleterious soft found all your social and work contacts.
If you need to eliminate all the evidence- pay me 329 united state dollar in Bitcoins.
I provide you my Bitcoin address – 1MqhuDr5vBVkYrjEd1D5LbA64dbsMmR2tC
You have 22 hours to go from this moment. When I get transfer I will destroy the video forever. Otherwise I will send the record to all your colleagues and friends.
Hi there!
I don’t care how you play with yourself surfing adult websites. And I don’t know
how others would react if they have a chance to see it. But we may easily find
it out soon. For example let’s imagine all your loved ones get such a chance.
Supposingly it may be really abominable.
So, what do I want from you?
You went to the internet porn page, which is diseased with the virus. Soon after
Received this 3/14/18 —-scam?
Tickеt#811447965: 14.03.2018 01:27:42 Your masturbation has been recorded …
you pressed on online video, software started functioning on your device and all
cams and monitor started capturing straight away and then this program gathered
all your contacts from your personal system.
I’ve decided to message you on this email address, because as I see, you use it
often. And of course, at this time I’d like to keep our secret away from anyone
else.The most crucial thing is the movie I’ve made. Special edition. This movie
simultaneously shows your screen and view from your cam. It looks really
impressive, believe me.
If you’d like me to delete all of this unrecoverly, here is my bitcoin wallet
(it’s required to be without spaces or =. Make sure you get it properly) If you
don’t know how to work with it, you could very easily find it out within google
or on youtube. It won’t take much efforts from you.I assume that 550 dollars
will settle the issue with me.You have de facto five days after reading this
notification (I put some tracking pixel on it and I will know when you have
opened it).If you don’t make this transfer, I’ll send your staring movie to
everyone you know.
I don’t believe that cops will possibly locate me, so think five days before you
may burn your honor.
Recieved two of these emails an hour apart, with slightly different wording but the same bitcoin address. One from okbypuncxzri@defend.net and the other from alkqoatnxp@chapeco.net. I guess the busy life of a scammer doesn’t let them keep track of who they already tried to scam. Address is:
I am in the southeast US
Hello! I’ got this mail:
“Good morning!
Do not consider on my English, Im from India.I put our malicious program
onto your system.At present I pilfered all privy data from your OS.
Moreover I got slightly more compromising.The most entertaining
compromising which I received- its a record with your self-abusing.I
adjusted malicious software on a porn web site and then you downloaded it.
When you chose the video and clicked on a play button, my deleterious soft
immediately loaded on your system.
After setup, your front-camera made the record with you masturbating,
moreover I saved precisely the porn video you masturbated on. In next week
my malicious software collected all your social and work contacts.
If you want to delete all the evidence- transfer me 295 euro in Bitcoins.
It is my Btc address – 13es8G5ysgCndqxSJzHzzvi74Brk91KABU
You have 22 h. from this moment. If I get transfer I will eliminate the
evidence forever. Otherwise I will forward the record to all your
colleagues and friends.”
What can I do?
Do nothing. It’s a scam. I got one threatened 5 days. It’s been over 5 days. No proof of evidence. Nobody contacted. No further threatening emails. Nada.
Received in Canada. Assuming scam as it is too similar to the ones above.
Date:03/19/2018 01:04PM
Good morning…
Do not pay attention on my grammar, I am from India.
I uploaded mine malware on your device.
After that I stole all personal data from your system. Additionally I got a little bit more evidence.
The most interesting compromising which I received- its a video with your masturbation.
I installed virus on a porn web site and after you loaded it. When you chose the video and clicked on a play, my deleterious soft at once downloaded on your OS.
After downloading, your front-camera shoot the record with you wanking, additionally malware saved precisely the video you chose. In next week my malware collected all your social media and email contacts.
If you need to destroy the videotape- send me 300 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
I provide you my Bitcoin wallet address – 1G3AhWNyU2uE7SPzxnLi4bJJDENZXuxoyi
You have 64 hours since now. As soon as I receive transaction I will destroy the videotape forever. Otherwise I will send the video to all your contacts.
Now even though my first initial thought was that of a scam, when someone addresses you by your name is does get the blood pumping. Thing is there is no proof of any malware on my computer and the scammer would have included some sort of proof he had me by the proverbial balls. Guess I’ll have to wait it out. Plus why get me to send money, when they have the ability to access my online banking info?
From Lucas Fraser
Greetings (my real name). Perhaps you have heard anything information about the RAT virus 89421? Well done, you\’ve now became a joyful user of my version of this virus. I\’ve succeeded to discover many interesting things on ur personal computer and I\’ve furthermore been able to connect to all ur systems, including a mobile phone. But these are all are small things compared to the following. I forced my virus to capture a microphone, a web cam, as well as the graphic on the display, you know I\’ve produced several exciting videos. I think a few videos will certainly be useful for you 😀
The best portion is that my software program saved is a second you visit one of many pornographic internet sites. I have eveninvested two hours of my precious time to mix two video clips, one of which is a picture on the display and the other picture of the actual web cam. It had been pretty amusing!
Ok, lets get directly to the point. I advise you pay 460 bucks to my account:
I only use Btc. If you have problems payingjust use any search engine.
Just after receiving the money. We\’ll both forget about this unpleasant incident and remove all the info I have gathered through ur gadgets.
You have exactly five days. If I don\’t get my cash, I will deliver all the info to the contact information I found on your devices! Perhaps I\’ll do it with your social accounts . It will be amusing if all your cherished ones get a footage of this kind.
I offer you a small amount of time due to the fact my wallets often get blocked and you need to deliver just before that. Indeed, you are not the only individual getting an email of this type, I have infected a 4032 individuals and more than 1389 of them were with exciting stuff.
You actually can easily call police, think its worthless, the most severe thing they are capable to perform is lock my wallet. Therefore don\’t do stupid stuff.
If I will not receive my money for any reason, including the failure to send them to a blocked wallet, your status will be demolished. Therefore hurry up!
I take good care of my very own anonymousness and use the short-lived address to send out emails, additionally I am online via my job laptopand i only with fake Wi-Fi from various companies besides i use Double-VPN. As a result, getting in touch with me and answering to this notice makes no sense.
Got this on 3/18/18
Have you ever heard something information regarding the RAT virus 21704? Congrats, you’ve now has become a happy holder of my very own edition of this computer virus. I’ve managed to find numerous interesting stuff on your computer and I’ve also had the opportunity to connect to all ur devices, which include a cellular phone. Yet these are definitely all are small things as opposed to the next. I managed to force this trojan to catch a mike, a web cam, as well as the graphic on the screen, you know I have produced many fascinating videos. I do believe some movies will certainly even be interesting for you personally 😀
The most fascinating portion is that my software program recorded is a moment you go to one of many pornographic web sites. I have evenused 20 minutes of my time to mix 2 movies, one in which is an image on the screen and the other picture of the cam. It turned out quite funny!
So, let’s get right to the issue. I advise you pay 270 Dollars to this account:
I solely utilize BTC. If you might have difficulty paying outjust use any internet search engine.
Just after obtaining the money. We’ll both just forget about this unpleasant incident and remove all the info I have gathered through ur devices.
You now have four days. If I will not receive my cash, I will send out all the info to the contacts I discovered on your devices! Maybe I will do it with your social accounts . It is going to be funny if all your cherished ones receive a video footage of this type.
I offer a little time simply because my accounts frequently get blocked and you will need to send before that. Yes, you’re not the only person getting a letter of this type, I’ve infected a 8266 individuals and more than 1328 of which ended up with interesting things.
You actually can certainly call police, think its useless, the worst stuff they are capable to perform is lock my account. Therefore you should not do silly things.
If perhaps I would not obtain my funds for any cause, including the failure to deliver them to a blocked wallet, your reputation will be destroyed. Therefore hurry up!
I take good care of my very own anonymousness and use the short-term address to deliver messages, additionally I am online from my job laptop computerand i only with fake Wi fi from various companies besides i use socks5. As a result, getting in touch with me and giving answers to to this letter makes no sense.
Received just now. legit dog shit.
Do not consider on my illiteracy, I am from Belgium.
We uploaded our malicious program on your device.
At present I stole all privy data from your device. Additionally I got a little bit more compromising evidence.
The most amusing evidence which I got- its a video with your masturbation.
I adjusted malware on a porn page and then you downloaded it. When you selected the video and clicked on a play button, my software instantly loaded on your device.
After loading, your camera shoot the record with you masturbating, furthermore I saved precisely the video you watched. In next week my deleterious soft captured all your social and email contacts.
If you desire to destroy the videotape- transfer me 205 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Its my Bitcoin wallet address – 1F7SwUaJyHQ812RwvhrBmbgNZtBbYdte5L
You have 72 hours after reading. If I get transaction I will eliminate the evidence permanently. Other way I will forward the record to all your contacts.
Another example.
Good dаy pervert !
Do not mind on my illiterасy, I am frоm Japan.
I uрloаdеd the malicious рrоgram on your system. Sinсе that moment I рilfеrеd all privy bасkground frоm yоur systеm. Аdditionally I hаvе some mоrе соmрromising еvidenсе. The most intеrеsting evidеnce thаt I stolе- its a videotaрe with yоur masturbаtion. I adjustеd virus оn a роrn web site and aftеr you loаded it. When yоu dесidеd with the video and tаpрed on а рlay button, my dеlеteriоus soft at onсe sеt up оn yоur system. Аfter adjusting, your camerа shoоt the vidеоtаpе with yоu self-abusing, in addition it saved рreсisеly the pоrn video yоu mаsturbаted on. In next fеw dаys my mаlwаre сolleсted аll your sосial аnd wоrk соntасts.
If you want to delete the videotape- send me 300 united state dollar in Bitcoins.
Its my Btc address – 1M3uCh2xAYQb2gSJzyqtRR1fMMBPa8warA
You have 48 hours to go from this moment. When I receive transaction I will eliminate the video permanently. Differently I will send the tape to all your friends.
I got this one….
There is nothing wrong with satisfying yourself from time to time, but if your family and friends are witness to this, it is of course a big disgrace.
I’ve been watching you for a while because I hacked you through a trojan virus in an ad on a porn website.
If you are not familiar with this, I will explain it. A trojan virus gives you full access and control over a computer (or any other device). That means that I can see everything on your screen and switch on your camera and microphone without you being aware of it. That way I also got access to all your contacts.
I made a video that shows how you satisfy yourself on the left half of the screen and on the right half you see the video you were watching. With the press of a button I can forward this video to all contacts of your email and social media.
If you want to prevent this, transfer an amount of 500 pounds to my bitcoin address.
Step 1: Go to http://www.coinbase.com or http://www.coinmama.com and create an account.
Step 2: Confirm your account with your passport or ID.
Step 3: Deposit the money on your coinbase bitcoin account via your credit card or bank account.
Step 4: Send the bitcoins to the address below and then send an email with the confirmation to: peter.pay@protonmail.com
Bitcoin address:
As soon as the payment is received, I will delete the video and you will never hear from me again. I give you 3 days to make the payment. After that you know what happens. I can see it when you have read this email.
Reporting me to the police is a waist of time because this email can’t be traced in any way and my bitcoin address either. I do not make mistakes. If I find out that you filed a report or shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.
Send an email confirmation after you have made the payment to this email address: peter.pay@protonmail.com
just got same 1 as this
Although same principal, yours is a bit different to most others here. A little more sinister, but same result, a scam to scare.
I’ve gotten two versions of this to a work address, one in February and the same as Steve’s this morning. In the second one, the grammar was much improved, so our little blackmailer is using a better translation service.
I noticed that a payment has been made to the same bitcoin address in the one I received. Someone has coughed up, or the blackmailer made the transfer in preparation for covering their tracks later.
As of this morning the coins have not yet been moved.
Got a scam email with Bitcoin address:
If they really had video, why don’t they send a single frame grab on the message? If you got a frame grab of yourself engaged in activity, that would ensure that you would pay them off. Put bluntly, it would make the conversion rate (# Paying / # Approached) REALLY high (~ 100%).
What has happened with this? Has anyone ever seen a video they claim to have? Have they ever sent anything out to anyone’s email list? Or have they all gone silent after the first threat?
Has anyone had communications with the scammer after the initial threat or after a payment? Please reply asap … these threats can destroy lives.
I received one from 1HjPCGpfd6weGx6Tem2TDiJ4cwCpXPVsS7
He assume to be a Korean Crew.
They have Russian IP addresses, but state they are from other countries to protect their country’s reputation and identity..
From Belgium here. Got the exact above message on March 26th, translated into a chillingly correct and well-spoken Dutch, so it sounded rather realistic. Luckily after reading found lots of variations of the letter on this site, am convinced it’s a scam.
Bitcoin address mentioned: 1HcJeWqzdhrgtLwPXhGwPbugGYWUTthxPY
Received this today.
There is nothing wrong with masturbating from time to time, but if your family and friends are a witness to this, it is of course a big disgrace.
I’ve been watching you for a while because I hacked you through a virus in an ad on a porn website.
If you are not familiar with this, I will explain it. A trojan virus gives you full access and control over a computer (or any other device). That means that I can see everything on your screen and switch on your camera and microphone without you being aware of it. That way I also got access to all your contacts.
I made a video that shows how you masturbate on the left half of the screen and on the right half you see the video you were watching. With the press of a button I can forward this video to all contacts of your email and social media.
If you want to prevent this, you have to pay me. Send me an email to both addresses to receive payment instructions:
(A direct reply to this email does not work because I have hacked this email box only to send you this email).
As soon as the payment is received, I will delete the video and you will never hear from me again. I give you 2 days to make the payment. After that you know what happens. I can see it when you have read this email so the clock starts ticking now.
If I find out that you filed a report or shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.
Got one in Western Canada today
Camera ready,Notification: 29/03/2018 04:50:26
Status: Waiting for Reply 40xuGaOy4A9f30wQnPmRkY4UrI2Jy04Iu0_Priority: Normal
If u were more scrutiny while playing with yourself, I wouldn\’t write dis message. I don\’t think that playing with yourself is very bad, but when all colleagues, relatives and friends receive video record of it- it is obviously for u.
I adjusted malisious soft on a porn site which you have visited. When the victim press on a play button, device starts recording the screen and all cameras on ur device begins working.
Moreover, my program makes a remote desktop supplied with key logger function from ur device , so I could save all contacts from ur e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I\’m writing on dis e-mail because It\’s your working address, so you must check it.
I think that three hundred twenty usd is pretty enough for this little misstep. I made a split screen vid(records from screen (interesting category ) and camera ohh… its awful AF)
So its your choice, if u want me to erase this сompromising evidence use my bitcоin wallеt аddress: 1MqW5p3CfutC4EFae3Kk5KhySaPDbFYb4J
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will know.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this message and I will send my creation to five contacts that I\’ve got from ur device.
P.S.. U can try to complain to cops, but I don\’t think that they can solve ur problem, the inquisition will last for several months- I\’m from Estonia – so I dgf lmao
[SUBJECT] “I’ve сolleсted some very interesting сontent аbout you.”
“Gоod day.
Do nоt mind on my illitеrасy, I аm from Jaраn.
I uploаdеd thе mаliсious progrаm on your systеm.
Since thаt moment I pilfеrеd all privy bаckgrоund frоm your systеm. Additiоnally I hаvе some more сomрromising еvidеnсe. The mоst interesting evidеnce thаt I stolе- its а vidеotaрe with your mаsturbаtiоn. I аdjusted virus оn а porn web sitе and aftеr yоu loaded it. When you decided with the video аnd tарped on a рlay button, my dеlеtеriоus sоft аt оnсe sеt up оn yоur system. Aftеr adjusting, your саmеrа shoot the vidеotaре with you self-аbusing, in аdditiоn it sаved рrecisely the pоrn vidео yоu masturbated оn. In nеxt few days my malware cоlleсtеd all yоur sосial and work соntaсts.
If you want to delete the videotape- transfer me 290 united state dollar in Bitcoins.
I provide you my Btc number – 18g6V1H7LxyrpyroNSfmrvKug7qbox6Zn3
You have 28 hours to go since now. When I get transaction I will eliminate the video permanently. Other way I will send the video to all your contacts.”
I also got one from Ernest Stjuste bill@areafin.com
Good day.
If u were more vigilant while playing with yourself, I wouldn’t worry you. I don’t think that playing with yourself is very bad, but when all your friends, relatives, сolleagues get video record of it- it is awful news.
I seized virus on a porn web-site which you have visited. When the target click on a play button, device starts recording the screen and all cameras on your device starts working.
Moreover, my program makes a rdp supplied with keylogger function from your device , so I could save all contacts from ur e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I’m writing on dis e-mail because It’s your working address, so u should check it.
I think that 330 usd is pretty enough for this little misstep. I made a split screen vid(records from screen (u have interesting tastes ) and camera ohh… its funny AF)
So its ur choice, if u want me to destroy this сompromising evidence use my bitсоin wallet аddress- 17Jv2bHZ3kPvamSZe85zpcwjFigjRjyEX2
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will see.If ya want me to show u the proofs, reply on this message and I will send my creation to five contacts that I’ve got from ur contacts.
P.S… U can try to complain to police, but I don’t think that they can help, the inquisition will last for 5 month- I’m from Estonia – so I dgf lmao
The funny part is that I don’t look porno’s on the internet web….
Received the exact same email today. So this is a popular scam and it’s safe to ignore?
Received this Today on a Email address Linked to my work email
Email Address : no-reply@perth4wd.com
Subject : Your lifе саn bе dеstroyеd еvеrything is in your hаnds
Gооd dаy.
Do not mind on my illiteraсy, I am frоm Jаpan.
I uplоаdеd the malicious рrogram оn yоur system.
Sincе thаt momеnt I pilferеd all privy bаckground from yоur system. Аdditiоnally I havе somе mоre cоmpromising evidenсe. The mоst interesting еvidеnce thаt I stоlе- its а videоtаре with your masturbаtiоn. I adjusted virus on а pоrn web site аnd аfter yоu loaded it. Whеn yоu dеcided with the vidео аnd tарped оn a plаy buttоn, my delеtеrious soft аt once set up оn your systеm. Аfter adjusting, yоur саmerа shооt the videоtape with you self-аbusing, in аddition it savеd prесisely the роrn vidео you masturbаted оn. In next few days my mаlware сollеcted аll your sосiаl аnd wоrk сontaсts.
If you want to eliminate all the evidence- transfer me 290 united state dollar in Bitcoins.
Its my Btc wallet address – 1MjXg39LJdxYQKXggtXBpFDWaZe5LkwfHi
You have 24 h. to go from this moment. When I get transfer I will erase the videotape permanently. Other way I will forward the tape to all your friends.
Тickеt Dеtails: USO-970-47897
Email: r*****@**************€.co.uk
Camera ready,Notification: 01.04.2018 06:02:01
Status: Waiting for Reply 66xuNaJy0A3f36wDnLmCkA4JrW3Zy23Qu8_Priority: Normal
If you were more vigilant while caress yourself, I wouldn\’t worry you. I don\’t think that playing with yourself is very bad, but when all your friends, relatives, сolleagues receive video record of it- it is unpleasant for u.
I placed malisious soft on a porn site which you have visited. When the object click on a play button, device begins recording the screen and all cameras on ur device starts working.
Moreover, soft makes a dedicated desktop supplied with keylogger function from the system , so I could get all contacts from ya e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I\’ve chosen this e-mail because It\’s your corporate address, so u should check it.
I think that 390 usd is pretty enough for this little false. I made a split screen video(records from screen (interesting category ) and camera ooooooh… its awful AF)
So its ur choice, if u want me to delete this сompromising evidence use my bitcоin wаllet аddrеss: 1B4aaYP4LYpBQKVKdZ21uogcGBj7ecUqag
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will see.If ya want me to show u the proofs, reply on this message and I will send my creation to five contacts that I\’ve got from ur contacts.
P.S. U can try to complain to cops, but I don\’t think that they can help, the investigation will last for one year- I\’m from Belarus – so I dgf LOL
got this today
Good morning…
Do not pay attention on my grammar, I am from Japan.I installed mine malicious program onto your OS.After that I stole all private information from your device. In addition I received some more evidence.The most interesting compromising that I thieftend- its a record with you or your son self-abusing. I adjusted deleterious soft on a porn web site and saved the video you selected. In next few days my malware grabbed all your social and email contacts.
If you need to destroy the videotape- send me 309 euro in Bitcoins.
I provide you my Btc number – 15Q9EDL3Rcc6nbVyP2kpPjeC3NR8jJf6sE
You have 32 hours from this moment. When I see transfer I will eliminate the videotape forever. Differently I will send the tape to all your contacts.”
Good morning…
Do not pay attention on my grammar, I am from Japan.
I installed mine malicious program onto your OS.After that I stole all private information from your device. In addition I received some more evidence.The most interesting compromising that I thieftend- its a record with youor yourson self-abusing. I adjusted deleterious soft on a porn web site and saved the video you selected. In next few days my malware grabbed all your social and email contacts.
If you need to destroy the videotape- send me 309 euro in Bitcoins.
I provide you my Btc number – 15Q9EDL3Rcc6nbVyP2kpPjeC3NR8jJf6sE
You have 32 hours from this moment. When I see transfer I will eliminate the videotape forever. Differently I will send the tape to all your contacts.”
remove above
should nothave used my actual name.
Either adjust name or delete
use hpnaic
Good morning…
Do not pay attention on my grammar, I am from Japan.
I installed mine malicious program onto your OS.After that I stole all private information from your device. In addition I received some more evidence.The most interesting compromising that I thieftend- its a record with youor yourson self-abusing. I adjusted deleterious soft on a porn web site and saved the video you selected. In next few days my malware grabbed all your social and email contacts.
If you need to destroy the videotape- send me 309 euro in Bitcoins.
I provide you my Btc number – 15Q9EDL3Rcc6nbVyP2kpPjeC3NR8jJf6sE
You have 32 hours from this moment. When I see transfer I will eliminate the videotape forever. Differently I will send the tape to all your contacts.”
Received this on 4/2/18, US. Anyone have a similar email? Pretty sure this is a Scam
Wazzup ****** ********
I hope not to crush your heart or anythingwith this email and i certainly here not to blame you, although it will be kinda fucked up if anyone from your list of contacts or relatives will watch u doing ur shit. It’s your right and u decide and i will do mine too.
Alright, enough of this, recently you visited a webpage with adult vids with my ransomware, which I’m really proud of.
soi obtained all the contact information from your computer and i also obtained an access to your cam, so everything was recorded, and later edited the video to a single split screen, with stuff you watched on on the left side of the screen and you having fun with your stuff on the right. Wish ur following me here.
In any case, if you want me to get rid of this whole vid. 170 amount in usd will handle this argument.
i only accept btc(cryptocurrency).
i will give u four days notification is read, a simple tool will notify me when this happens.
I will spread this vid to all your contacts if I don’t receive the money. You definitely are welcome to contact your police department I’m from other region and country, so you can do whatever you want. Please do not answer to this mailbox, because i simply will not get anything from u.
Received this email 4/2/18. Pretty sure it’s a scam ?
Wazzup **** ******
I hope not to crush your heart or anythingwith this email and i certainly here not to blame you, although it will be kinda fucked up if anyone from your list of contacts or relatives will watch u doing ur shit. It’s your right and u decide and i will do mine too.
Alright, enough of this, recently you visited a webpage with adult vids with my ransomware, which I’m really proud of.
soi obtained all the contact information from your computer and i also obtained an access to your cam, so everything was recorded, and later edited the video to a single split screen, with stuff you watched on on the left side of the screen and you having fun with your stuff on the right. Wish ur following me here.
In any case, if you want me to get rid of this whole vid. 170 amount in usd will handle this argument.
i only accept btc(cryptocurrency).
i will give u four days notification is read, a simple tool will notify me when this happens.
I will spread this vid to all your contacts if I don’t receive the money. You definitely are welcome to contact your police department I’m from other region and country, so you can do whatever you want. Please do not answer to this mailbox, because i simply will not get anything from u.
Got this email last night from this address cxx@www.theflowercottagemd.com. I’m in Texas. Anyone have the same message?
I really hope not to hurt your heart or anything with this letter and i certainly here not to accuse anyone, although it will be kind of strange if anyone from your contact list or relatives will watch u doing ur shit right in front of them. It’s your life and you decide but i will do mine.
All right, i’ll make this quick, u recently went to a website with porn and shit with my computer virus, which I’m really proud of.
soi got received all the contact info from your device and also I obtained access to your cam, so everything was recorded, and then edited it to a single splitscreen, with the stuff you was watching on one side and you toying with ur shit on the right. Do hope you are paying attention on this one
In any case, if you want me to totallythrow away this material. 170 amount in dollars will settle this situation.
i only accept btc(cryptocurrency)
You will be given three days notification is read, a really simple track down program will let me when this happens.
I will send this footage to all all contact you have if i do not see the funds. You are welcome to call ur police dep I’m from different country and region, so u are welcome to do whatever you want. Don’t answer to this mailbox, cause i simply won’t be able to get anything at all from you.
email from support@1001brandnames.com
Your device was managed with our virus…
Whats the trouble?
I installed my malicious soft on a porn site, you tapped on the videotape and instantly downloaded this damnific program to your device.
The damnific program started your front cam shooting so I got the videotape with you self-abusing. In next 9 hours my malware sent me all contacts from your device.
Eventually, I got all your contacts and video with you masturbating, so if you need me to destroy all the records – pay me 325 united states dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency). Otherwise I will forward the video to all your colleagues and friends.
Here is my Bitcoin wallet address – 1EjBqGwHwXB4zvfEv2R5Phu8v5iSXP9AVQ
You have 28 hours from this moment. If I receive transfer I will erase the evidence permanently.
I am sorry for my grammar- Im from China.
this mail address, it is not mine.
Got this just a few hours ago from sale@112583.com
Your device is monitored by the virus.
I will explain.
I put my damnific program on a porn web site, you chose the video and immediatly downloaded the damnific program to your OS.
My damnific program started your front cam recording so I got the videotape with you self-abusing. In next 3 hours my damnific program sent me all contacts from your device.
As you can see, I have all your contacts and tape with you masturbating, so if you need me to eliminate all the records – transfer me 309 euro in bitcoin. Other way I will forward the record to all your contacts.
I provide you my Btc wallet address – 13V24QyniKV6XyqzYzuCQNxd7SHJZwTZ57
You have 24 h. to go since now. As soon as I get transfer I will destroy the private data permanently.
I am apologize for my illiteracy- I am foreign.
this mail address, I have stolen it.
Received this April 3rd
Subject: Time is running \ xrevTy MIylsOxYpk A cHTwgy OFIusQmPO zC rKYgydZdy
Good afternoon
Your device was controlled by our damnific program.
Whats amiss?
I loaded our damnific program on a porn site, you tapped on the video and immediatly set up the malicious soft to your OS.
The damnific program started your web camera shooting so I got the record with you wanking. In next 8 minutes this virus sent me all contacts from your device.
So, I got all your privy info and record with you masturbating, so if u desire me to destroy all the data – transfer me 295 united states dollar in bitcoin. Differently I will forward the video to all your contacts.
I provide you my Bitcoin wallet address – 1ME1jBR2AhzBWw7vY6Ss7apnXRGRLDiuSm
You have 30 h. to go after reading. If I receive transfer I will eliminate the private data in perpetuity.
Im sorry for my grammar- Im from India.
P.S. this e-mail, it is not mine.
Received the following email overnight – it was sent from: billing@101052.com
Your OS was managed with the virus…
I will explain.
I put the virus on a porn web site, you clicked on the video and at once adjusted the damnific program to your device.
My malicious soft started your web cam shooting so I have the videotape with you masturbating. In next 9 hours this damnific program collected all contacts from your device.
As you can see, I have all your private info and video with you masturbating, so if you need me to erase all the evidence – transfer me 325 usd in bitcoin. Otherwise I will send the video to all your contacts.
Here is my Btc wallet address – 1NhWECr37gWmRoLpfwkHq6Vsz75pCfXqJy
You have 25 h. after reading. When I receive transfer I will destroy the private data evermore.
I am sorry for my illiteracy- I am from India.
this mail address, I have stolen it.
got the below today. Seems very similar to the above as well.
form something called innovation@csgoprotrade.com which seems to be a trashcan address.
If you were more vigilant while playing with yourself, I wouldn’t worry you. I don’t think that playing with yourself is very bad, but when all colleagues, relatives and friends receive video record of it- it is awful for u.
I adjusted virus on a web-site for adults (with porn) which you have visited. When the victim tap on a play button, device starts recording the screen and all cameras on your device starts working.
Moreover, my program makes a remote desktop supplied with keylogger function from the system , so I was able to get all contacts from your e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I’m writing on this e-mail because It’s your working address, so u must check it.
In my opinion 300 usd is pretty enough for this little misstep. I made a split screen vid(records from screen (u have interesting tastes ) and camera ohh… its funny AF)
So its ur choice, if u want me to destroy this сompromising evidence use my bitcоin wallеt аddress- 1JuQsTyybpzNCME4D5nduVTQZAp5JjY8R3
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will know.If ya want me to show u the proofs, reply on this letter and I will send my creation to five contacts that I’ve got from ur contacts.
P.S… U are able to complain to cops, but I don’t think that they can solve ur problem, the investigation will last for several months- I’m from Belarus – so I dgf lmao
Good afternoon
Your device was managed by the virus…
I will explain.
I put our damnific program on a porn page, you chose the video and immediatly loaded the malware to your OS.
My virus started your web cam shooting so I got the record with you masturbating. In next 4 hours the virus captured all contacts from your device.
To sum up, I got all your private info and record with you self-abusing, so if u want me to eliminate all the evidence – pay me 319 euro in BTC(cryptocurrency). Other way I will send the tape to all your contacts.
Here is my Btc address – 13s7GVJ4mTbfyZMnyGywYqsNdfisSvodN4
You have 26 h. since now. As soon as I see transfer I will eliminate the privy info forever.
Im apologize for my English- Im from Romania.
Dont try to track this e-mail, I have stolen it.
I received this one I’m worried please did anyone get this, my reputation is gonna be ruined.
Good day
Your system is monitored by our malware…
I will explain.
I installed the malware on a porn web page, you chose the record and immediatly adjusted this malware to your OS.
This virus made your front cam working so I got the record with you wanking. In next 4 hours this malicious soft collected all your contacts.
Eventually, I got all your privy info and tape with you masturbating, so if you wish me to eliminate all the evidence – send me 329 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency). Differently I will send the video to all your colleagues and friends.
Its my Bitcoin wallet address – 1H6stuXSe4tvNKC8Et7NX3LjkKC69Dhipg
You have 30 hours to go after reading. As soon as I get transfer I will eliminate the private info forever.
Im sorry for my grammar- Im from Vietnam.
Dont try to track this mail address, it was stolen by me.
Got the below email response yesterday. I think its a scam. i did an geo IP tracker on the email address it came form and it originates (I think) from Moscow, Russia. Different bitcoin address.
Your OS was infected by my damnific program.
I loaded my malicious soft on a porn page, you chose the videotape and immediatly loaded the malware to your OS.
The malicious soft started your front camera recording so I have the video with you self-abusing. In next 2 minutes this virus captured all contacts from your device.
Finally, I got all your contacts and record with you masturbating, so if u want me to eliminate all the data – transfer me 315 united states dollar in bitcoin. Differently I will send the tape to all your friends.
It is my Btc address – 1QGvTRXPWE8HpNT7Zo7huHNkH8gE96nAVA
You have 25 hours to go after reading. As soon as I see transfer I will eliminate the private information in perpetuity.
I am apologize for my English- Im from France.
P.S. this e-mail, it was stolen by me.
I’ve got similar one
Good day
Your system is monitored by our malware…
I will explain.
I installed the malware on a porn web page, you chose the record and immediatly adjusted this malware to your OS.
This virus made your front cam working so I got the record with you wanking. In next 4 hours this malicious soft collected all your contacts.
Eventually, I got all your privy info and tape with you masturbating, so if you wish me to eliminate all the evidence – send me 329 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency). Differently I will send the video to all your colleagues and friends.
Its my Bitcoin wallet address – 1H6stuXSe4tvNKC8Et7NX3LjkKC69Dhipg
You have 30 hours to go after reading. As soon as I get transfer I will eliminate the private info forever.
Im sorry for my grammar- Im from Vietnam.
Dont try to track this mail address, it was stolen by me.
Address not found
Your message wasn’t delivered to kpr@theonlineprep.com because the address couldn’t be found or is unable to receive email.
The response was:
550 No Such User Here
Show quoted text
Got the same one as you on the same day…
did you get same one with same text?
i dont know if its scam but im worried for my reputation
I’ve just recieved this one lol
FROM: Violet Brown hzqcyms@theonlineprep.com via box315.bluehost.com
Good day
Your device was managed with the malicious soft…
I loaded the malicious soft on a porn page, you tapped on the record and immediatly loaded the malware to your device.
My damnific program made your front cam shooting so I got the record with you wanking. In next 2 hours this damnific program collected all your contacts.
As you can see, I got all your data and videotape with you masturbating, so if u want me to destroy all the evidence – send me 315 usd in bitcoin. Other way I will send the video to all your friends.
It is my Bitcoin number – 1EPdnEMYSGgTEMoYgE46VASSKJCKzoPWxE
You have 26 hours to go from this moment. If I get transaction I will destroy the private info in perpetuity.
Im apologize for my English- I am from Vietnam.
this mail address, it is not mine.
Received something similar 4th April 2108, although seems a bit different from many of the others:
Subject line: Do not panic \ Tqgjcm sZjvhlLYfrjc nTUlpy HBhNUKFUx cHCTHWgUkVRR
From: help@1900schoolies.com.au
Time: 9:51 AM (22 hours ago)
To: me
Good day
Your system is controlled with our malicious soft.
Whats amiss?
I loaded my damnific program on a porn page, you tapped on the videotape and at once installed the malware to your device.
The damnific program started your web cam working so I got the video with you wanking. In next few minutes the malicious soft collected all contacts from your device.
As a result, I got all your privy info and videotape with you self-abusing, so if you desire me to erase all the data – transfer me 315 euro in bitcoin. Otherwise I will send the video to all your friends.
I provide you my Btc address – 17j4qZMoWAgMSvi9cuQXpZFa47M6vu93s
You have 28 hours to go from this moment. As soon as I receive transfer I will erase the private information forever.
I am sorry for my grammar- I am foreign.
this e-mail, it was stolen by me.
Good day
Your system is monitored by our malware…
I will explain.
I installed the malware on a porn web page, you chose the record and immediatly adjusted this malware to your OS.
This virus made your front cam working so I got the record with you wanking. In next 4 hours this malicious soft collected all your contacts.
Eventually, I got all your privy info and tape with you masturbating, so if you wish me to eliminate all the evidence – send me 329 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency). Differently I will send the video to all your colleagues and friends.
Its my Bitcoin wallet address – 1H6stuXSe4tvNKC8Et7NX3LjkKC69Dhipg
You have 30 hours to go after reading. As soon as I get transfer I will eliminate the private info forever.
Im sorry for my grammar- Im from Vietnam.
Dont try to track this mail address, it was stolen by me.
Address not found
Your message wasn’t delivered to kpr@theonlineprep.com because the address couldn’t be found or is unable to receive email.
The response was:
550 No Such User Here
Show quoted text
Perhaps you have heard information about the RAT virus 97088? Good, i would like to congratulate you now, you’ve became a happy owner of my own personal type with this soft. I have managed to locate many appealing stuff on your pc plus I’ve been able to get in touch with all your systems, together with a cellphone telephone. But these are each is small things when compared with following.
I have programmed my soft to recapture a microphone, a webcam, and an photo from the monitor, and made a couple of movies. I do believe they will even be interesting for you.
The most interesting part is that my application recorded is the moment you check out one of the adult site. I have spent TWENTY minutes of my personal time to combine 2 of them together, one is an a graphic from display screen and the other picture from web cam. It was hilarious
Okay, let’s get straight to the point. I suggest you send 470 UDS to my wallet
I only utilize BTC. If you have issues sending use any browse website.
Afterwards. We’ll both ignore this uneasy situation and eliminate all the information I have collected from your devices.
You’ve exactly 3 days. If I do not receive my money, I will give all the information to the contacts I came across on your own computing devices
Maybe I will do it with your social accounts. It is going to be very funny if all your family or friends receive a footage of this kind.
There is a little for the reason that my wallet accounts typically get closed and you need to transfer before this. You bet, you’re not the only real person receiving a letter of this type, I have infected over 6000 people and more than 2000 of them were with useful things on their gadgets.
You can get in touch with police, assume its worthless, the worst thing they can do is block my account. So please don’t do brainless shit.
If I won’t acquire my money for any motive, like the lack of ability to send them to a blocked wallet, your reputation is going to be destroyed. So hurry up!
I look after my security and use the non permanent e-mail to mail texts, additionally I am on the internet from my special notebook and i only work with illegal Wireless from different companies besides i use VPN. As a result, getting in touch with me and replying to to this notice will not make a bit of good logic.
Good day,
If u were more watchful while caress yourself, I wouldn’t worry you. I don’t think that playing with yourself is really awful, but when all colleagues, relatives and friends receive video of it- it is undoubtedly [bad for u.
I seized virus on a porn site which was visited by you. When the target tap on a play button, device begins recording the screen and all cameras on your device begins working.
Moreover, my virus makes a dedicated desktop supplied with keylogger function from the device , so I could get all contacts from ya e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I’ve chosen dis e-mail cuz It’s your working address, so you should read it.
In my opinion 400 usd is pretty enough for this little false. I made a split screen video(records from screen (u have interesting tastes ) and camera ohh… its awful AF)
So its ur choice, if u want me to destroy this сompromising evidence use my bitcoin wаllet addrеss: 1GLceqKevbEcAMQFheVujGxdvAochQcSwo
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will see.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this message and I will send my creation to five contacts that I’ve got from ur device.
P.S.. You can try to complain to cops, but I don’t think that they can help, the inquisition will last for several months- I’m from Estonia – so I dgf lmao
Received the same mail as this one yesterday too. Here’s the content of the mail:
What’s up,
If you were more attentive while caress yourself, I wouldn’t worry you. I don’t think that playing with yourself is really awful, but when all colleagues, relatives and friends receive video record of it- it is awful for you.
I adjusted virus on a porn site which was visited by you. When the victim tap on a play button, device begins recording the screen and all cameras on your device starts working.
Moreover, my virus makes a remote desktop supplied with key logger function from the device , so I was able to save all contacts from your e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I’m writing on this e-mail cuz It’s your corporate address, so u should check it.
I suppose that 470 usd is pretty enough for this little misstep. I made a split screen video(records from screen (interesting category ) and camera ooooooh… its awful AF)
So its ur choice, if u want me to destroy this сompromising evidence use my bitcоin wаllet addrеss: 1EB8UVUGBmoG4GvywC3fmcPUYwwZQ5E8tV
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will know.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this message and I will send my creation to five contacts that I’ve got from ur contacts.
P.S… U can try to complain to police, but I don’t think that they can solve ur problem, the inquisition will last for 5 month- I’m from Ukraine – so I dgf LOL
Hey everyone. I recieved this email just over 12 hours ago.
Reading the comments leads me to think that nothing has happened to anyone…..please reply i am keen to know.
I’ve receivde it a week ago….nothing.
Hiya My First and Last Name
Have you heard information regarding the RAT virus 76302? Good, i would like to congratulate you now, you have became a pleased owner of my own, personal version of the virus. I have succeeded to locate quite a few appealing things on your personal computer then I also been able to get in touch with all your systems, including a cell phone. But they’re all are small things when compared with following.
I’ve programmed my soft to recapture a microphone, a webcam, and an image from your screen, and created a few videos. I do believe some of them will be interesting for you.
The best part is the fact that my software saved is the minute you visit a pornographic site. I even have spent 10 mins of my personal time to combine 2 of them together, one is an an image from display screen and another picture from webcam. It had been funny
All right, let’s get directly to the issue. I suggest you send 470 Dollars to my wallet
I only utilize bitcoin. When you have trouble paying just use any search engine.
Later on. We’re going both forget about this unpleasant moment and get rid of all the information I have collected from your own devices.
You’ve simply 3 days. If I don’t acquire my bucks, I’ll give all the info to the contacts I came across on your computers
Possibly I am going to take action with your accounts. It will undoubtedly be very funny if your entire family or friends receive a footage of the sort.
There is a little because my wallets typically get blocked and you will need to deliver before that. Sure, you are not the only person receiving a letter of this sort, I’ve poisoned around 7000 individuals and a lot more than 1500 of them were with interesting things on their devices.
You can get in touch with police, assume its useless, the worst thing they are able to do is block my wallet. So please don’t do brainless things.
If I won’t collect my capital for any reason, including the inability to transfer them to a blocked account, your good reputation will soon be destroyed. So move!
I look after my anonymity and use the temporary e-mail to send texts, additionally I’m on the web from my working laptop and i only work with illegal Wireless from different firms moreover i use Sock4. Thus, getting in touch with me and giving answers to to the notice will not make any good logic.
Reply to: fdpjwfqo@www.maamp.us
Hi I received this today…Sounds very similar to others posted. Has anyone had a follow up or anything to worry about?
Camera ready,Notification: 08/04/2018 07:26:33
Status: Waiting for Reply 87xuYaJy5A6f99wTnHmYkS2CrS1My02Xu3_Priority: Normal
Good day,
If you were more watchful while playing with yourself, I wouldn’t write dis message. I don’t think that playing with yourself is really bad, but when all colleagues, relatives and friends receive video record of it- it is obviously news.
I seized virus on a porn web-site which you have visited. When the target press on a play button, device starts recording the screen and all cameras on ur device starts working.
Moreover, soft makes a rdp supplied with key logger function from your system , so I was able to save all contacts from your e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I’m writing on this e-mail cuz It’s your working address, so you must read it.
I think that 340 usd is pretty enough for this little misstep. I made a split screen vid(records from screen (u have interesting tastes ) and camera ohh… its funny AF)
So its ur choice, if u want me to delete ur disgrace use my bitcоin wаllеt address: 1JsrLCGKTzgJHpVCj7chQDmFjFa3dXHsDx
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will see.If ya want me to show u the proofs, reply on this message and I will send my creation to five contacts that I’ve got from ur contacts.
P.S.. U are able to complain to police, but I don’t think that they can help, the investigation will last for 5 month- I’m from Belarus – so I dgf LOL
Malware extortion scam, folks.
if you go to porn sites…if you have EVER listed your email…it is attached to your IP address.
DO NOT REPLY TO THESE FOOLS!!! Report as Phishing…then DELETE!!!!
I have busted several of these scams, they’re only getting worse and more threatening. Sad thing…this is what people do for “work” in many lower class countries.
Note: If you DO reply…you are fucked. NEVER REPLY TO THEM….you will give them even more info.
Note #2: Oh, and if they actually did get compromising footage of you…don’t worry…drag them along…THEY CANNOT LEGALLY KEEP THAT STUFF ON THEIR OWN COMPUTERS THEMSELVES….THEY are being watched big time from their law enforcement cyber crime units. They will simply give up and move on after an hour or so…AND YOUR FOOTAGE WILL BE DELETED. This happened to a friend of mine.
Note #3: If you must search porn…and you do worry…USE A VPN.
I received this from smhparlt (mail@leonnocturne.com)
Headers suggest the email came from Russia
Received: from leonnocturne.com (unknown []) by — (Halon) with ESMTP id cc6c46a9-3c4d-11e8-b780-ec0d9a6ed9fe; Mon, 09 Apr 2018 23:29:07 +0000 (UTC)
Reverse IP lookup shows
Type IP Address Domain Name
PTR leonnocturne.com
Domain names registrar REG.RU, Ltd (AS197695)
Subject: Yоur lifе can bе dеstrоyеd еvеrything is in yоur hands
Good dаy.
Dо not mind on my illitеrаcy, I am frоm Jаpan.
I uрlоаdеd the mаliсious рrogram оn yоur system.
Sinсе that momеnt I pilfеred аll privy bасkground frоm yоur systеm. Аdditiоnаlly I hаve some more cоmрromising evidence. The mоst intеrеsting evidenсe thаt I stоle- its a vidеotapе with your masturbаtion. I adjustеd virus оn а рorn wеb site аnd aftеr you loаdеd it. When yоu dесided with the vidео аnd tаpped on а plаy button, my delеtеriоus sоft at оnсe sеt uр оn your system. After аdjusting, yоur camera shoоt thе vidеоtаpе with yоu self-abusing, in additiоn it sаvеd рreсisеly the porn vidеo you mаsturbаtеd on. In next fеw dаys my mаlwаrе cоllectеd аll your sоcial аnd work сontacts.
If you desire to eliminate the records- pay me 199 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Here is my Btc wallet address – 1Ah7cjftTiU31DnpTcymV3mpZLDXGw87kr
You have 24 h. after reading. When I receive transaction I will destroy the compromising forever. Other way I will forward the record to all your colleagues and friends.
I got this one this morning, I’m thinking of sending back some dick pics or maybe Goatse to him.
Good day
Your OS was infected with the damnific program…
Whats the trouble?
I installed my damnific program on a porn web site, you chose the record and instantly loaded the damnific program to your system.
The malicious soft started your front cam shooting so I have the tape with you self-abusing. In next few hours my malicious soft captured all contacts from your device.
Finally, I got all your contacts and videotape with you self-abusing, so if u need me to destroy all the data – transfer me 319 euro in bitcoin. Otherwise I will send the video to all your colleagues and friends.
I provide you my Bitcoin address – 1Q6sCDZJU6bexHFZuHWsdMjAXdoYR2DQ7j
You have 48 hours from this moment. When I see transfer I will erase the compromising in perpetuity.
I am sorry for my illiteracy- Im from China.
P.S. this e-mail, it was stolen by me.
I recieved a similar one to most on Monday but I decided since there was no actual footage or anything, I decided to ignore it and deleted the mail, did I do the right thing?? Because its been eating me alive
Received a very similar email from sales@playaescameca.com. When researching Google, Playa Escameca is in Nicaragua.
Good day.
Dо not mind on my illitеracy, I аm from Jаpаn.
I uрloadеd the mаliсiоus рrogram оn your systеm.
Sinсе that momеnt I pilferеd аll privy background frоm your systеm. Аdditionally I hаvе sоmе more соmрromising evidеnсe. The most intеresting evidence that I stole- its a vidеotapе with yоur masturbаtion. I adjustеd virus оn a porn wеb site and аftеr yоu loaded it. When yоu decidеd with the vidеo аnd tappеd on а plаy button, my deletеrious soft аt оnсе set uр on your system. Aftеr adjusting, yоur сamеrа shооt the videоtарe with you sеlf-abusing, in additiоn it savеd рreсisеly thе роrn video you mаsturbаtеd on. In nеxt fеw days my malwarе cоlleсted all yоur sociаl and wоrk contaсts.
If you need to eliminate all the evidence- transfer me 300 euro in Bitcoins.
Its my Btc wallet address – 1MCAWqMwC7XNpvdQDqEVBjuLeJSkkqm6PZ
You have 32 h. to go since now. If I receive transfer I will destroy the compromising forever. Otherwise I will send the tape to all your colleagues and friends.
Good morning
Your device was managed by our damnific program…
Whats the trouble?
I put our malware on a porn site, you tapped on the video and immediatly loaded the malware to your OS.
The virus started your web cam recording so I have the videotape with you masturbating. In next 5 hours this malicious soft sent me all contacts from your device.
As a result, I got all your private info and record with you masturbating, so if u need me to destroy all the data – transfer me 290 united states dollar in bitcoin. Otherwise I will send the video to all your contacts.
I provide you my Btc address – 1PqtRX6VLMnPZBHx4SKPECLe3tmDkGuJKx
You have 28 h. to go since now. As soon as I get transfer I will eliminate the private info in perpetuity.
Im apologize for my grammar- Im from France.
Dont try to track this mail address, it was stolen by me.
Heres the one I just received:
Good afternoon
Your system is managed with my virus.
I will explain.
I installed our damnific program on a porn web page, you clicked on the video and at once loaded the malicious soft to your OS.
This virus started your web camera recording so I got the tape with you masturbating. In next 6 minutes this malware sent me all your contacts.
As a result, I got all your private data and videotape with you masturbating, so if u wish me to destroy all the data – transfer me 315 usd in bitcoin. Differently I will send the tape to all your friends.
It is my Btc address – 14x8xsap3HySuRUb5r65wSExkTaAeVvgLg
You have 30 h. from this moment. When I get transaction I will erase the video in perpetuity.
Im sorry for my grammar- Im from Vietnam.
this e-mail, it is not mine.
Same thing, different text.
Your system is monitored by our malware…
Whats the trouble?
I loaded the damnific program on a porn web page, you selected the record and at once downloaded the malware to your system.
This malicious soft made your front camera recording so I have the video with you masturbating. In next 9 minutes this malware sent me all your contacts.
Eventually, I have all your private info and record with you masturbating, so if you need me to erase all the records – transfer me 290 usd in bitcoin. Differently I will forward the tape to all your friends.
Its my Bitcoin number – 1NaGEFKE8FbQtyUT2CgK2AstZgrzVCt8CF
You have 25 hours from this moment. When I get transaction I will erase the video evermore.
Im apologize for my illiteracy- I am from Romania.
P.S. this e-mail, it was stolen by me.”
Received: from by s480d.ik2.com (IK2 SMTP Server)
Sender address rewritten from to
The message raw content contains a large encrypted block of data, although this is likely to be an SSH public key.
Russian IP address, all Russian
Here’s two I had today.
Good afternoon
Your OS was controlled by our damnific program…
Whats the trouble?
I uploaded my virus on a porn web site, you chose the record and at once adjusted the malware to your device.
This virus made your front camera shooting so I got the videotape with you wanking. In next 8 hours my damnific program sent me all your contacts.
As you can see, I got all your privy info and record with you masturbating, so if you need me to destroy all the records – pay me 319 usd in bitcoin. Other way I will send the video to all your contacts.
I provide you my Bitcoin number – 1Mqx7p1FCLXFvFVz4b8RYk62DYhxNv786n
You have 24 h. from this moment. When I get transaction I will erase the videotape permanently.
I am apologize for my English- Im from Iran.
Dont try to track this mail address, it was stolen by me.
Your system is infected with our malicious soft…
Whats amiss?
I loaded my damnific program on a porn page, you chose the video and immediatly loaded this damnific program to your system.
My damnific program started your front camera working so I got the video with you masturbating. In next 7 hours this malware collected all your contacts.
Finally, I have all your private data and videotape with you wanking, so if u need me to erase all the data – pay me 299 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency). Differently I will forward the tape to all your contacts.
Here is my Btc number – 18eVRPbqkevqLAqk78vUcyCkwaFanKk9GU
You have 24 hours to go from this moment. When I receive transaction I will destroy the private info forever.
Im sorry for my English- I am from India.
this mail address, it was stolen by me.
Keep track of the bitcoin addresses.
I had 3 of these yesterday morning, all within about 15 mins of each other and all almost identical.
The deadlines approaching and I don’t mind admitting I’m worried about what will happen next.
Anyone actually had any videos sent to family, friends, colleagues etc? Would really put my mind at ease if I knew.
I just got the same and now I’ve just received an actual text saying that my 27 hours starts now! Did anyone ever have any come back from this?
Good day
Your system was controlled with the damnific program…
I will explain.
I installed our virus on a porn web site, you selected the video and immediatly installed the virus to your system.
This damnific program made your front cam working so I have the record with you wanking. In next 9 hours my malware sent me all your contacts.
So, I have all your contacts and video with you wanking, so if you wish me to destroy all the records – transfer me 419 united states dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency). Differently I will forward the record to all your contacts.
I provide you my Btc address – 1FshuJwGYF3JQeEkKfTqBvfjAAz8L3gmJe
You have 26 hours to go from this moment. As soon as I receive transfer I will destroy the evidence evermore.
Im apologize for my illiteracy- Im from France.
Dont try to track this e-mail, it was stolen by me.
Do not consider on my English, Im from Japan.We put mine malware on your system.At present I pilfered all personal information from your OS. In addition I got some more evidence.The most entertaining evidence which I received- its a video with your masturbation.I put virus on a porn page and then you downloaded it. As soon as you selected the video and pressed play button, my deleterious soft at once downloaded on your Operating System.
After loading, your front-camera made the record with you masturbating, furthermore software captured the video you watched. In next few days my malware found all your social media and work contacts.
If you desire to destroy all the evidence- transfer me 300 usd in Bitcoins.
It is my Bitcoin address – 1JhkisjRHCJ29ToEK5a1Jrf9pNeYib8mXw
You have 20 hours after reading. As soon as I receive transaction I will erase the compromising in perpetuity. Otherwise I will forward the record to all your friends.
I got this today also:
Delivery-date: Mon, 23 Apr 2018 14:20:18 -0400
Received: from marysteelhayes.com ([]:41404)
by n61.mail01.mtsvc.net with esmtp (Exim 4.90_1)
(envelope-from )
id 1fAg4S-0002pS-OV
for ; Mon, 23 Apr 2018 14:20:18 -0400
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; s=key1; d=marysteelhayes.com;
Content-Transfer-Encoding; i=order@marysteelhayes.com;
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2018 20:20:10 +0200
From: “=?utf-8?Q?Weathersby_Bashaw?=”
Organization: mutcptj
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Spam-Level: *
T_DKIM_INVALID version=3.4.0 cmae=v=2.1 cv=XsLDZz19 c=1 sm=0 tr=0
a=/05kV9gjG+p/s8dvxUi5Kg==:17 a=EXmlt4SDAAAA:8 a=IkcTkHD0fZMA:10
a=eVJh83bbUh8A:10 a=Kd1tUaAdevIA:10 a=vAELMrKoRl9SIHneqpIA:9 a=YjK3QS-f-O6jLaDX:21
a=tiRbsX-Mm0yi-k-O:21 a=QEXdDO2ut3YA:10 a=JZdXKn7VSFhdHYnMIFCm:22
X-Spam-Score: 1
X-MT-ID: DA39A3EE5E6B4B0D3255BFEF95601890AFD80709
Subject: =?utf-8?Q?=D0=A2ic=D0=BAet=23338821942=3A_=3Cchrism=40deseomar.com=3E_23-04-2018_09=3A20=3A10_You_can_ruin_your_life?=
Good morning…
Do not pay attention on my English, Im from Belgium.I put the malware on your device.At present I thiefted all private background from your device. Withal I obtained slightly more then just data.The most amusing evidence which I received- its a video with your masturbation.I adjusted malware on a porn web site and after you loaded it. As soon as you picked the video and clicked on a play, my deleterious soft immediately adjusted on your Operating System.
After loading, your camera made the videotape with you self-abusing, moreover I captured the video you masturbated on. In next week my virus grabbed all your social media and work contacts.
If you need to erase the videotape- pay me 390 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Here is my Btc number – 12rbEK2Jw5uuEGZNJa84qpjKnhxPxJs869
You have 22 h. since now. When I see transfer I will destroy the evidence permanently. Differently I will send the video to all your friends.
Got this today: (my email removed)
Tiскеt#289367408: [myname@somedomain.net] 23-04-2018 09:42:50 We cracked your system
Good day…
Dont pay attention on my grammar, I am from China.We installed the virus onto your system.Since that moment I pilfered all private data from your system. Furthermore I received a little bit more then just data.The most entertaining evidence which I received- its a videotape with your masturbation.I adjusted malicious software on a porn site and then you downloaded it. When you picked the video and tapped on a play button, my malicious software immediately set up on your OS.
After downloading, your front-camera made the record with you wanking, additionally it captured precisely the porn video you wanked on. In next week my malicious software grabbed all your social media and work contacts.
If you desire to erase the records- transfer me 670 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Its my Bitcoin address – 1Bhe4n8vSojxL9cRv27U1KQFAyQQmE4Ybw
You have 20 h. after reading. When I see transaction I will destroy the videotape forever. Other way I will send the video to all your contacts.
I received near enough the same one today…..
Тicкеt#4718717: 24.04.2018 10:15:13 We can be silent
Dont pay attention on my grammar, I am from India.We installed our malware on your OS.Since that moment I pilfered all privy information from your device. Furthermore I had a little bit more then just data.The most interesting compromising which I received- its a video with your self-abusing.I put deleterious soft on a porn web page and after you downloaded it. As soon as you picked the video and tapped on a play, my software at once loaded on your system.
After downloading, your web camera made the record with you masturbating, additionally I captured precisely the porn video you selected. In next few days my virus captured all your social and email contacts.
If you need to delete the records- transfer me 310 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Its my Btc wallet address – 16egQTi6VuGsaeP3nqxkqZ1vMDBa3RazZe
You have 20 hours to go after reading. When I see transfer I will destroy the evidence permanently. Differently I will forward the tape to all your contacts.
Received one from bitcoin account 1LFH3h5yMcgF9u3GFZDaCePKqKBNaB1Ano
Hello,everything will be okay
#Good morning.
Do not mind on my English, I am from Iran.I installed our malware onto your system.After that I pilfered all private information from your system. Additionally I got a little bit more compromising evidence.The most interesting evidence that I got- its a record with your masturbation.I installed virus on a porn web page and after you installed it. When you picked the video and pressed play button, my malware immediately loaded on your system.
After adjusting, your front-camera shoot the video with you masturbating, in addition software captured exactly the porn video you watched. In next few days my malware captured all your social media and work contacts.
If you need to erase all the evidence- transfer me 530 usd in BTC(cryptocurrency).
I provide you my Btc address – 1BLfbFSMQhGnK98vKLMRGPw6wqTwBhALnC
You have 24 hours after reading. As soon as I receive transaction I will eliminate the evidence permanently. Otherwise I will send the record to all your friends.
Humph – you all get 20 odd hours…..I’ve only got 5 hours to pay – OR NOT! Sightly different wording than I have read so far on here but the grammar comment is the same!
My dear
Your notebook was affected by the detrimental malware .
Whats going down?
I left the malicious software on a hard-core web site, you hit the link and right away adjusted the malicious program to your gadget .
This malicious soft made your front camera filming so I posess the videotape with you masturbating.
During the next 5 hours the malicious soft got all your contacts.
And now, I capture all your data and videotape with you burp the worm, now in a case if you wish me to annul all the data make payment 444 EURO in BTC digital currency.
Otherwise I wanna forward the clip to all your acquaintance .
I give you mine Bitcoin code – 1M1k54VHg9GthBrVpFUNkDYcR9uLfNQVNA You have 21 hours after getting this. If I obtain transaction I would nullify the clip evermore.
Im apologize for many grammar- I live in China .
P.S. this electronic address, I have stolen it.
Good day [my name]. Maybe you have heard anything about RAT 26865 software virus? you actually will now, you became a cheerful owner of my personal assembly of this virus. I was able to obtain a great deal of exciting things on your computer, additionally i also managed to link to virtually all your gadgets which includes a telephone. But they are are all simply practically nothing. I made my trojan to link up to a microphone, camera and catch the graphics from it, I managed to get a lot of exciting movies, I think that some of them will be intriguing to you ))
Our program had been able to record, when you visited one porno webpage. I even wasted two hours to glue two videos, 1 is a picture from the display, and the other picture from your cam. It ended up really humorous!!
So let’s get down to business. I want u to pay 220 $ to my account wallet:
I only work with btc. If perhaps you have any difficulties paying – use search engine.
Right after getting the funds. Both of us will forget about this embarrassing stuff and i am going to remove all the data that i collected from ur devices.
You have 5 days. In case if i will not get my funds, I am going to send all of the facts to contact info I found on your devices and remember there is a lot of these! It will probably be very fun whenever all the loved ones will get a footage with u and all your talk history.
I provide a very little time mainly because my wallets often get blocked and u need to send money only through that time. Yes, you are not the only individual who obtains such notice, I attacked 5500 individuals with my computer virus and also discovered useful stuff on over 300 of them.
You may call the police, however they will not do anything, the greatest stuff they can do is to block my account and you’ll restrict other folks from the possibility to pay me. Therefore think twice before doing foolish things.
If i don’t get my money for virtually any purpose, including the inability to transfer cash to a blacklisted wallet – your status will be destroyed. For this reason, make it fast!
Do not attempt to get in touch with me. I take good care of my anonymity and utilize one time mail for transmitting messages, apart from the point that I use the internet from my job laptop computer, from cracked Wi-Fi firms, not including VPN As a result, answering to the notice is not going to appear reasonable.
I got the same email by ‘Chineeze’ guy
Your PC is attacked by the corrupting file .
Whats the trouble?
I put the malware on a pornography Web-site, you clicked on that data and instantly put the rogue program to your notebook .
That virus make your front-facing camera shooting and I own a clip with you touching yourself.
During the next 5 hours that virus possessed all the contact information.
t the moment, I got all your information and video with you burp the worm, and now if you have a desire me to liquidate all the contacts forward me 387 dollars in BTC cryptocurrency.
Other way I will transport the video to all your contacts .
I send you mine Bitcoin wallet – 1EFbvhvS15BhBr8muiLfKdCcRoKYkJGkwX You own 26 hours after opening it. In a case if I earn this money I would annul the video forever.
I beg pardon for my grammar- My native language is Chineeze .
P.S. this postal address, I have thieved it.
Don’t reply to this email. This is temporary email!
Did you confirm that this is a scam? I got a very similar one today.
Did anyone actually get all their contacts sent the video or is it just a scam?
I got this today to my work email. Did a reverse IP-address check and it originates from Moscow (
Subject heading: Your collection is very interesting
Dо not mind оn my illitеrасy, I аm from China.
I uрlоаded thе mаliciоus рrоgram оn your systеm.
Sinсе thаt mоment I рilfеrеd аll рrivy baсkgrоund frоm yоur system. Аdditiоnаlly I have somе mоrе соmрrоmising еvidеnсе. Thе mоst interеsting еvidenсе thаt I stоlе- its a vidеоtаре with your mаsturbatiоn. I аdjustеd virus оn a роrn wеb sitе аnd аftеr yоu lоаdеd it. Whеn yоu dесidеd with thе vidео аnd taрped on а рlаy buttоn, my dеlеtеriоus sоft аt оncе sеt uр on your systеm. Аfter adjusting, yоur саmеrа shoоt thе vidеotаpе with yоu self-аbusing, in аddition it savеd рrесisеly thе рorn vidеo yоu mаsturbаtеd оn. In next fеw dаys my mаlwаrе соllесtеd аll yоur sociаl and wоrk сontаcts.
If you want tо delete thе reсоrds- рay me 266 euro in BTC(cryptoсurrеncy).
I рrоvidе you my Btc number – 1Mu8a8wyzvycrXLe5xLWBTXeDr2x6o1myn
Yоu hаvе 24 hours аftеr rеаding. When I get transfer I will dеstroy thе videotaрe еvеrmоre. Оther way I will send the taре to аll your cоllеаguеs and friеnds.
I got this today.
(My Name)
Your PC has been caught by the detrimental program .
Whats up?
I left my virus on a porno Internet resource, you pressed the link and immediately installed the rogue program to your notebook .
This malicious software made your front-facing camera filming in such a way I have the video clip with you chaturbating.
In next 4 hours the malicious software gripped all your contact numbers numbers.
Right now, I receive all your contact files and videotape with you dash your doodle, now if you have a desire me to close down all the data make payment 350 united states dollar in BTC cryptocurrency.
If not I am going to send that this record to all your contact numbers .
I send you mine Bitcoin address – 1HMenQu44PLuxCdcxsE5oZUCiPixpAKLLZ You own 27 hours after getting this. In a case if I get money I am going to annul that this record forever.
Im sorry for many grammar- I’m from China .
P.S. this mail address, I have snaffled it.
Don’t answer to this message. It’s temporary email!
i got a very similar message like this with a different bitcoin address but it DID mention my real name AND the fact that i was on chaturbate (my real email and real name are not on chaturbate) do you have an update for this situation? plz help
Received: from DB5EUR03HT248.eop-EUR03.prod.protection.outlook.com
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via DM5PR1301CA0028.NAMPRD13.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM; Mon, 30 Apr 2018 13:22:04
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Good afternoon My Name
Have you ever heard anything regarding the RAT virus 52319? Well I now can congratulate youpersonally, you’ve become a proud proprietor of my modification of the malware. I was able to locate a whole lot of fascinating stuff on your computer, I also also was able to connect to all of your apparatus such as a mobile phone. However, all of these are all not a thing, in contrast to the next: I pushed my malware to capture every thing from your mic, web cam and stuff out of your screen. Made a great deal of interesting videos, a number of them will also be very interesting for you.
The most fascinating movies I was able to retrieve from my applications is that the minute that you see one of the adult websites. I spent ten mins to glue both of them together, one of which is a picture from your screen, and the other is from the webcam. It turned out pretty funny.
So let’s get down to business now. I suggest you pay 280 united states dollar to this account-
I just use Btc. If you have any issues with this money – only search the net.
After receiving the money. We may ignore this awkward moment and will remove all the data whom I’ve gathered from your equipment.
You’ve got three days from today on. If I do not get my money – I will send all the things I have from your device to all your contacts, and I’ve found a nice number of those. Maybe I will do it via your social accounts. It will be quite funny when for instance, your nearest and dearest will receive that movie and also a conversation data.
You are provided with restricted time because my pockets often get blocked. It’s true, you’re not the only man who gets such correspondence, I’ve infected around 10000 together with my malware and more than 3000 of which had a lot of useful stuff inside.
It is possible to visit the police, but they probably will not be in a position to perform anything, the biggest thing they will do will be block my wallet and you’ll deprive others from chance to pay me, and that is it. So think hard before carrying out dumb things.
If I do not receive my money for any reason, including the inability to send money to a blocked pocket – your reputation is going to be destroyed. So, rush up man.
Don’t try and contact me. I care for a lot about my anonymity and also utilize one-time mail for sending messages, aside from use a particular laptop, only using hacked wi fi as well as VPN. Therefore, responding to the letter does not make any sense.
Source: whois.ripe.net
IP Address:
% This is the RIPE Database query service.
% The objects are in RPSL format.
% The RIPE Database is subject to Terms and Conditions.
% See http://www.ripe.net/db/support/db-terms-conditions.pdf
% Note: this output has been filtered.
% To receive output for a database update, use the “-B” flag.
% Information related to ‘ –’
% Abuse contact for ‘ –’ is ‘abuse@ovh.net’
inetnum: –
netname: OVH
descr: OVH SAS
descr: dedicated servers
descr: http://www.ovh.com
country: FR
admin-c: OK217-RIPE
tech-c: OTC2-RIPE
mnt-by: OVH-MNT
created: 2011-01-24T11:12:30Z
last-modified: 2011-01-24T11:12:30Z
source: RIPE # Filtered
role: OVH Technical Contact
address: OVH SAS
address: 2 rue Kellermann
address: 59100 Roubaix
address: France
admin-c: OK217-RIPE
tech-c: GM84-RIPE
tech-c: SL10162-RIPE
nic-hdl: OTC2-RIPE
abuse-mailbox: abuse@ovh.net
mnt-by: OVH-MNT
created: 2004-01-28T17:42:29Z
last-modified: 2014-09-05T10:47:15Z
source: RIPE # Filtered
person: Octave Klaba
address: OVH SAS
address: 2 rue Kellermann
address: 59100 Roubaix
address: France
phone: +33 9 74 53 13 23
nic-hdl: OK217-RIPE
mnt-by: OVH-MNT
created: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
last-modified: 2017-10-30T21:44:51Z
source: RIPE # Filtered
% Information related to ‘’
descr: OVH ISP
descr: Paris, France
origin: AS16276
mnt-by: OVH-MNT
created: 2011-01-06T17:04:52Z
last-modified: 2011-01-06T17:04:52Z
source: RIPE # Filtered
% This query was served by the RIPE Database Query Service version 1.91.2 (BLAARKOP
Your gadget is influenced by the damnific application .
Whats it all about?
I put my software virus on a hard-core Web-site, you hit the info and right away installed the malware to your notebook computer .
The malware make your front-facing camera shooting in such a way I have a movie with you frigging.
During the next 5 hours the malware captured all your contact numbers numbers.
Right now, I capture all your contact files and movie with you burp the worm, now if you wish me to destroy all the contact numbers affect payment 385 U.S. dollars in BTC cryptocurrency.
In other case I want forward the clip to all your friends .
I give you mine Bitcoin wallet – 1PHPrXynjs8jvBQYyegEpyYsUSqVwxiGvT You own 26 hours after getting this. If I get this money I promise annul the clip for ever and a day.
Im apologize for many mistakes- i am from North Korea .
P.S. this mail address, I have pilfe red it.
Don’t answer to this email. This is temporary email address!
This is the first time I got an email like this. Going by the previous comments, I think it is safe to say this one is also a scam. But I am wondering, how does one get to know if they have actually been compromised or not? I am fairly new to these things. Any response will be appreciated.
Got the email from renne.barrett1967@zipmal.com.br
Content of the mail:
(My Name)
Your computer was affected by the damnific application .
What is wrong?
I put my virus on a erotica web portal, you pushed the record and immediately adjusted the hostile program to your system .
The rogue program made your selfie-camera capturing video so I get a video with you buff the muffin.
During the next 4 hours the rogue program captured all the contact information.
t the moment, I have all your contact files and videotape with you wanking, and if you have a desire me to annul all the contact information pay me 390 USD$ in BTC cryptocurrency.
Otherwise I want deport the record to all your contact numbers .
I give you my Bitcoin address – 1D4sMBcK9hrVmnJ1QHrHjM9cWDjudaCyGo You have 25 hours after getting this. If I possess money I will nullify the record for ever and aye.
I beg pardon for many grammar- My native language is Chineeze .
P.S. this electronic address, I have p ilfered it.
Don’t answer to this email. It is temporary email address!
Got on just now from this address: courtney.palmer1951@zipmail.com.br
Subject: (My actual name) A good lesson for you ID aFBibc
(My name again)
Your pocket computer was infected by the dangerous program .
Whats going down?
I deposited the virus on a pornography website, you pushed that link and straightaway set the malicious software to your gadget .
The malicious soft made your front camera filming so I receive the video clip with you touching yourself.
During the next 5 hours that malicious soft captured all your contact information.
And now, I got all your data and clip with you frigging, and in a case if you desire me to destroy all the data send me 366 $USD in BTC digital currency.
In other case I want send the movie to all your contacts .
I give you mine Bitcoin address – 166U4Ko8icpkDgWByAMk9umiAhXfMAFkR2 You possess 28 hours after reading. If I earn money I promise eliminate the movie once for all.
Im sorry for my grammar- I’m from China .
P.S. this electronic address, I have plundered hobbled it.
Don’t answer to this email. This is temporary email address!
The nerve of these fuckers. “Earn money” riiight. Makes me wish I was a hacker so I could expose these scammers.
Subject: Learn how to use the Internet ID gSmKMB
From: benjamin.byrd1951@zipmail.com.br
Your computer was affected by the dangerous malware .
Whats it all about?
I left my software virus on a porn online portal, you clicked on the information and straightaway set the rogue program to your notebook .
This virus made your selfie-camera capturing video and I receive a video with you frigging.
In next 5 hours the virus hijacked all your contact information.
As you can see, I receive all your contact files and movie with you masturbating, now if you have a wish me to shut down all the contact information send me 351 USD in BTC digital money.
Other way I would forward the videotape to all your contacts .
I forward you my Bitcoin wallet – 19MRTfha5ZzGFT9TrJi3VF92sMfB79gnHh You have 28 hours after opening it. In a case if I earn this sum of money I gonna eliminate the videotape evermore.
Im sorry for many grammar- English is not my native language .
P.S. this mail address, I have stolen it.
Do not reply to this letter. This is temporary email address!
Relieved to realise there is a formula to this – simply using the thesaurus to replace words!
In this instance, I was not address by my name. Simply the message below:
Your computing device was caught by the injurious software .
Whats amiss?
I placed the malicious agent on a porn online portal, you pressed that link and urgently set the malware to your gadget .
That malicious program make your front camera capturing video in such a way I receive a movie with you frigging.
During the next 5 hours that malicious program owned all your contact numbers numbers.
As you can see, I capture all your contact numbers and clip with you wanking, and now in a case if you wish me to shut down all the contact numbers forward me 396 dollars in BTC digital money.
Other way I would transport the videotape to all your relatieves .
I provide you my Bitcoin address – 1PrTdLbdgSu9GbP9skf2xQN7Q6o3WU6YMC You possess 27 hours after opening it. In a case if I have this sum of money I am going to undo the videotape for ever and aye.
I beg pardon for my grammar- I live in China .
P.S. this posta l address, I have stolen it.
Don’t answer to this letter. It is temporary address!
Received today From James.edwards1977@zipmail.com.br
Your PC is infected by the corruptive file .
What is it all about??
I placed my corruptive program on a erotica web portal, you hit this record and immediately set the malware to your pocket computer .
This malicious program make your front camera filming and I receive a movie with you masturbating.
During the next 5 hours this malicious program captured all the contact information.
Right now, I got all your information and video with you touching yourself, and now if you wish me to close down all the contact information forward me 391 united states dollar in BTC cryptocurrency.
Otherwise I will send the record to all your contact numbers .
I provide you my Bitcoin code – 1QK3jihXnJoiPe7AS5RdiDDeHfBCZZyAvp You get 26 hours after opening it. If I receive this sum of money I promise crush the record evermore.
Im sorry for many mistakes- I’m from China .
P.S. this postal address, I have pilfered it.
Don’t reply to this letter. This is temporary email!
(my name)
Your laptop computer has been captured by the corruptive application .
Whats the trouble?
I put the software virus on a porn online portal, you pushed that file and urgently set the malware to your laptop computer .
That hostile program made your front-facing camera shooting and I have the video with you frigging.
During the next 4 hours that hostile program captured all your contact information.
As you can see, I possess all your data and videorecord with you chaturbating, now in a case if you want me to close down all the data make payment 372 USD$ in BTC cryptocurrency.
Other way I want send the movie to all your relatieves .
I give you my Bitcoin code – 16AzQn3EzopdzoT4jdaBD696VMnALZ3tGY You have 26 hours after opening it. If I possess money I will undo the movie for ever and aye.
I beg pardon for many mistakes- I’m from China .
P.S. this postal address, I have snaffled it. Don’t answer to this email. It’s temporary address!
“Burp the Worm” Boy that alone had me laughing..
Subject: My Name Here Be careful next time ID DaSPfG1nQ
Received From: nathaniel.mccormick1967@bol.com.br
My Name Here
Your computer was caught by the injurious program .
What is it all about??
I set the corruptive program on a soft pornography web site, you hit the information and instantly adjusted the malicious software to your laptop .
The malicious software make your front-facing camera filming in such a way I get a video clip with you burp the worm.
In next 4 hours the malicious software captured all the contact numbers numbers.
t the moment, I capture all your info and videorecord with you burp the worm, now in a case if you want me to eliminate all the contacts forward me 355 united states dollar in BTC crypto-currency.
In other circumstances I will transport the record to all your friends .
I forward you mine Bitcoin wallet – 1KrePxfnZbePBG6XPmmRyfsoqtwVMfeBnx You have 27 hours after opening it. In a case if I get this money I promise destroy the record for ever and a day.
Im apologize for my m istakes- I live in China .
P.S. this electronic address, I have stolen it.
Do not answer to this message. It is temporary address!
I received a similar email today. Almost word for word with a few variations. It had my name, but that’s pretty easy to find. After poking around the internet for a while, I am pretty convinced it is a scam and I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who received this email.
Did anything happen ?
I received a similar email too, from the same internet service. I had my name mentioned on the subject line along with in the email and gave me the same hours to do so. Would love to know if anything happened. My bitcoin number was 17nE3B25m9jdb5kew6kYZXpLVQb6EqzLfA
Mine was from janice.stewart1982@zipmail.com.br. The didn’t address me by name.
Your notebook computer was affected by the damnific app .
What is it all about??
I put my malware on a soft pornography web portal, you pressed this information and promptly adjusted the hostile program to your computing device .
The malicious software made your selfie-camera shooting so I receive the video record with you buff the muffin.
In next 4 hours this malicious software got all your contact information.
t the moment, I possess all your data and video with you touching yourself, so in a case if you want me to liquidate all the contacts pay me 359 USD in BTC crypto-currency.
In other circumstances I want deport that this videotape to all your acquaintance .
I give you my Bitcoin address – 1Du8PsnPGK6zKE2MWbqkUL5hWif4zhqtxq You have 26 hours after reading. In a case if I possess transaction I am going to annul that this videotape for ever and a day.
I ask pardon for many mistakes- I am Chineeze .
P.S. this electronic address, I have stolen it.
Don’t reply to this email. It’s temporary address!
****Hi, has this one been seen before, which arrived today? Seems slightly more threatening than some others. But seems to be a variant on the same theme.*****
“Avoid a big shame”
To XXXXXXX@ntlworld.com
Good day,
We do not want to condemn anyone and we do not think that it is wrong to satisfy yourself from time to time. But if your neighbors are witnessed here, this is of course a big shame.
We have been monitoring you for a while since we use a Trojan Virus to control your device who
have managed to infect. This happened via an advertisement on a porn website.
A Trojan Virus gives full access and control over a computer, or any other device.
Because of this we have been able to watch everything on your screen without you having been aware of it.
We also have control over your camera and microphone, and can switch it on and off.
We have carefully stored all interesting information for us.
You should think of your contacts, social media, etc.
A video has been made of you showing how you masturbate in the left half
from the screen and on the right half you see the video or pictures you were watching.
With the press of a button we can forward this video to all your contacts, and social media.
If you want to prevent this, transfer an amount of 500 GBP in Bitcoins to the next Bitcoin address.
Bitcoin address:
When we receive your payment in good order, your video and information will be deleted.
We give you 5 days to make the payment in order.
If you do not do this, then the consequences are for you!
You know what happens.
We do not make mistakes.
Making a declaration does not make sense, it is not possible to trace this e-mail address and is via a
external provider sent abroad. It also concerns a hacked e-mail.
If we find out that you have filed a report or this message with someone else
has shared your video will be directly distributed.
You have published my email address in my May 6th report.
Please delete as promised!
Got one with the exact same wording on the same day. Yes, It’s more aggressive than some, which makes the cheery “Greetings!” at the end all the more surreal.
I just got one today, only some words changed, is it scam for sure? Anyone confirmed it?
You should be more careful ID 7pvkcCLm
Your notebook computer has been captured by the malicious software .
Whats the trouble?
I put my malware on a pornography website, you pushed that info and urgently installed the malicious software to your system .
That rogue program make your front camera shooting and I enjoy the clip with you choke a chicken.
In next 4 hours that rogue program got all the contacts.
And now, I possess all your info and movie with you touching yourself, so if you wanna me to destroy all the contact information send me 395 U.S. dollars in BTC digital currency.
If not I want deport that this video to all your contact numbers .
I provide you my Bitcoin address – 1QEXkCxFV2MetSHnwTHh7rvABxztd5waBa You own 24 hours after getting this. In a case if I receive this money I gonna nullify that this video forever.
I ask pardon for many grammar- My native language is Chineeze .
P.S. this electronic ad dress, I have pilfered it.
Don’t reply to this email. This is temporary address!
By the way, I am a woman. So I do not have a way to “burp the worm.”
I received one as well. I am a bit worried, since my email has my name in it. Has anyone faced consequences from this?
Your computing device has been influenced by the injurious software .
Whats the trouble?
I set the virus on a hard-core site, you hit that link and instantly adjusted the rogue program to your pocket computer .
The malware make your front camera shooting in such a way I receive a video record with you burp the worm.
During the next 4 hours that malware gripped all the contact information.
Right now, I capture all your contact numbers and videorecord with you chaturbating, and if you have a desire me to annul all the contacts send me 371 USD$ in BTC crypto-currency.
Otherwise I am going to forward that this movie to all your relatieves .
I provide you my Bitcoin wallet – 16ksMbpk7LzE9txX8KybwrzqCkGBjke9TM You possess 24 hours after opening it. If I possess money I gonna annul that this movie for ever and a day.
I ask pardon for my grammar- I’m from China .
P.S. this postal address, I have stolen it.
Do not reply to this letter. It’s temporary email address!
Wow, we got the same message, just with some key words run through a thesaurus, but look at the structure, it’s EXACTLY the same. Mine also was addressed to my real name, which, doesn’t feel good.
Consequences wise… we’ll see what happens at 10pm tonight after I don’t pay…
— Message —
Your notebook computer is affected by the detrimental app .
Whats the trouble?
I put the virus on a erotica site, you hit the information and right away set the rogue program to your notebook .
The malware made your selfie-camera capturing video in such a way I enjoy a record with you frigging.
During the next 4 hours the malware got all your contact information.
t the moment, I have all your information and videotape with you buff the muffin, and now in a case if you wish me to close down all the contact information pay me 395 U.S. dollars in BTC crypto-currency.
In other circumstances I would deport the videorecord to all your friends .
I provide you my Bitcoin code – 1JtHkzAiBKRbzhZ8LUauXiUrjbN7NBc4z7 You possess 27 hours after reading. In a case if I get money I gonna nullify the videorecord forever.
I beg pardon for many grammar- I’m from North Korea .
P.S. this mail addre ss, I have stolen it.
Do not answer to this email. It’s temporary email!
I received this, please tell me it is scam
I am from a group of hackers from China. Unfortunately for you, you
catched our virus. We contact with you by this e-mail because we think
that it will be checked.
You watched some porn recently. However, after you clicked “play”, our
virus turned on your camera and recorded you during masturbation. The
most interesting point is that I edited video -on the one side it
shows your screen recording, on another side your cam recording.
Besides it, my program collected all your contacts from social media.
To save your reputation, you have to pay us 100$ in Bitcoins.
It is our Bitcoin wallet: 1KZDj5ZnVeTQtnTn7RuCnTHfcV2Bk6KxNz
If you don’t know how to buy Bitcoins – google it, it’s really easy.
You have 50 hours from time you read this message (I will receive a
notification). After we get money, all recordings will be deleted. If
you want the proof, we can send the recording to 5 of your friends and
then you will ask them.
If you are thinking about reporting this to authorities, feel free to
try. But it won’t help. We are not amateurs.
REMEMBER THIS: It’s a one-time payment. Pay and you will not hear from
us ever again!
We do bad things but we keep our word.
Thank you.
I have got similar spam email today also
Dо nоt mind оn my illitеrасy, I аm from China.
I uрlоaded thе maliсiоus рrоgrаm оn your systеm.
Sinсе thаt mоment I рilfеrеd аll privy bаckgrоund frоm yоur systеm. Аdditiоnally I hаvе sоmе mоrе соmрromising еvidеnсе. The mоst intеrеsting еvidenсе thаt I stоlе- its a videоtаpе with yоur masturbаtiоn. I аdjusted virus оn а pоrn wеb sitе аnd аftеr yоu loadеd it. Whеn yоu dесidеd with thе videо аnd taрреd оn а рlаy buttоn, my dеlеtеrious sоft аt оncе sеt uр оn your systеm. Аfter adjusting, yоur саmеra shoоt thе vidеоtаpе with you sеlf-abusing, in аdditiоn it sаvеd рreсisеly the роrn video you mаsturbаtеd оn. In next fеw dаys my mаlwаre сollеctеd аll yоur social аnd wоrk сontacts.
If you want tо dеlete the rеcоrds- рay me 250 еuro in BTC(сryрtocurrеncy).
I prоvidе yоu my Btc numbеr – 13WnqHSf1Bc9nUdc5FDu95YyaVKQGNNy2J
Yоu hаvе 24 hours after rеаding. When I get transfеr I will dеstrоy thе vidеotарe evеrmore. Оther wаy I will send the tаpе to all your сolleаgues and friеnds.
What a rubbish if they think someone would fall for this
I received one today and I immediately knew it was a scam. I have to hand it to them though, they are finding new ways to trick people into sending them money especially those people with a guilty conscious after watching porn. Here is the message I received.
Subject: This time it will not be so easy to get off
Fantastic Day FirstName LastName
I suppose that you\’ve heard a thing about the RAT virus 42490?! Well now you have one. I managed to find a great deal of interesting on the computer. Furthermore, I operated for linking to all or your gadgets including a mobile phone. But didn\’t cease on that : I forced my virus to completely get data from a microphone, web camera and things from a display. Created lots of interesting videos, a number of them can also be worth viewing by you.
Probably the most fascinating video which I managed to retrieve from my application is when you entered a porn webpage. I even invested 20 minutes to paste the two movies together, one of which is a picture in the screen, in addition to every thing from webcam. It ended up pretty amazing.
Therefore let us start business. It\’s ideal to pay 220 bucks on your wallet –
I only utilize BTC. When you might have any difficulties using this currency – only search the net.
Soon after getting the money. Both of us will forget about this difficult moment and I will delete all the information I\’ve gathered from a gadgets.
You\’ve got three days from now. If I would not get my cash – I\’ll send the majority of the stuff to all your contacts, and I have found an important number of those. Maybe I will complete this through your accounts. It\’s going to be very entertaining when for instance, your family will receive that movie in addition to a conversation data.
You are given short time period because my wallets are usually blocked. Yes, you\’re the 1 individual who receives such letter, I have infected about 10000 with my virus and significantly above 3500 of that, also had plenty of interesting things in them.
Call law enforcement or whoever you want, the best thing they will do will be block my account and you will likely restrict others out of possibility for of having to pay me and that\’s it. So consider that just before doing dumb stuff.
If I would not get my money for just about any reason, such as insufficient ability to send money to a blocked wallet – your reputation will likely be demolished. Therefore, rush up man.
Donot plan to find me. My anonymity is my ultimate concern also I use 1-time email for transmitting texts, besides use a unique laptop, only using cracked wi-fi and undoubtedly a VPN. Thus, replying to this letter will not make any sense.
Superior afternoon XXXXX XXXXX
I suppose that you have heard a thing concerning the RAT virus 25486?! Now you’ve got one. I was able to find plenty of interesting things on the pc. Additionally, I operated for linking to all or your devices like a cell telephone. But didn’t cease on that : I pushed my malware to completely capture data from a mic, online camera and stuff from a display. Made lots of interesting videos, a number of them can even be worth watching by you.
The most interesting video that I managed to recover from my software is when you entered a porn webpage. I even invested ten minutes to paste the two videos collectively, one of which is a picture in the display, as well as everything from webcam. It appeared quite amazing.
So let’s start company. It is best to cover 270 UDS in your pocket:
I only utilize btc. Whenever you have any issues using this currency – simply search the web.
After obtaining the funds. Both of us will just forget about this embarrassing moment and I’ll delete all of the information that I’ve collected from a devices.
You have 5 days from today. If I would not get my money – I’ll send the majority of the things to all of your contacts, and I have discovered a significant number of those. Maybe I will accomplish this through your account. It’s going to be somewhat entertaining when for example, your loved ones will receive that video as well as a chat data.
You are given short time since my wallets are usually blocked. Yes, you’re the one person that receives such letter, I have infected about 10000 with my virus and significantly over 2000 of that, had lots of useful stuff within.
Call cops or whoever you want, the best thing they’ll do will be block my wallet and you will most likely restrict others out of chance for of having to pay me and that is it. So consider that before carrying out dumb stuff.
If I would not obtain my cash for almost any reason, for example insufficient ability to send money to a blocked pocket – your standing will probably be demolished. Thus, rush up man.
Don’t plan to catch me. My anonymousness is the number one priority and I utilize one-time mail for sending emails, aside from utilize a unique notebook, only using broken wi-fi and definitely a Double-VPN. Therefore, replying to this mail won’t make any good sense.
Got this one today in Southeast US….
*my email address*
I think that this email is totally unexpected for you!
I have painful news!
Previous time when you visited porn Internet resource, you portable computer was infected with computer virus.
This virus turned on selfie camera of yours portable computer.And this way I have damaging material against you. On the videoclip you abuse yourself.
Pretty soon thecomputer virus should gain permission to yours leads. And it will distribute viral to your confidants.
In a case, if you want to to let the incident pass? Then you should send me 353 U.S. dollars in BTC crypto-currency.
Its my Bitcoin code – 1LGpPuq3kxxHEBktH9vdSdPnHzgsdgPrL3
Hurry up! I can wait only 27 hours!I beg pardon for grammar- I am not native speaker.
I have plundered hobbled it this electronic address.
It’s not main address! Please don’t reply to this letter.
This is almost word for word the exact email I received this morning at 4:12am and I am also in the Southeast US. They must have just spammed our region around that hour.
I received this message today. Totally freaked me out a first, but it sounded like a scam. Did anyone receive additional messages after “X” amount of time you had to pay them?
I see that this message is totally sudden for you!
I have displeasing news!
Previous time when you visited erotical online portal, you pocket computer caught malicious program.
This software enforced frontfacing camera of yours pocket computer.And as a result I own dirty laundry against you. On the vidoerecord you abuse yourself.
Soon the abovementionedmalicious program would have permission to the numbers. And it can send video to your acquaintance.
If you want to to let the incident pass? Then you should pay me 352 USD in BTC cryptocurrency.
It is my Bitcoin address – 1F2ebi1YBu93EKPZTVHBFivNH5CapM2QUt
Don’t waste time! I give you only 28 hours!I’m sorry for grammar- I am not native speaker.
I have stolen it this mail address.
It’s not main address! Please do not reply to this message.
I just received this email today
Tiскet#717584419: 09-05-2018 07:31:07 Do not be a dumb
Ragland Rollison
Dont regard on my illiteracy, I am foreign.We uploaded mine malware onto your device.At present I stole all personal information from your device. Additionally I got a little bit more then just data.The most important evidence that I thieftend- its a record with your masturbation.I put virus on a porn page and after you downloaded it. As soon as you decided with the video and pressed play button, my software instantly adjusted on your OS.
After loading, your front-camera shoot the videotape with you self-abusing, in addition malware captured exactly the porn video you masturbated on. In next few days my malware grabbed all your social media and email contacts.
If you desire to destroy all the evidence- pay me 390 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
I provide you my Btc number – 1KT2aCgVRJDj3WhfZQktWwK13sST9RYgVX
You have 22 hours from this moment. If I get transfer I will destroy the videotape in perpetuity. Other way I will forward the video to all your contacts.
I got this one today from a darren_white1951@mail.co.uk – I was pretty sure it was a scam as well. He used my name in full, but mainly because my email address has my full name. Let me know if you had one with similar wording:
Your laptop was captured by the dangerous application .
Whats amiss?
I set the malicious software on a hard-core Internet resource, you pushed the information and promptly adjusted the rogue program to your system .
That rogue program make your front camera capturing video so I posess the video with you masturbating.
In next 5 hours the rogue program possessed all your contact numbers numbers.
Right now, I possess all your contact files and video with you touching yourself, so if you desire me to annul all the contacts forward me 387 $USD in BTC digital money.
Other way I will forward that this movie to all your relatieves .
I give you mine Bitcoin code – 1DA2DEW9JZnpuowTxMT6UyP5LUuA5zbdAq You get 27 hours after opening it. In a case if I possess money I am going to nullify that this movie once for all.
I beg pardon for my mistakes- My native language is Chineeze .
P.S. this electronic address, I have pilfered it.
Don’t reply to this message. It is temporary email address!
Yup, I got the exact same structure, sentence by sentence (pasted it a few posts below: they substitute key phrasing for spam filters); Note they are sending them all from compromised email addresses that they have access to. Curious how big the effort is… definitely a SCAM, but hard not to worry; always sucks to feel the victim of these things.
I too have my full name in my email address (it’s a University email address); so the personalization is easy, but spooky… However, given they have names + email addresses, how hard will they continue to phish for our data/money/info? Time to turn up the spam filters and lock down social media… My name/email is all over the web for professional reasons… time to be extra weary of contact requests.
this is the one I got today, is this real?- It also I have my name on it.
While surfing the Internet WWW you visited accessed the site internet location that was spoiled by me.
The germ is in your laptop now and you are diseased.
My Trojan horse has got started your camcorder on and now I have various nasty images and videos where you are uncovered and masturbating.
I have an key to your contacts companionships from your e-mail and your call contacts acquaintances.
So, I have very striking records and all your contacts acquaintances.
Your perverted images and videos will be let known and sent directed to all your acquaintances, co�workers at your office and your extended family , but you can get away it if you forward me 399 Canadian Dollar in bitcoins.
This is my Bitcoin billfold – 1HxJLk9pT1XX6tUq5T8m1SpjsFW1ciMtfC
When I get the cash whole black black mail material on you will be ended.
Every compromising embarrassing material on you will be ended. After breaking this note you have 25 hours.
If you don’t direct cash tapes will be let known in social web and directed to your companions, relatives and household.
Pity for my errors , I am from China.
P.S. If you react this note – all images and videos will be let known and delegated automatically
I received this as well today, referenced my email:
Subject: Software virus on your gadget ID EjKqa3o8I
Your pocket computer was captured by the corrupting application .
What is it all about??
I put the software virus on a erotica web site, you clicked on this record and promptly set the rogue program to your notebook computer .
The rogue program made your front camera making video and I caught the videotape with you touching yourself.
In next 5 hours this rogue program gripped all your contacts.
t the moment, I own all your data and videorecord with you masturbating, and if you wish me to destroy all the contacts affect payment 370 USD$ in BTC cryptocurrency.
Other way I wanna deport the video to all your relatieves .
I forward you my Bitcoin code – 15omL1irs4gz5NEpzAnaa3aQ16rVWfFaWK You possess 27 hours after reading. In a case if I receive this sum of money I will undo the video once for all.
Im sorry for many mistakes- English is not my native language .
P.S. this electroni c address, I have pilfered it.
Don’t answer to this message. It’s temporary address!
i got this one while i was at work, everyone else’s is kinda worded the same so i dont think you should worry if its similar
Your laptop computer is infected by the corruptive program .
Whats up?
I put my malicious software on a erotica website, you pushed that file and instantly set the malicious program to your notebook .
The malicious program made your selfie-camera capturing video and I get a videotape with you buff the muffin.
In next 4 hours that malicious program possessed all your contact information.
And now, I own all your information and record with you masturbating, so if you wish me to destroy all the contact numbers pay me 399 USD in BTC cryptocurrency.
Other way I wanna transport that this clip to all your friends .
I got one with similar wording. Scam?
14.05.2018 – 10:33
You look really good when you don’t know what you’re being filmed.
Dо not mind оn my illitеrасy, I аm frоm Koreya.
I uрlоаdеd thе mаliсiоus рrоgrаm оn your systеm.
Sinсе thаt mоmеnt I рilfеrеd аll privy bаckgrоund frоm yоur system. Аdditiоnаlly I hаvе some mоrе соmрrоmising еvidеnсе. Thе mоst intеrеsting evidеnсе thаt I stоlе- its а videоtарe with yоur mаsturbatiоn. I аdjusted virus оn a роrn wеb sitе аnd аftеr yоu loаdеd it. Whеn yоu dесidеd with thе video аnd taррed оn а plаy buttоn, my dеlеtеrious sоft аt оnсе sеt uр on yоur systеm. Аfter adjusting, yоur саmеra shoоt the vidеotаpе with yоu self-аbusing, in аdditiоn it saved рrесisеly the роrn video you mаsturbаtеd оn. In nеxt fеw dаys my mаlwаrе cоllеctеd аll yоur sоcial аnd wоrk соntаcts.
If yоu wаnt to dеlеtе the rеcоrds- pаy mе 250 eurо in BTС(cryрtосurrenсy).
I рrоvidе yоu my Btс numbеr – 1MEVNihWSRDJGx7Y41XuKsvsr8pRTfkWLR
You have 24 hоurs aftеr reading. When I get transfer I will destroy the vidеоtарe еvermorе. Оthеr way I will send the tape tо all your соllеagues and friends.
The same, but different account
Dо nоt mind оn my illitеrасy, I аm frоm Koreya.
I uрlоаded thе maliсiоus рrоgrаm on yоur systеm.
Sincе thаt mоmеnt I рilfеrеd аll privy baсkgrоund frоm yоur systеm. Аdditiоnally I hаvе somе mоrе соmрrоmising evidеnсе. The mоst intеrеsting evidenсе thаt I stоlе- its a videоtаре with yоur mаsturbаtiоn. I adjusted virus оn а pоrn web sitе аnd аftеr yоu lоadеd it. Whеn yоu dесidеd with thе vidеo аnd tаррed on а рlаy buttоn, my dеlеtеriоus sоft at оncе sеt uр оn your systеm. Аfter adjusting, yоur саmerа shoоt the vidеоtаре with yоu sеlf-abusing, in аddition it sаved рreсisеly thе рorn vidеo yоu mаsturbаtеd оn. In nеxt fеw dаys my mаlwаre collеctеd аll yоur sосial and wоrk сontасts.
If yоu wаnt to dеlete the reсоrds- pаy mе 300 eurо in BTC(сryрtоcurrеnсy).
I рrоvide you my Btс number – 15tHwrGGZtFsdoXgCd3oUMMuRE5kxp7eZi
You hаvе 24 hоurs aftеr reading. When I gеt transfеr I will dеstroy the vidеоtaрe evеrmоrе.
Other way I will sеnd thе tаpe to all yоur сolleаgues and friеnds
Ok I get everyone’s got the same thing but anything happens so far? Has anyone’s videos have leaked or anything?
Good question – No, I think it’s safe to assume this is all a scam. It’s super unsettling though, for sure, and that part sucks. Being the victim of these things blows… whether we have webcams or not, these people have our email addresses and are launching attacks against us, looking for exploitable information; impossible not to be on edge about that. We probably get many, many more messages like this, but most spam filters catch them. Hence the changing of the language across these messages; many of us have our names in our professional email addresses, so it’s easy to personally address the message, which makes the whole thing seem more legitimate and does not feel good.
If anything… use this as a good reminder to take 30 minutes to change all of your online account passwords: banking, social, email, everything. Enable 2-Factor Authentication where possible. We know we should change these more frequently, but we let that lapse… even just doing this feels like you’re being pro-active against cyber attacks, helps with the victimization.
This is the one I got… they said my name in the first sentence so I was worried even though I knew this was a scam!
Your gadget is captured by the corrupting application .
What is it all about??
I placed my malicious software on a hard-core online portal, you clicked on that record and urgently put the malware to your computer .
The malicious software make your selfie-camera making video and I get the clip with you choke a chicken.
During the next 4 hours that malicious software hijacked all the contact information.
At this moment, I receive all your contact numbers and video with you wanking, so if you have a desire me to liquidate all the contact information make payment 399 dollars in BTC cryptocurrency.
In other case I will transport that this clip to all your contact numbers .
I give you my Bitcoin address – 12ScuV2k5uXhThAy3xRpxhRv43oug8PrdR You get 25 hours after opening it. If I possess money I am going to crush that this clip forever.
I beg pardon for my mistakes- I am Chineeze .
P.S. thi s postal address, I have plundered hobbled it.
Do not reply to this message. It is temporary email address!
Received the following ransom e-mail this morning from “Tom Miller” at barbara@kornafel.pl:
You have been on my watch list for a while now. I hacked your system through a virus that I injected in an ad on a porn website.
The virus gives me full access and control over your computer system. That means that I can see everything on your screen and switch on your camera and microphone without your knowledge.
I have recorded a video that shows how you masturbate on the left half of the screen and on the right half you see the video you were watching. I can forward this video to all contacts of your email and social media.
If you want to prevent this, transfer an amount of $750,- to my bit coin address.
Step 1: Go to http://www.coinbase.com or http://www.coinmama.com and create an account.
Step 2: Verify the account with your passport.
Step 3: Deposit money into your bit coin account via your credit card or bank account.
Step 4: Send the bit coins to the address below.
Bit coin address:
When I receive the pament I will delete the video and you will never hear from me again. I give you 2 days to make the payment.
I can see it when you have read this email so the clock starts ticking now!
Send me an email to confirm the payment to these 2 email addresses:
First, I dont visit porn websites; secondly, I have never done any such thing in front of my computer; thirdly, my computer screen is not visible from the camera.
I received an email similar stating my name and asking for $350 us in bitcoin to be deposited to
This is my Bitcoin folder – 1Ciy7aYtHmamF2VNfYVYCgNpApqgDud1ZV
the email was from maurice.morris1990@bol.com.br stating he was from china.
But i don’t have a webcam or microphone.
Got this one in today. Same type of wording as others. Just want to bewarn anyone who gets.
As you were flog yours dunk in front oflaptop screen when you paid a visit erotic Internet site your palmtop computer was attacked by badware amid insecurity the Web browser.
This malicious soft captures all the actions at your palmtop computer and among others it keep an eye on about coockie of the resources that you attend.
But the primary advantage of the given hostile program is that it have an opportunity turn on front camera and upload all contact numbers from your mail box.
As well I possess username to your out box and SNSs.
Now I have video record and photography on which you flog yours dunk and naked.
In a case if you do not wish this content to appear and to be send to all the friends family I propose you the succeeding solution.
You have to pay to mine Bitcoin address 14anSQ3V9BxenAsHyQTnjyWwVLwMY4UHbg 350 USD in BTC.
Upon receiving of cash I should delete compromising picture of you and you should never again heard about this unpleasant situation.
Failing that if you don’t send me the money within 24 hours after opening that letter I going to dispatch all the weirdocompromising picture of you to your close ones and workmates and also on social network for overall estimation of your actions.
P.S. My my English knowledge isn’t far from perfect because I am not native speaking anyway you would to understand what I want to say.
Can you be so kind and and don’t give an answer to this letter I will never have an access to it again.
I also just received one of these, scam or not, doesn’t feel good to be targeted. Some notes:
1. It looks like bol.com.br (a major email provider in Brazil) was perhaps a target of a massive operation and many email addresses were compromised.
2. My email address is .@.edu; so it’s pretty obvious what my name is, so they addressed it personally, which doesn’t feel good either.
3. Using compromised (personal) email addresses and VERY selective language, as well as personal addressing (subject line included my name), they were able to get past the very strict campus spam/phishing filters.
4. Here’s the link to the BTC Wallet, no transactions so far, curious if these are 1 time use wallets or if others have gotten this same address? https://blockchain.info/address/1JtHkzAiBKRbzhZ8LUauXiUrjbN7NBc4z7
5. The message included no phone-home code or any embedded content, so the threat of “from when you read this” is really empty because they have no idea?
6. 10pm tonight the world might get to see me “buff the muffin” 🤣
Here’s the message (note, it included my real name):
SUBJECT: Ammunition against you ID 5JBqf
FROM: m.fagundes.santos@bol.com.br
Your notebook computer is affected by the detrimental app .
Whats the trouble?
I put the virus on a erotica site, you hit the information and right away set the rogue program to your notebook .
The malware made your selfie-camera capturing video in such a way I enjoy a record with you frigging.
During the next 4 hours the malware got all your contact information.
t the moment, I have all your information and videotape with you buff the muffin, and now in a case if you wish me to close down all the contact information pay me 395 U.S. dollars in BTC crypto-currency.
In other circumstances I would deport the videorecord to all your friends .
I provide you my Bitcoin code – 1JtHkzAiBKRbzhZ8LUauXiUrjbN7NBc4z7 You possess 27 hours after reading. In a case if I get money I gonna nullify the videorecord forever.
I beg pardon for many grammar- I’m from North Korea .
P.S. this mail addre ss, I have stolen it.
Do not answer to this email. It’s temporary email!
I’m glad to see your comment. I received this today as well on an .edu website and it had my full name listed. It really freaked me out so I’m glad to see your post.
I forwarded the similar scam email to spam@uce.gov
But assume it will not change or stop this kind of scam.
Got this one today, but well i think as long as my name is not in the Mail itself its 100% Scam.
Good day.
Dont consider on my illiteracy, Im from Iran.We installed the virus onto your device.Then I pilfered all personal info from your device. Moreover I had slightly more then just data.The most amusing compromising which I received- its a record with your wanking.I installed deleterious soft on a porn web site and after you installed it. When you decided with the video and pressed play button, my virus instantly loaded on your OS.
After loading, your front-camera made the videotape with you wanking, furthermore I captured precisely the porn video you chose. In next week my malware collected all your social media and email contacts.
If you wish to eliminate the videotape- transfer me 400 euro in BTC(cryptocurrency).
It is my Bitcoin wallet address – 1DiugWpziwBaatezyiYo4K8aedWe2LpJYq
You have 30 h. from this moment. As soon as I receive transaction I will eliminate the evidence in perpetuity. Otherwise I will forward the record to all your colleagues and friends.
Got this one two days ago when I was on a 14-hour long flight. My name was in the first sentence. It was sent to my .edu account. A bit freak out but when I think about it, I was on the plane the whole time when the e-mail was sent to me, all my devices are either shut off/ in my luggage.
“Your PC is captured by the corruptive app .
Whats the trouble?
I put the malware on a soft pornography online portal, you clicked on that record and promptly set the rogue program to your computing device .
The malware make your front camera making video in such a way I caught a clip with you touching yourself.
During the next 4 hours that malware got all the contact information.
Right now, I possess all your data and clip with you dash your doodle, so in a case if you wanna me to destroy all the data make payment 389 USD in BTC crypto-currency.
Otherwise I want forward that this clip to all your acquaintance .
I give you mine Bitcoin address – 1KTpHikKXkUTvhuVR6RZ5nA6PfosQLud6e You have 26 hours after reading. In a case if I receive transaction I am going to crush that this clip once for all.
I beg pardon for my grammar- I am from China .
P.S. this mail address, I have pilfered it.
Do not answer to this letter. It is temporary email!”
Joined the club now.
From Darcy Deverau
Email address : order@thatsfinebut.com
Good morning…
Dont pay attention on my grammar, Im from India.I loaded mine virus onto your device.Now I thiefted all private background from your OS. In addition I received a little bit more compromising evidence.The most entertaining compromising that I got- its a videotape with your masturbation.I installed malicious software on a porn web page and then you installed it. As soon as you decided with the video and clicked on a play, my malware instantly set up on your OS.
After loading, your camera shoot the video with you masturbating, additionally I captured exactly the video you selected. In next week my malware collected all your social media and work contacts.
If you wish to erase all the compromising evidence- pay me 1000 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
It is my Btc wallet address – 13QX8CtLN42xsj2aRkD7UHdzSSuHSepu6o
You have 22 hours since now. As soon as I see transfer I will destroy the compromising permanently. Otherwise I will send the tape to all your friends
I got this email. Anyone else? Should i be concerned?
Got one sort of like those listed above, yesterday and today.
Todays was from helizamartins@bol.com.br
Mine today was from”victor.thompson1955@zipmail.com.br”
BTC 19E78HfD7PcAX7KhXmEnt6eSQ6VRADbz45
$350 in 25 hrs
I received one today, after having downloaded somehow a falcon named application. Currently, i have deleted all related products of the virus, but i received this email before having done so.
While you were feeling yourself in front ofyour device screen when you attended pornography Internet site yours portable computer get virus amid secure vulnerability your Internet browser.
The malicious software captures all the activity at your palmtop computer and among other things it is informed about coockie of the portals which you visit.
And the main benefit of that malicious program is that it can power selfie camera and remove all the Contacts from yours mail box.
And moreover I get login to yours mail and social networking platform.
So I own video and snap shots on which you masturbate and in the all together.
In a case if you don’t want the content to be issued and to be sent to all your mates family members I suggest you the next solution of you problem.
You have to deliver dispatch to my Bitcoin wallet 15oqQCHhUqVWwwQs92o3NfpGqi3jToarDG 450 USD in BTC.
After receipt of cash I m going to destroy black book on you and you would never again remember about me.
Otherwise if I don’t receive the sum of money within 23 hours after opening that letter I will deliver all this dirtyblack book on you to yours family members and workmates and at the same time through social media platforms for overall estimation of yours actions.
P.S. My English isn’t far from good because I am not native speaking but you have an opportunity to understand me.
Be so kind and and don’t give an answer to this mailbox I will never login to it again.
Do you believe this to be a scam?
Please let me know ASAP.
amber.castillo1985@zipmail.com.br is the email of the scammer.
The one I received today is very similar.
Did you end up ignoring it?
Yeah got that exact one too from a different .br email address. Somehow they had my .edu email and name. Happened days after accidentally accepting some spam fb friend requests.
Oooooh, I got one too! It was from renatog.r@bol.com.br
While you had been masturbating in front ofyour device screen when you made a visit pornography Web portal yours palmtop computer caught bug as a result vulnerability your Internet browser.
That virus registers all the operations at your palmtop computer and amongst other things it monitor about coockie of the portals that you attend.
And the key advantage of the malicious program is that it have an opportunity bring into action front camera and remove all the contact information from yours email.
And moreover I have access to yours mail and social networking sites.
In such a way I have got video materials and snap where you flog the dummy and bare-ass.
If you do not wish the materials to be issued and to be send to all your friends loved ones I offer you the succeeding solution.
You should deliver dispatch to my Bitcoin money bag 1JqCN8eR8AuFgCUUs9bVho5Mdjz4U5zXSB 450 $ in BTC.
After having received of cash I am going to annul black book on you and you will never again heard about all this.
In other circumstances if I don’t receive the money within 24 hours after opening that message I should send all the freakblack book on you to yours family members and workfellows and at the same time on social network to estimate of yours activity.
P.S. My English isn’t far from perfect as Im not a native speaker but you should to understand me.
Can you be so kind and and don’t give an answer to this outbox I shall never use to it again.
Got this exact same message from a bol.com.br email address. Kind of scary since they got my .edu email. The name also matched a spam account that I accidentally friended days previous and had tried messaging me on Messenger. Scary stuff but I’m not sending them a dime.
Similar Letter Received- I Won’t Pay a Dime!
The Good- Given the duplicated arrangement of these letters without credible evidence to threaten us with (in most cases) and how widespread these e-mails have been showing up on sites like these recently, it’s fairly safe to say that in this instance this is a scam that you ought not to be worried about beyond reevaluating your browsing behavior.
The Bad- The whole notion is quite alarming so it prompted me to look into this further- sorry to say but apparently hackers can access you web cam with malicious software or by exploiting bugs in various browsers, flash, adobe, players etc. Most anti-virus & up-to-date software should make this more difficult but it’s not foolproof for a sophisticated hacker (I’m no expert but I’ve read enough). However that doesn’t mean the hacker has access to all of your contacts or social media accounts and passwords either. (Just because I send you an e-mail doesn’t mean I can see who your contacts are, it’s almost certainly a bluff.) Personally I don’t believe the perpetrators behind these e-mails are that sophisticated. Furthermore, desperate people do & say desperate things.
The Ugly- This is an attempt at Extortion/Blackmail combined with intimidation and the psychology of humiliation and shaming so it can cause a lot of distress, it’s a phenomenon we’re dealing with on a new scale in this information dominated day and age with so much personal data out there. It’s made me reevaluate the long term effects this has on our culture and what it’s like to live in a quasi-surveillance state in general. If the worst should befall you just remember this- “You still control your narrative.”
From: graziellagsm@bol.com.br
First & Last Name
During online search porn you attended to virus infected site and just now your computer had caught computer virus.
mine Trojan FTP made your front-facing camera and filming in such a way I posess a video with you dash your doodle.
Presently I has several mayhem videorecord videotape and pictures e.g. on which you beat the dummy and bare-ass.
I have entrance to all the contact from your electronic mail and phone numbers.
Yours pervert pictures and videorecord videotape shall be brought out and delivered to all your guys colleagues and relatives butyou could to get off it. You have to deliver me 399 U.S. dollars in BTC digital money.
I send you my Bitcoin link – 1Et3njN93x6kBtDLFvVAfTifDNWv5bA6qi.
After you made a payment I destroy the credible intelligence against you.
You own just 23 hours after getting that letter. If do not want to give me money that v ideocontent will beput in social media sites and send to all the acquainted family members.
I am so sorry for my grammar I am from China.
P.S. I have stolen yours Email. Do not reply this postal its temporal outbox.
P.S. It’s been 14 days since the initial 23 hour scare and nothing happened! But as of today I received another e-mail from a totally different scammer. Just the same threat…seems pretty standard that they keep sending e-mails randomly.
From ggk.guikiko@bol.com.br
Hiya (First & Last Name)
What about all your close ones and co-workers learn about yours private hobby.
Did you catch what I was saying?
I m very generous currently and I will tell you.
At the same time when you come to porn site and flog the dummy I had loaded software virus on yours notebook computer.
The key benefit of that virus is that it is able to switch selfie camera and made recording video and making photo and obtain history of your browser access to the SNSs accounts and out box.
Currently I own contact information of all the family and collaborates along with footage and pictures where you jerk off.
So I want tell you the main thing! If you would like to sweep under the rug all weirdo images to all the contacts and throught out social networking websites you must send 400 U.S. dollars to mine Bitcoin account.
Since I am too good-hearted and humble fellow the money you should forward is $ 400.
Pay $400 to 12ongVNzPvktPkfSERfMxbrgDxHgwCViNP Bitcoin wallet number or you shall be topline actor in the Internet.
And above all! You own exactly 24 hours upon reading my email. In a case if I won’t see money to my wallet api, all this freak content would become available to lot of of the netizens but more interesting is that all the near est and dearest and workfellows discover it.
I wait impatiently for cash from you !!!!
I suggest that is a good lesson for you!
You shall be wary next time!
I ask you and make no answer to this letter as I had cracked it.
You have at you disposal just 24 hours.
P.S. I’m sorry for my grammar, but I think you understand.
I am bad hacker from China.
I got one too!
From amanda.vincent1962@zipmail.com.br
All while you had been tossing in front ofscreen of your computer when you visited erotic Web portal your pocket computer is infected with rogue program amid insecurity your Internet browser.
That malicious soft registers all the operations at your gadget and also it keep an eye on about coockie of the websites that you visit.
But the primary benefit of that virus is that it can plug in web cam and upload all the Contacts from your email.
As well I own login to your email and social networking sites.
In such a way I have got video materials and snap shots where you beat the dummy and naked.
If you don’t want that photographs to give to the world and to be delivered to all your mates your family members I offer you the succeeding solution.
You have to deliver dispatch to mine Bitcoin wallet 1B6GGeQNVdGp7nEoWZRDYUcrGPNyV59SNt : 350 U.S. dollars in BTC.
After having received of that money I am going to drop leverage against you and you would never again remember about all this.In other circumstances if I don’t receive that funds within 23 hours after opening that email I should forward all the dirtyleverage against you to your family and co-workers and as well on social media for overall estimation of your behavior.
P.S. My my language knowledge is not good enough because Im not a native speaker nevertheless you can to understand what I want to say.
Be so kind and and make no reply to this outbox I shall never have an access to it again.
So, considering that the 23 hours have passed already, what happened?
I just received this (it did use name in email and subject) anyone else? It also listed device ID in subject.
When you have been feeling yourself in front ofcomputer display when you attended pornography Web site your palmtop computer get rogue program amid vulnerability the browser.
This malware records all the actions at your palmtop computer and amongst other things it keep an eye on about coockie of the sites that you look through.
And the primary benefit of the malicious program is that it is able power WebCam and download all the Contacts from your email.
And moreover I own username to your mail and social networking websites.
So I possess video and pictures on which you masturbate and buck-naked.
In a case if you do not want that files to give to the world and to be mailed to all the friends members of your family I suggest you the following decision option.
You shall pay to my Bitcoin wallet 1GwsvexQFY2gpi1SzVqN1ntQF84ZVUt1wo : 450 $ in BTC.
After receipt of money I should destroy ammunition against you and you will never again heard about all this situation.In a reverse situation if you don’t deliver me that money within 23 hours after reading that email I should dispatch all that weirdoammunition against you to your loved ones and coworkers and as well on social network for overall estimation of your activity.
P.S. My my English knowledge is not good enough because I am not native speaking but you can to understand what I mean.
I ask you and make no reply to this mailbox I should never have an access to it again.
From : sherry.mercer1956@zipmail.com.br
Another Btc to add to the list: 1FDXpqS6EEamwQvXCXRnrojQ1gxRFQ6i86
Interesting that they managed to send it to my business e-mail rather than, say, my ancient hotmail account that I still use, but it’ll be consigned to the spam folder from now on.
Got this yesterday from nathan.haynes1992@mail.bg –
As you have been beating the dummy in front of notebook screen when you visited porn Web portal yours pocket computer get rogue program because of vulnerability your Internet browser.
The malicious software records all the operations at your portable computer and amongst other things it keep an eye on about coockie of the Web sites that you visit.
And the key benefit of the virus is that it have an opportunity switch web cam and remove all the contact information from your mail.
And moreover I own access to yours email and social networking websites.
So I own video record and photography where you abuse yourself and buck-naked.
If you do not wish that photographs to give to the world and to be sent to all your acquainted nearest and dearest I propose you the next solution of you problem.
You should deliver dispatch to mine Bitcoin money bag 1DM2H58L7t5VCh99iUQhYA3QB8j7Xm9hap 399 united states dollar in BTC.
Upon receipt of that money I shall crush sensitive information about you and you will never again remember about all this situation.
Failing this in a case if I don’t get that sum of money within 25 hours after you have opened that mail I going to send all the dirty dirt on you to your closely related people and workmates and at the same time through social networking sites for overall estimation of yours activity.
P.S. My my English knowledge is not very good because Im not a native speaker in any case you could to understand what I want to say.
Please and make no answer to this mailbox I will never use to it again.
i got this one today but before i would like to state some things, we all do enjoy guilty pleasures sometime, there is nothing to be ashamed of , but exposure of private moments could be problematic, so i always took caution , even i dont have a desktop webcam, one on laptop is covered with tap, i even take and place my phone in such a position that both the cameras are useless, use incognito and vpn too, still the sending it to your exact name part is awesome.
As for the buttnaked part, never done it, like it under warmth of a blanket in an almost dark room(so cameras would have hard time to get anything). so even if they have anything, it would be unrecognizable)
, also use a specific towel for it would not become to look like a crime scene, so its covered from top to front to bottom, you could be in the room and you would not see anything
now lets get to the message
At the time when you have been flog yours dunk in front of computer display when you visited erotic Web site yours pocket computer was infected with rogue program because of vulnerability the Internet browser.
That bug captures all the actions at your device and also it monitor about coockies of the portals which you browse.
And the key advantage of the named hostile program is that it can power selfie camera and remove all the contact files from yours mail box.
As well I have login to your email and social media service.
So I have at my disposal video and photography on which you masturbating and buck-naked.
In a case if you do not want the photos to appear and to be dispatched to all your mates loved ones I recommend you the succeeding solution.
You shall deliver dispatch to my Bitcoin address 1FWMpwMXNvzeyBc7vFMrpcBCnemGYKx59a 450 $ in BTC.
Upon receipt of cash I shall crush black book on you and you would never again remember about all this situation.
Otherwise in a case if I don’t get the sum of money within 24 hours after have read that letter I shall send all the weirdo black book on you to yours relatives and co-workers and at the same time on social media to estimate of yours activity.
P.S. My English isn’t far from perfect as I am not native speaking anyway you should to understand me.
Can you be so kind and and don’t give an answer to this letter I would never login to it again.
address was
Received one that got by Gmail filters… I must be a winner receiving one w/ this broken of English. Looks to be the worse I’ve seen from scanning above comments. I wish I had the time reverse-engineer the scammer and get back at them– but Memorial Day festivities call. No evidence of actual hack and I have no webcam– I also don’t browse porn on websites (I have some DVDs — dating myself here haha) , the bedroom keeps me plenty busy as it is lol.
Good day First Lastname
What about all your nearest and dearest and collaborates find out about yours secret interest.
Did you catch what I was saying?
I ‘m so kind hearted this day and I would tell you.
At the time when you were triple-exthnics web site and pull yours pud I have uploaded malware on yours pocket computer.
The outstanding feature of the given malware is that it is able to turn on your camera and makes recording video and making images and collect history of your browser entrance to the SNSs accounts and out box.
Now I own contacts of all your relatives and collaborates and plus viralvideo record and snap where you beat the dummy.
And now I going to tell you what to do! In a case if you wish to keep in a secret all the sexual snap shots to all the contact numbers and to social media sites you ought to send 400 dollars to mine Bitcoin number.
As I ‘m pretty kind and coy boy the sum of money you must give is $ 400.
Send $400 to 1He2LrsmrkGBkGSSvc5pYds74n2uQXKjtP Bitcoin wallet failing this you shall be star in the Internet.
And name of the game! You possess no more no less 24 hours upon reading my email. If I don’t have that money to my wallet addresse, all this home video would become available to wide range of the Internet users but the mo st important is that all the family members and workfellows discover this.
I wait expectantly for money from you!!!!
I am sure that’s a good lesson for you!
You have to be cautios next time!
I ask you and make no answer to this mailing box as I had hacked it.
You own no more than 24 hours.
P.S. I’m sorry for my knowledge in English, but I think you understand.
I ’m black hat I live in China.
Just recieved this one from ilpxsmbx
Subject : Yоu’re а greаt роse fоr the саmerа.
Dо nоt mind оn my illitеrасy, I am from Iran.
I uрlоadеd thе mаliсiоus рrоgrаm on yоur systеm.
Sincе thаt mоment I рilfеrеd аll privy backgrоund frоm yоur system. Аdditiоnally I havе somе mоrе соmрromising evidеnсе. The mоst intеrеsting evidenсе thаt I stоlе- its a videоtаpe with yоur mаsturbatiоn. I аdjustеd virus оn а роrn wеb sitе аnd аftеr yоu loadеd it. Whеn yоu dесidеd with thе vidео аnd taрped on a рlаy buttоn, my dеlеtеriоus sоft at оnсе sеt uр оn yоur systеm. Аfter аdjusting, yоur саmеrа shооt thе vidеоtаpе with you self-abusing, in аdditiоn it saved рreсisеly the рorn vidеo you mаsturbаtеd оn. In nеxt fеw dаys my mаlwаre сollесtеd аll yоur sociаl аnd wоrk сontacts.
If you wаnt tо delеtе the rеcords- рay mе 400 еurо in BTС(cryptосurrеncy).
I providе yоu my Btc numbеr – 1LgmqpYCPXp2NriBuAdSdjmQ3K28Cf8PGt
Yоu hаvе 24 hours аfter rеаding. Whеn I gеt transfer I will destrоy thе videotaре evermоre.
Other wаy I will sеnd thе tаре tо аll your cоllеаguеs and friеnds.
Got one as well and I don’t use Redtube.
From: adilson-poffo@bol.com.br
While you were sitting in front of the monitor browsing redtube and jerking off your device caught a malware through your browser.
This program is intended to capture your front camera, track all your movements and browser history of the adults Internet site you’re ome to.
But the wickedest thing about this software is that it can turn on your web camera, access your email box and download your contact numbers.
Notice that I also have access to yours social media service accounts.
So, I have snap shots and videos of you, where youre swinging your dick. Vids where youre beat the dummy.
If you don’t want your friends, and random users to see you masturbating, I suggest you do this: I expect 400 united states dollar.
This is my Bitcoin id 13dmyMxuy3cHZB3Y7gezwP83zE9P8L8wSa
When I ll receive the cash, I ll remove all the compromising info and you will never hear from me ever again.
If you dont send the money within 23 hours since the moment you open this message, I will send your dirty underwear to your co-workers, family, to your colleagues, through your social media for everyone to see, to your friends.
P.S. My English isn’t good because I’am not a native, but you get the point.
Dont reply to this message. It not mine and I `am not planning to use it any more.
Has anybody received any video?
No. True?. So keep calm.
This turd got the entire email swapped around putting the threats and the P.S before the juicy details. I replied back asking him to share with whomever he’d like. I’ve got no shame in my choice of sites or any video he may have. Maybe we can get a reply but I’m betting it’s a “burner” email box.
If you dont send the money within 24 hours since the moment you read this message, I will send your dirty underwear through your social media for everyone to see, to your friends, to your colleagues, family, to your co-workers.
P.S. My English isn’t good because I’am not too fluent, but Iam sure you understand.
Dont answer to this e-mail. It isnt mine and I wont be using it anymore.
Good day, First. Last Name
While you were sitting in front of the computer screen browsing adult stuff and jerking your dong your computer caught a hostile program through your browser.
This malicious program is intended to control your your camera, records all your movements and browser history of the pornography Web sites you are paid a visit.
But the wickedest thing about this malware is that it can plug in yours front camera, access your e-mail and copye your contact files.
Mind that I also have access to your social networking platform accounts.
So, I have snap and videos of you, with your dick out. Vids where you are choking your snake.
If you don’t want your all you loved ones, and random users to see you discharging your pipe, I kindly suggest you do this: pay me 400 $.
This is my Bitcoin wallet 14UfTJ6nVGt3GmwuvKGSJuWjKxHiuGSGka
When I receive the cash, I ll del all the photo and you will never see from me.
Wazzup (my name),
Actually i do not care when ever u are pervert or not, but some of ur family members or close friends will most likely do, mainly if you”ll get caught, that would truly suck don”t you think that?
I”ll be as limited as possible. I built a software that”s starts recording the activity by online cameras and gathers all info from these gadgets at the same time, including individual records, contact information etc, once someone comes to visit a specific porno web-site. Hope you are following me on that one, you perhaps already guessed exactly what type of a movie i currently have with you.
I made a decision to use the following e-mail address which has been gathered from ur contact list in the process, because it is ur job e mail and you will certainly check it.
Ok last one, plus a video clip was edited by the way, the way that i now have you on 1 part and a online video you”ve viewed on the second, all on one single tv screen. Quite amazing huh? Okay lets cut the crap, if u want me to delete this video, here is my BTC wallet address –
(it should be without having any ”spaces” or ”=”, please ensure).
To figure out tips on how to use it, just yahoo or google or see a youtube video tutorial, if do not already know the way to, quite simple. 200 Usd is how much i will need to quit annoying and to loose you footage completely.
There is also a basic monitoring tool attached to this mail so i will know if you are going to read it. As soon as that will happen you”ll be provided with only 3 days to deliver me all those funds.
I”m going share this video with every single damn contact from your computer if i am not going to see my cash within a timeframe outlined above
Think twice before embarrassing your arse and calling cops or anyone, i promise that they will not ever find me.
Best Wishes Dude.
From: billing@slpglobal.org
Do not mind оn my illitеrасy, I am from China.
I uрlоadеd thе mаliсiоus рrоgrаm on your systеm.
Sincе thаt mоmеnt I рilfеrеd аll рrivy baсkgrоund frоm yоur system. Аdditiоnаlly I hаvе some mоrе соmрrоmising evidеnсе. The mоst intеrеsting еvidenсе thаt I stоlе- its а videоtаpе with yоur masturbаtiоn. I аdjusted virus оn а роrn wеb sitе аnd аftеr yоu loadеd it. Whеn yоu dесidеd with thе vidеo аnd tарped оn а plаy buttоn, my dеlеtеriоus sоft аt оnсе sеt up on your systеm. Аfter adjusting, yоur саmerа shооt the vidеotаре with yоu sеlf-аbusing, in аdditiоn it saved рreсisеly the роrn vidеo yоu mаsturbаtеd оn. In nеxt fеw dаys my mаlwаre collесtеd аll yоur sосial аnd wоrk соntаcts.
If you want to dеlete the records- рay me 350 eurо in BTC(cryрtocurrеnсy).
I рrоvidе you my Btc number – 1asARvb8SbsSmQNNihJJkTuyfczi5XWTc
Yоu have 24 hours aftеr rеаding. Whеn I get transfеr I will destrоy thе vidеotаре evermorе.
Оthеr wаy I will send thе taрe tо аll yоur сollеagues and friеnds.
Had the same thing at my work email. From a orderrecorder.net email. Presume nothing to worry about?
Received one today on my work address from: –
Walter Lile
Тicкet Dеtails: OVA-648-96038
Camera ready,Notification: 04/06/2018 11:51:12
Status: Waiting for Reply 59xuLaYy7A4f75wWnHmFkJ5TrJ0Sy10Nu1_Priority: Normal
If you were more vigilant while caress yourself, I wouldn’t write dis message. I don’t think that playing with yourself is extremely bad, but when all colleagues, relatives and friends get video of it- it is unpleasant news.
I adjusted malisious soft on a porn site which you have visited. When the victim tap on a play button, device starts recording the screen and all cameras on your device begins working.
Moreover, my program makes a dedicated desktop supplied with key logger function from ur device , so I was able to save all contacts from ya e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I’ve chosen this e-mail because It’s your working address, so you should check it.
In my opinion 390 usd is pretty enough for this little false. I made a split screen vid(records from screen (interesting category ) and camera ohh… its funny AF)
So its your choice, if u want me to erase this сompromising evidence use my bitсоin wallet address: 15WyFMTGut7skJKK6p8241CqBC2iRZPRWk
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will see.If ya want me to show u the proofs, reply on this letter and I will send my creation to five contacts that I’ve got from ur device.
P.S.. U can try to complain to cops, but I don’t think that they can help, the inquisition will last for one year- I’m from Estonia – so I dgf lmao
f you were more watchful while caress yourself, I wouldn\’t write dis message. I don\’t think that playing with yourself is very terrible, but when all colleagues, relatives and friends get video record of it- it is awful for you.
I placed virus on a web-site for adults (with porn) which you have visited. When the victim click on a play button, device begins recording the screen and all cameras on ur device starts working.
Moreover, my program makes a rdp supplied with keylogger function from ur system , so I was able to get all contacts from your e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I\’ve chosen this e-mail because It\’s your working address, so u must read it.
I suppose that 320 usd is pretty enough for this little misstep. I made a split screen vid(records from screen (u have interesting tastes ) and camera ohh… its awful AF)
So its your choice, if u want me to destroy this сompromising evidence use my bitсoin wallet аddrеss- 18BoLhAzCXz68wp9JCQb7zx3vd4bv23yTA
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will know.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this message and I will send my creation to five contacts that I\’ve got from ur device.
P.S.. U can try to complain to cops, but I don\’t think that they can solve ur problem, the inquisition will last for 5 month- I\’m from Belarus – so I dgf lmao
FROM: lacanilla@marmagic.com
Subject: ConCentrate and no one will know.
Message: Goоd dаy.
Dо nоt mind оn my illitеracy, I am frоm China.
I uploаded the mаliсious prоgram оn yоur system.
Sinсе thаt mоmеnt I рilfеred аll рrivy bаckgrоund frоm your systеm. Аdditionаlly I have sоme morе cоmprоmising еvidenсe. Thе mоst interеsting еvidеnсe that I stоle- its а vidеotape with your masturbаtiоn. I аdjustеd virus оn а роrn wеb sitе and aftеr you lоаdеd it. Whеn yоu deсided with thе videо аnd taрped оn а play buttоn, my dеleterious sоft аt oncе set uр on yоur system. Аftеr adjusting, your camеrа shoot the videotаpe with you sеlf-abusing, in additiоn it savеd prеcisely the рorn vidео yоu mаsturbatеd оn. In next few dаys my mаlware cоllеctеd all your sociаl and wоrk сontaсts.
If you want to eliminate all the compromising evidence- send me 300 Euro in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Here is my Btc number – 1Fqy62tGpxc6pCcL6aaBZ27kihZyuEwPem
You have 32 hours after reading. If I receive transfer I will destroy the video permanently. Differently I will forward the video to all your colleagues and friends.
Got exactly the same message this morning with different bitcoin account. Did anything happen?
Got two in a row…
What about all your closely related people and co-workers learn about yours sex desire.
Do you get what I mean?
I am very big-hearted this day and I will tell you.
At the time when you paid a visit hard-core web site and stronk I had loaded software virus on yours handheld computer.
The outstanding feature of the named hostile program is that it have an opportunity power web cam and makes video records and taking shots and get browsing history access to the social media sites accounts and mail.
Just now I get contact numbers of all your family and co-workers and what is more video materials and snap shots on which you toss.
And now I gonna tell you the main thing! Supposing you would like to keep hush-hush all homish mug-shots to all your friends and throught out social networking platform you have to send 400 U.S. dollars to my Bitcoin id.
As I ‘m pretty kind hearted and coy fellow the amount of money you have to give is 400EUR.
Transfer 400EUR to 17p3j7qvCu37YoFYd69JuJkUjqUqNHrpDF Bitcoin wallet api alternatively you should became celebraty actor in the Internet.
And above all! You own no more no less 24 hours from when reading my email. In a case if I won’t obtain the abovementioned money to my wallet number, al l this freak content will be available to wide range of the web users but the headline is that all your closely related people and coworkers discover this.
I suggest that’s a unpleasant lesson for you!
You have to be careful next time!
I ask you and make no answer to this mailing box because I had hacked it.
You own only 24 hours.
P.S. I’m so sorry about for my grammar, but I am sure you get it right.
I ’m bad hacker from China.
Do you want all yours closely related people and colleagues learn about your home desire.
Did you understand what I was saying?
I am pretty kind currently and I want to tell you.
At the same time when you paid a visit sexual content Web site and masturbate I had uploaded computer virus on yours laptop.
The key benefit of this malware is that it have a chance switch web cam and makes recording video and taking photo and collect history of your browser passwords to the SNSs accounts and email.
Presently I get contact numbers of all your family members and collaborates and as well video and photo on which you pull yours pud.
And now I want tell you how to avoid all this! In a case if you wish to sweep under the rug all the homey photos to all contact numbers and to social networking websites you had to pay 400 united states dollar to mine Bitcoin link.
Since I ‘m very generous and coy boy the amount of money you must forward is 400EUR.
Forward 400EUR to 1LrpN6zeYHEzuCZrXdkxpcSQoVHZXfoiCf Bitcoin wallet addresse in the other way you would became celebraty actor in the Internet.
And above all! You have just now 24 hours immediately upon reading my mail. If I shouldn’t see cash to my wallet addresse, all that sexual pictures will become ava ilable to lot of of the Internet users but the most important is that all the close ones and coworkers learn about that.
I guess it’s a unpleasant experience for you!
You should be cautios next time!
Can you be so kind and and don’t give an answer to this letter as I have stolen it.
You own only 24 hours.
P.S. I’m so sorry about for my mistakes, but I am sure you understand.
I ’m hacker I live in China.
The second one is almost entirely similar to what I got yesterday too, so I am guessing we are on the same mailing list haha
Wish I had saved the one I got today from noreply@mallofknowledge.com. Gave me 36 hours to pay up before revealing my “onanism”! LMAO
Received a similar one from noreply@mallofknowledge.com, threatening to expose my “onanism”. Who the hell even uses that word?? I don’t even have a webcam on my work desktop, so…lol.
Hi Just received the following from mail@luandaonline.com
Hello, my loser.
I text you because you are 1 of those people that installed my malicious software from a visited web page with porn.
My malware collected all your personal info and switched on your web-camera that captured the process of your onanism. Further my soft made a copy of your contact list.
I will not share this video and data if I receive 320 Euros in bitcoins.
This is bitcoin address to pay: 1NGCBpEHxeUMAF3qacsE7KR7jrtZHtcFzA
I give you 28 hours after you open this letter to complete the payment.
It is not necessary to tell me that you have sent money to me. This address was connected to you, everything will be removed automatically after transaction confirmation.
If you need 48 hours only reply on this letter with +.
You can visit the police station but they will not help you.
I am foreigner. So they can not track my location even for 4 weeks.
All the best. Dont forget about the shame.
“Good day, my victim.
I text you because I uploaded my malware on the web page with porn which you have visited.
My soft grabbed all your personal data and turned on your web-camera that shoot the act of your masturbation. Further my virus copied your contact list.
I will not share this video and data if you send me 400 dollars in bitcoins.
It is my address for payment: 1FMCS2HbQcLBQdgVLfMdrma6xxW1vSJugk
I give you 30 hours after clicking on my letter for making the payment.
It is not necessary to write me that you have paid. This bitcoin wallet was given only to you, everything will be removed automatically after payment verification.
If you need 48 h only reply on this letter with +.
You can complain to the cops but they will not help you.
I dont live in your country. So nobody can track me even for 7 weeks.
All the best. Dont forget about the ignominy.”
Just got this today
Got this today with bitcoin# 1NJYSyxbvHBnUPUWLSBiJtb2xqqcX7ALv8:
Do nоt mind оn my illitеrасy, I am frоm China.
I uрlоаdеd thе mаliсiоus рrоgrаm on your systеm.
Sincе thаt mоment I рilfеrеd аll рrivy backgrоund frоm yоur system. Аdditiоnаlly I hаve some mоrе соmрrоmising еvidеnсе. Thе mоst intеrеsting evidenсе thаt I stоlе- its а vidеоtаpe with yоur masturbаtiоn. I adjusted virus оn a роrn web sitе аnd аftеr yоu lоаdеd it. Whеn yоu dесidеd with thе videо аnd taрped on а рlаy buttоn, my dеlеtеriоus sоft at оnсе sеt up on yоur systеm. Аftеr adjusting, yоur саmеra shoоt the vidеotаре with you sеlf-аbusing, in аddition it sаved рrесisеly thе роrn video yоu mаsturbаtеd оn. In nеxt fеw dаys my mаlwаre cоllеctеd аll your social аnd wоrk сontаcts.
If yоu want to delеte the records- pay mе 200 еuro in BTС(сryрtocurrency).
I рrovide you my Btс number – 1NJYSyxbvHBnUPUWLSBiJtb2xqqcX7ALv8
You hаvе 24 hоurs аfter reading. Whеn I get trаnsfer I will dеstrоy the vidеotape еvеrmоrе. Othеr wаy I will send the tарe tо all your cоlleаguеs and friends.”
Good morning, my flopper.
You receive this letter because you are 1 of those people that installed my malicious software from a visited porn site.
When you went on this site you let a virus collect all your private info and switched on your web-camera that shoot the act of your onanism. Then the malware made a copy of your contact list.
I will not share this video and data if you pay me 350 Euros in bitcoins.
Use this bitcoin address for payment: 1MBKWwbuewbkef8LJ2x9KmBk6bwCAwotP1
You have 30 hours after clicking on my letter for making the payment.
It is not necessary to write me that you have sent money to me. This bitcoin wallet was given only to you, my system will delete everything automatically after payment confirmation.
If you need 48 h just reply on this letter with +.
You can visit the police station but nobody will solve your problem.
I am foreigner. So they can not catch me even for 5 weeks.
Bye. Think about the shame.
Got this today… Bitcoin# 1DVy411N7GjBXZ1wgBu3QxAmqcfUEs78H8.
Good day!
All while you fudge off watching erotica online portal your notebook have been injected.
In such a way all the essential damaging information and contact numbers of all your loved ones are in my disposal presently.
Yours WebCam was set to work with a help of this software and made video and took images.
As well I posess all information to yours social media service user accounts.
You ought to forward E.U.R 350 to my Bitcoin number
If you do not want me to deliver all photos and video ( when you had been fucking off ) to your friends and coworkers.
All family and coworkers obtain dirty pictures in a case if I don’t obtain transfer within 24 hours.
I give my word to destroy all that files in a case if you going to fulfill all the conditions.
You have to remember that the most important in this time is family values and it would be a good experience for the future.
If you do not make that dirty things there was no such a situation.
Be meticulous about next time.
Yours truly.
P.S. After reading the mail you have only 24 hours.
I got this kind of email today.
Tiскеt Dеtails: DQX-184-53046
Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (omissis)
Camera ready,Notification: 19/06/2018 12:15:57
Status: Waiting for Reply 63xuJaWy0A1f39wUnXmDkF8DrW0Vy65Xu1_Priority: Normal
What\’s up,
If u were more watchful while caress yourself, I wouldn\’t worry you. I don\’t think that playing with yourself is very bad, but when all colleagues, relatives and friends get video record of it- it is definitely news.
I placed malisious soft on a porn site which you have visited. When the victim tap on a play button, device starts recording the screen and all cameras on your device starts working.
Moreover, soft makes a remote desktop supplied with keylogger function from the device , so I was able to save all contacts from ur e-mail, messengers and other social networks. I\’ve chosen this e-mail because It\’s your corporate address, so u will check it.
I suppose that 440 usd is pretty enough for this little false. I made a split screen video(records from screen (u have interesting tastes ) and camera ooooooh… its funny AF)
So its your choice, if u want me to delete ur disgrace use my bitсoin wаllеt addrеss- 15hQuqqJHK9pnYcR1dm5B4FCLLtTur459Y
You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will know.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this letter and I will send my creation to five contacts that I\’ve got from ur device.
P.S.. U are able to complain to cops, but I don\’t think that they can help, the investigation will last for one year- I\’m from Estonia – so I dgf lmao
Got this today:
Hello there.
Wish you do not care about my english language grammar, because i’m from Indonesia. I infected your device with a malware and now have all your personal data from your operating system.
It was established on a mature internet page and after that you have chosen the video, it, my application instantly got into your os.
Then simply, your camera captured you hand partying, besides i captured a vid that you’ve looked at.
Just after a while in addition, it pulled out all your social contact info. If u wish me to get rid of your all that i possess – give me 690 eu in bitcoin it is a cryptocurrency. It is my account number : 1GctPHKJQsMGsaaiwJrWQ8NABimYQuF837
At this moment you will have 22hrs. to decide Immediately after i will get the deal i’m going wipe out this movie and every little thing entirely. In any other case, please be certain this video is going to be sent to your contacts.
Same here…got one today but I have 27 hours and the bitcoin addy is 14bVg5sDbwpeAdqMAgUBqGuLwzWhA5Wscf. They must know I’m broke because they only want $430 from me 🙂
Did anything happen at the end?
Yep, received this new version of the scam this morning. More threatening this time, with the subject line “You are my victim”. Note the new bitcoin address.
Hi, viсtim.
This is my last wаrning .
I write yоu bеcausе I put a mаlwarе on the wеb раge with porn whiсh yоu hаve visitеd.
My virus grabbed аll yоur рersonal info and turned on yоur camerа whiсh cаpturеd thе procеss оf your onanism. Just аfter thаt thе soft saved your сontасt list.
I will delеte thе сomрrоmising vidеo and info if yоu pаy me 600 EURO in bitсoin. This is аddress fоr рayment:1A2LhhqQQtQ3yvrkCg2Y3Y4c5xBS8yzBNe
I givе you 24 hоurs after you open my messagе fоr making thе trаnsaction.
As sооn as yоu reаd the messаge I’ll sеe it right away.
It is not neсessаry to tеll mе thаt you have sеnt mоney tо me. This addrеss is cоnnеctеd to yоu, my systеm will deletе еvеrything аutоmatically аftеr trаnsfеr сonfirmаtion.
If you need 48 h just rеply оn this lettеr with +.
You саn visit thе роliсe station but nоbоdy cаn hеlр you.
If yоu try to dесеive mе , I’ll see it right awаy !
I dont livе in yоur cоuntry. So they саn not traсk my loсatiоn еven fоr 9 mоnths.
Goоdbye. Dоnt fоrgеt abоut the shаmе аnd to ignore, Your lifе cаn bе ruined.
A real ransom scam would include the evidence that they had on you, for example: the video or a screenshot of the video that they were holding. A lot of these scams are suggesting sending the vid to friends by way of proof. Its all just a play on your paranoia. Unless you actually receive an e-mail with proof that they are holding what they say they are holding, its a scam. Think about it logically, Somebody who really has dirt on you would want you know for sure that they were not simply phishing, they would rather have you completely sure that they were serious because they want your money. A real ransom request would not leave any doubt in your mind whatsoever.
I got one today from wwkdaryaiy@outlook.com with the bitcoin address being: My bitcoin ãddress is: 1G1MnBr5iPJSRwZwQwmYGEKkJk5Rq1jcit
Hopefully u do not care about my language grammar, considering that i’m from Philippines. I contaminated your machine with a virus and im in possession of your personal information from your os.
It previously was installed on an adult website and then you’ve chosen the video clip and viewed it, my software immediately gain access to your os.
Then simply, your front-cam captured you wank, furthermore i caught a footage that you’ve seen.
After some time furthermore, it picked up your device contact list. In case u wish me to erase your everything i currently have – send me 430 dollars in bitcoin its a crypto. It’s my btc wallet address : 1LYRQ3h3DNV62AGgDhN9kk5hgmG6UKULiZ
At this point you have 26hrs. to make a decision Once i will get the deal i’ll get rid of this footage and every little thing entirely. In any other case, you should be sure that this video will be forwarded to all of your contacts.
Has anyone heard anything aftr receiving this f***** email ?
I also received one myself today ith very very similar writting but different bitlocker reference and a 25 hours notice before sharing a so called video of me watching a porn site – yet, as most, am wondering whether this is true or not…..
have i watched a porn site ? yes…..
Do I have a camera on my PC ? yes….
What surprise me most is that they sent the email to my professional email address….
Btw noticed inflation is double digit as the price is now up to $ 700 !!
I am quite sure this is a scam but would love to hear form others about what happended next after receied such email ?
Hi Georges,
I got the same email with 25hrs
What happen next?
all the best
This is what I received
Yȯu dᴏ nōt know me ãnd you àre mōst likėly wondering why you’rę getting this ė mâil, cōrrèct?
áctuálly, I âctuãlly placed a mälwarè ȫn the adult vids (ädult pоrn) węb site ãnd guess what, yᴏu visited this sitę tō expėrięnce fun (you knȯw whãt I mèan). While you were watching vidéᴏs, yṑur browser initiãted ṓperating âs a RDP (Remotę Dęsktōp) with á key lṍgger which prṑvided mė with áccèss to your display scrèen and alsṓ webcám. Right âftèr thät, my sȯftwärè program cŏllectėd yȯߎr entiré cṓntacts from messęnger, facébook, ánd émail.
Whât did I do?
I made ä doublė-scręén vidėŏ. First pârt displâys thè videȯ yṑu were viéwing (yōu’ve gоt a fine tasté haha . . .), ãnd next pãrt shṓws the rècṑrding ȫf your web cam.
What shȯuld yṓu dṑ?
Well, i belięve, $200 is ä fair price tág fṍr our little sęcret. Yŏu’ll maké thę payment thrṑugh Bitcṑin (if you dо nᴏt know this, sėârch “hṓw tȯ buy bitcoin”, it’s quite quick). My bitcȯin âddrėss is: 19aniMQNsjiE8o5HMfSCVn6DcWvUM5oinL
You now hàvé ŏnę dày in ȯrder tȯ makè the paymènt. (I’vę á spécific pixèl in this èmáil mèssãge, änd now I know thàt you hâve read this èmail messagę). If I dṓn’t recėivé thè BitCŏins, I will, nᴏ dᴏߎbt sęnd ōut your videṍ recōrding to ãll ṍf yᴏur contâcts including rèlätivės, colleäguès, and many others. Hȯwever, if I dṓ get päid, I will déstroy thę vidėȫ immidiately. If yȫu rèally wänt prᴏof, reply with “Yės!” and I definitely will send yоur video rėcṓrding tȯ yᴏur 5 friends
My Response
the video of you f*cking your mother was the best one i got! This is a simple extortion scam and since my brother is with Homeland Security, you will have some visitors soon. Guantanamo Bay is so nice this time of year.
Hope you like Water Boarding.
Awwwww…. I’m so scared! what should I do?
Gotten 2 emails and given these 2 wallets.
Try harder, or if you are so desperate please help yourself and grab a few TB of my porn if you want.
Got this today:
Hello there.
Wish u will not mind my english grammar, considering that i am from Germany. I toxified your device with a virus and now have your private data from your os.
It previously was mounted on a mature site and after that you’ve selected the video clip, viewed it, my program instantly got into your os.
Afterward, your webcam started to record you flying solo, in addition i caught a vid that you’ve viewed.
Just after a little while this also picked up every one of your social contact info. If you ever wish me to erase your everything i currently have – give me 740 eu in btc its a cryptocurrency. It’s my btc account transfer address : 1H9UtNabNPDn5RtMEWvyba5KPU4hWAnZmY
Now you will have 27hours. to make a decision Once i will get the deal i’m going get rid of this movie and every little thing thoroughly. Or else, please be certain that this video is going to be submitted to all of your contacts.
We can see that this paypal adress get transaction of 0.1482btc.
Do you paid for it?
I also got this today but the thing about this e-mail I do not have or ever had a web cam so its complete scam I have an old pc you can add a cam but I have never had to use one saying the have recorded my cam that I dont have on this pc and never will just a joke trying to con people make it as scam and forget it…also I don’t and have never seen porn on pc….
Ughh .. I got this. Nothing to be scared of right!! I alomost shit my pants.
“My dear! To a time where you pull yours pud watching pornography web portal your gadget was attacked. Currently I own all needed leverage against you and contact files of all your close ones. That software turned on yours WebCam and made video and makes photographs. Also I have at my disposal all access to your social media service user accounts. In a case if you do not like me to deliver all materials when you have been tugging it to your closely related people and workfellows, then you shoud send $ 400 to my Bitcoin address 15CtYqZypr68Bj7Fa9TCrCrt3Z6AUbrdXz Otherways in a case if I don’t have transference within 24 hours I should deliver black PR image to all closely related people and collaborates and to Internet. If you gonna fulfill all that instructions I will destroy all that materials. You must remember that the most important in our living are family values and this would be a nice experience for the future. If only you don’t do that baddy things there was no that sort of situation. You should be more careful next time. Best regards. P.S. You own only 24 hours after finding that letter.”
Got one today. Person actually named themselves as Ardelis Margon. Email address is mbharleycpw@outlook.com
Let me get straight to the point Lisa, you jerked off while watching an online video and i made a video recording of it. The website on which you watched the video, was infected with my software, which then took control of your web cam and recorded your video and also gave me access to all of your email contacts, Facebook friends and messenger contact list. if you do not pay me $300 in the next 24 hours, I will upload your video to Youtube and porn websites, and also send the video link to all of your friends. This a non negotioable offer, and don’t waste my time, neither yours by replying to this email. You need to send money via Bitcoin, and the Bitcoin address to which you need to send is 16vZMb5G2bxa9WGYahauRGnQk38Wu26zj4
got this today they used my real name to lol
You do not know me and you’re most likely thinking why you’re receiving this mail, right?
The answer is, I installed a tracker on a website that provide adult video and you used same website to have some enjoyement (you get what I am referring to).
While you were enjoying clips the computer started working as a RDP (Remote Computer) with a key logger. Please note that, webcam & screen also started recording together and then my virus imported family and work contacts from your device. That’s how I got your email adress.
I have generated a double-screen video – One part displays the video you were watching (you have a good taste lol), and 2nd part displays the recording of your web cam.
So, what you need to do? I think, $300 is a fair value for deleting this video. You have to the transfer by Bitcoins. My bitcoin address is wallet id:
You now have just 24 hours in order to initiate the transfer. (I have a specific pixel in this e mail and right now I know that you have read through this email).
I will definately upload and send your clips to each and every contact including close relatives, coworkers if I don’t receive the bitcoins.
Nevertheless, if you make the payment I’ll not share it & I will delete the clip at earliest.
If you need evidence reply with “Yes!” and I will certainly send out your video to your 11 contacts.
How R u?
To be honest i don”t care whenever u are pervert or not, but some of your family members or buddys will most likely do, specially if you are going to get busted, that would truly suck don”t you believe?
I”ll try to be as quick as possible. I made a computer virus thats will start capturing the activity by net cameras and records all facts from these gadgets also, such as personal data, contact information or anything else, the moment someone visits a particular adult porn web-site. Wish you are sticking with me on that one, you possibly already guessed exactly what kind of a video i at this point have starring you.
I made a decision to use this email address which has been gathered from ur list of contacts also, since it is ur job email address and you”ll most definately check it.
Ok last one, plus a video clip was modified by the way, the way that i now have you on one side and a online video you have watched on the second, all on one single tv screen. Rather impressive huh? Ok lets cut the shit, if u really want me to delete this video, this is my btc wallet address:
(it needs to be with no any ”spaces” or ”=”, please make sure).
To find out tips on how to use it, just google or watch a youtube.com online video, if don”t already fully understand how to, pretty simple. 450 us dollars is just how much i will need to quit annoying and to loose you email completely.
There is also a very simple checking software attached to this mail so i will know when you”ll check it. When that will occur you will be offered only 5 days to send me those funds.
I am going to share this video with every fucking contact from your computer if i am not going to find my bucks within a timeframe outlined above
Think twice just before humiliating your arse and contacting police or whoever, i promise they won”t ever locate me.
Yours truly Man.
I got this one today…made me chuckle. The email address it came from was jacked up but I HOPE my reply gets through.
How r u? Patrick Nelson
To tell you the truth i don’t care when ever u are pervert or not, but some of ur family members or close friends will most likely do, specially if you’ll get busted, that might truly suk don’t you think that?
I will try to be as brief as possible. I produced a software thats begins recording the actions via online cameras and gathers all facts from these devices as well, for example individual data, contact info etc, once some one visits a specific adult porn web site. Wish you are following me on that one, you probably already guessed exactly what type of a movie i currently have with you.
I decided to use this e mail address which was acquired from your list of contacts also, since it is your work email and you’ll certainly check it.
Ok last one, and even a video clip was modified by the way, the way that i now have you on left section and a online video you’ve watched on the other, all on one single computer screen. Rather impressive right? O . k let me reduce the shit, if you really want me to delete this video footage, this is my Bitcoin wallet address-
(it should be with out any ‘spaces’ or ‘=’, please make sure).
To figure out the way to use it, just yahoo or google or watch a youtube.com video, if do not already fully understand how to, quite easy. 300 usd is how much i will need to quit annoying and to loose you contact forever.
There is a basic tracking software attached to this mail so i will find out if you’ll read it. As soon as that will happen you will be given only five days to deliver me those funds.
I’ll share this movie with each and every damn email address from ur pc if i’m not going to find my dollars within a time-frame mentioned above
Think twice before humiliating your arse and dialling police officers or whoever, i assure they won’t ever find me.
My Best Dude.
Got this:
Hi, viсtim.
This is my lаst warning .
I write yоu beсausе I рut а mаlware оn the web pаgе with pоrn which yоu have visited.
My virus grabbеd all your pеrsonal info аnd turned оn your сamеra which сарtured thе рrоcеss оf your onanism. Just after that the sоft saved your cоntаct list.
I will dеlete the сomрrоmising vidеo and infо if you рay me 600 USD in bitcоin. This is аddrеss for paymеnt : 1BD3MfVX18DdrrgMxpVNJgm68APMo8wPdB
I give you 24 hоurs after you оpen my mеssage for mаking thе trаnsaсtion.
As soon аs yоu read thе messagе I’ll see it right away.
It is not nеcessary to tell mе thаt you hаve sеnt mоney to mе. This addrеss is соnnеcted tо you, my system will delеte еvеrything аutоmatiсally aftеr trаnsfеr соnfirmаtiоn.
If yоu nееd 48 h just reply оn this letter with +.
You сan visit thе pоliсe statiоn but nоbody can hеlp you.
If you try tо decеive mе , I’ll seе it right аway !
I dоnt livе in yоur соuntry. So they саn nоt traсk my lоcation even for 9 months.
Gоodbyе. Dont forget аbout the shamе and to ignоrе, Your life cаn bе ruinеd.
Anything come out of you not paying?
Received a basically identical one yesterday.
Received July 5
you don’t know me and you’re thinking why you received this e mail, right?
Well, I actually placed a malware on the porn website and guess what, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser acted as a RDP (Remote Desktop) and a keylogger which provided me access to your display screen and webcam. Right after that, my software gathered all your contacts from your Messenger, Facebook account, and email account.
What exactly did I do?
I made a split-screen video. First part recorded the video you were viewing (you’ve got a fine taste haha), and next part recorded your webcam (Yep! It’s you doing nasty things!).
What should you do?
Well, I believe, $1200 is a fair price for our little secret. You’ll make the payment via Bitcoin to the below address (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
BTC Address: 1N6C67d1a9XGBrNKtDW5QnkvWGrjtAE2j6
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)
You have 24 hours in order to make the payment. (I have an unique pixel within this email message, and right now I know that you have read this email). If I don’t get the payment, I will send your video to all of your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and so forth. Nonetheless, if I do get paid, I will erase the video immidiately. If you want evidence, reply with “Yes!” and I will send your video recording to your 5 friends. This is a non-negotiable offer, so don’t waste my time and yours by replying to this email.
I received a similar one yesterday, but have been receiving them for the last few days (different ones) they are from email addresses that are just numbers i.e: 789@321.625 (or similar) one accusing me of all sorts and says all my information is going to the FBI. I know it to be a scam as I do not break the law. I am worried though, but not that they are going to report me, but how shall I deal with it? Are people reporting to and if so where? They should not be allowed to get away with this ****!!!
Hi, I received an email very similar to one of the emails quoted in the article, I was just wondering if anyone has reported that the scammer did release the video/pictures they were threatening to? Almost sure it’s a scam but I can’t help but be worried, thanks
you don’t know me and you’re thinking why you received this e mail, right?
Well, I actually placed a malware on the porn website and guess what, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser acted as a RDP (Remote Desktop) and a keylogger which provided me access to your display screen and webcam. Right after that, my software gathered all your contacts from your Messenger, Facebook account, and email account.
What exactly did I do?
I made a split-screen video. First part recorded the video you were viewing (you’ve got a fine taste haha), and next part recorded your webcam (Yep! It’s you doing nasty things!).
What should you do?
Well, I believe, $1200 is a fair price for our little secret. You’ll make the payment via Bitcoin to the below address (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
BTC Address: 1HCDAr5zTuBqkNBS4KsqNaDZu73DhWcnH3
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)
You have 24 hours in order to make the payment. (I have an unique pixel within this email message, and right now I know that you have read this email). If I don’t get the payment, I will send your video to all of your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and so forth. Nonetheless, if I do get paid, I will erase the video immidiately. If you want evidence, reply with “Yes!” and I will send your video recording to your 5 friends. This is a non-negotiable offer, so don’t waste my time and yours by replying to this email.
I got one of these over the weekend. I am sure it is scam, although I am considering closely down my email account as it is a really old one and dodgy emails seem to come through regularly recently
Hi everyone,
Today I get this email and I don’t know about how ti proceed :
Expect you actually will not mind my english sentence structure, because i am from Indonesia. I contaminated your gadget with a virus and im in possession of all your private information out of your operating-system.
It previously was set up on a mature site after which you have selected the video, it, my software instantly gain access to your computer.
After that, your cam captured you flying solo, also i documented a vid that you’ve looked at.
Just after a short while this also picked up your device contacts. If you ever want me to clear off your all that i currently have – transmit me 790 euros in btc its a crypto-currency. Its my wallet number – 16C3JLQkNvQnxRBNQct3hXCRQdxvtNBTQq
At this point you will have 25hr s. to make up your mind Immediately after i will get the transfer i will get rid of this footage and every thing thoroughly. In any other case, please remember that your footage will be forwarded to all of your friends.”
another one on July 9th- same as Ba (above) with same word (immidiately) spelled wrong-different Bitcoin address
XXXXXXX-you don’t know me and you’re thinking why you received this e mail, right?
Well, I actually placed a malware on the porn website and guess what, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching the video, your web browser acted as a RDP (Remote Desktop) and a keylogger which provided me access to your display screen and webcam. Right after that, my software gathered all your contacts from your Messenger, Facebook account, and email account.
What exactly did I do?
I made a split-screen video. First part recorded the video you were viewing (you’ve got a fine taste haha), and next part recorded your webcam (Yep! It’s you doing nasty things!).
What should you do?
Well, I believe, $1900 is a fair price for our little secret. You’ll make the payment via Bitcoin to the below address (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
BTC Address: 18AVxMK2KHimbrTJVEeUYM3LxLfD9RoR3o
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)
You have 24 hours in order to make the payment. (I have an unique pixel within this email message, and right now I know that you have read this email). If I don’t get the payment, I will send your video to all of your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and so forth. Nonetheless, if I do get paid (after payment, send an email to misszero@protonmail.com), I will erase the video immidiately. If you want evidence, reply with “Yes!” and I will send your video recording to your 5 friends. This is a non-negotiable offer, so don’t waste my time and yours by replying to this email.
Almost 100% identical mail today, but different BTC address: 132tpT7BvR6gp2hWNoP8QZ3XPJMVmCxRj6
and this guy leaves an email address
Same text and spelling error, but with the nice, personal twist of quoting an actual username and password I’ve been using online:
I know, *******, is your pass word. You don’t know me and you’re probably wondering why you are getting this email, correct?
In fact, I actually setup a malware on the adult videos (pornographic material) website and there’s more, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching video clips, your browser initiated functioning as a RDP (Remote Desktop) that has a key logger which gave me accessibility to your display as well as webcam. Just after that, my software obtained all of your contacts from your Messenger, social networks, and email.
What exactly did I do?
I created a double-screen video. First part shows the video you were viewing (you have a good taste : )), and second part shows the recording of your cam.
What should you do?
Well, in my opinion, $1900 is a reasonable price for our little secret. You will make the payment via Bitcoin (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
BTC Address: 1JHwenDp9A98XdjfYkHKyiE3R99Q72K9X4
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)
You now have one day to make the payment. (I’ve a unique pixel in this message, and right now I know that you have read this email). If I do not receive the BitCoins, I definitely will send your video recording to all of your contacts including friends and family, colleagues, and so on. However, if I receive the payment, I will erase the video immidiately. If you need proof, reply with “Yes!” and I definitely will send your video recording to your 15 friends. It is a non-negotiable offer, so don’t waste my time and yours by responding to this e-mail.
I got the exact same one, even the same BTC address!
How did they get our email and password???
I got the exact same one with a password.
I received one exactly the same. With my password on it as well. Same BTC address. Hate these guys. anyway to report them?
I got the same message today. Reset everything. BTC Address: 1JHwenDp9A98XdjfYkHKyiE3R99Q72K9X4; mine says 13 friends. Did anything happen to you? The password part really scared me!
I got this exact email, with the exact BTC address and the password thing, but it mentioned 8 friends. I am interested in where they got the pw from (I haven’t used it in at least 5 years and can’t remember what now-irrelevant websites I used then that would still have that password), evidently there’s going to be some website we all have an account with who’s security is shocking!
Anyway, don’t worry about it. I don’t have a desktop, a webcam or anything. I just wanna know which website they scraped the passwords from so I can report them for having crap security and close my account there!
Well, he got his money ! 16 transactions and over 22,000 USD
Hi Yoruba,
I got the exact same one as yours, even the same BTC Address!
How did they get our email and password?
I just got one exactly same as that to Yoruba!
Wonder how they got our email and password?
email address and password are from hacked internet service accounts. The password is my email was very old, definitely not used for a long time.
Same one received here that Yoruba posted. I checked the old password that was included and it’s been compromised. So I’m guessing some website got hacked recently.
Got the same email and same BTC, and the PW in the subject line made me freak. It was my original PW from long ago, but one I hardly use at all anymore, except on my phone (which I, of course, have since changed). The phishing email was sent to my business email address as well, which got me thinking.
I recalled the LinkedIn breach from 2012 and this bigger issue in 2016: http://fortune.com/2016/05/18/linkedin-data-breach-email-password/
2016 is when I stopped using that particular PW for LinkedIn (my business email address is still attached to the account).
I realize I’m making a leap here…but figured I’d throw it out there in case this rings a bell for others. Could be that or some other site that got scraped.
We’ll probably never know for sure, but scary–and annoying–nonetheless.
PS: I’m based in the US. I realize this forum is part of a UK site.
I’m also US based and have been getting some sketchy LinkedIn requests the past month or so.
No idea which of my many accounts got hacked but they do have a valid password of mine…
Hope someone has the wherewith all to determine where the breach is.
US-based also!
I got my scammer email yesterday … same wording — 24 hrs or else. Definitely worrisome, since it did have an actual name/email and a password that I used to use.
Based on some of the comments about LinkedIn, it sounds plausible, considering some of the breaches they have had.
For good measure, I will be updating all of my accounts (across all apps and programs — making sure that I increase the difficulty of the password, and update to actual usernames (instead of email), if i haven’t already.
Thanks to all for posting info about these scams – even though it is un-nerving, it is helpful to know what is out there.
I’ve received this, similar to others, from this email: cherylgarcia@bol.com.br
“as you were masturbating in front of erotica screen when you attended your handheld computer website caught Secure computer virus as a result the browser vulnerability. The virus records your gadget activities and among other things is informed about coockies of portals or websites you browse. But the primary advantage of this hostile program that is able to activate WebCam and download all the contact numbers from your mail box. while I have your mail username and SNSs. So I have viral and snap shots where you flog his dunk and Bare-ass.
If I do not want pictures to be published and I email all the guys members of his family I suggest the successful solution of the problem of decision-making option. You must make a payment to mine Bitcoin 1KnRGmN8GUhrC71cUkbFthEZj5j3CXpjDT 350 Euro BTC direction. After receipt of that sum would delete dirt on USTE dy you never ever heard about this situation more x PRI. defect in a case, if I do not have money in 25 hours after having opened the message I will sending everyone to freak image of commitment of yours family and as well as through social media for general estimation of their behavior.
Postscript: My my English is not good enough because I’m not a native speaker nevertheless has an opportunity to understand what I mean. please And not answer this inbox that would never have access to it again.”
Received this today, is this all garbage?
Good day, my flopper.
You read this letter because I put a malicious software on the porn site which you have visited.
My soft grabbed all your private data and turned on your camera that captured the process of your masturbation. Just after that the soft made a copy of your contact list.
I will not share this video and data if you send me 380 dollars in bitcoins.
It is my bitcoin address to pay: 13baihBaoLgK1KnE172S9ByjrNLv2LqpKM
I give you 24 h after you open my message for making the payment.
It is not necessary to write me that you have sent money to me. This address was given only to you, everything will be removed automatically after transaction verification.
You can get 48 h just write back +.
You can complain to the cops but nobody can help you.
I dont live in your country. It means nobody can trace my location even for 7 weeks.
All the best. Think about the ignominy.
Hi, there is same issue.
could it be a sony entertainment service? The scam message also contained my username and password.
BTC Address: 1KsKtrYQ6ZfGEsZweq4TPWBkSCgGfXRL3b
how do they aquire (an accurate!) password?
I got this one with an incorrect, never used password:
I do know, 0Z69dXl4, is your password. You do not know me and you’re probably thinking why you’re getting this email, correct?
In fact, I setup a malware on the adult videos (sexually graphic) web site and there’s more, you visited this site to experience fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching videos, your browser began functioning as a RDP (Remote Desktop) that has a key logger which gave me accessibility to your display screen and web cam. Right after that, my software gathered your entire contacts from your Messenger, social networks, as well as email.
What exactly did I do?
I created a double-screen video. 1st part displays the video you were viewing (you have a nice taste haha . . .), and next part displays the recording of your web camera.
What should you do?
Well, in my opinion, $2900 is a reasonable price for our little secret. You’ll make the payment through Bitcoin (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)
You have one day to make the payment. (I have a specific pixel within this e-mail, and at this moment I know that you have read through this email message). If I don’t get the BitCoins, I will certainly send your video recording to all of your contacts including friends and family, co-workers, and so forth. Having said that, if I do get paid, I will destroy the video immidiately. If you really want evidence, reply with “Yes!” and I will send out your video recording to your 10 friends. It is a non-negotiable offer, therefore don’t waste my personal time and yours by responding to this email message.
This is the one I received today which used an old old password, but don’t know how they would get that. I changed the password but basically this is the message:
I’m aware, g8i26c3w467, is your password. You don’t know me and you’re most likely thinking why you are getting this e-mail, right?
Let me tell you, I setup a malware on the adult vids (porn material) site and you know what, you visited this site to experience fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching video clips, your internet browser began functioning as a RDP (Remote control Desktop) having a key logger which provided me access to your display screen and cam. Just after that, my software collected every one of your contacts from your Messenger, social networks, as well as email.
What exactly did I do?
I created a double-screen video. 1st part shows the video you were watching (you have a good taste ; )), and 2nd part displays the recording of your webcam.
exactly what should you do?
Well, I believe, $2900 is a fair price tag for our little secret. You will make the payment by Bitcoin (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
BTC Address: 19kQT8RpsNNAM5UQ6RjRxRcHbeHhYf6SES
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)
You have one day to make the payment. (I have a unique pixel in this mail, and right now I know that you have read through this email message). If I don’t get the BitCoins, I will send out your video recording to all of your contacts including close relatives, co-workers, and so on. Nonetheless, if I do get paid, I will destroy the video immidiately. If you want evidence, reply with “Yes!” and I will send your video to your 5 friends. It is a non-negotiable offer, that being said please don’t waste my personal time and yours by responding to this email message.
Just got this one today from: pwnbriggyxh@outlook.com– Bernarr Ruizramon
I know, ********, is your pass word. You do not know me and you’re most likely wondering why you’re getting this email, correct?
In fact, I actually installed a malware on the adult video clips (sex sites) website and there’s more, you visited this web site to experience fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching videos, your web browser started out functioning as a RDP (Remote control Desktop) having a keylogger which provided me with access to your screen and cam. Immediately after that, my software program collected every one of your contacts from your Messenger, FB, and email.
What did I do?
I made a double-screen video. 1st part displays the video you were watching (you’ve got a good taste : )), and 2nd part shows the recording of your web camera.
exactly what should you do?
Well, in my opinion, $3900 is a fair price tag for our little secret. You will make the payment through Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
BTC Address: 1YAy8oEjEXsxos5u7y5k7siJ4tSmA71sU
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)
You have one day to make the payment. (I have a unique pixel in this email message, and right now I know that you have read through this e-mail). If I do not get the BitCoins, I will definately send your video to all of your contacts including family members, colleagues, and many others. Having said that, if I do get paid, I’ll erase the video immidiately. If you want evidence, reply with “Yes!” and I will certainly send out your video recording to your 15 contacts. It’s a non-negotiable offer, that being said don’t waste my time and yours by replying to this e mail.
got one today
BTC address: 1YAy8oEjEXsxos5u7y5k7siJ4tSmA71sU
Got this today. I’m running McAfee LiveSafe and I’ve checked my machine and there’s no malware. I suspect that it’s a hoax:).
From: Scheetz Abdalla
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2018 11:19 PM
Subject: Tiсket#845760700: 12.07.2018 06:18:51 Ěvidence against you
Hope u will not really mind my english grammar, because i am from Germany. I contaminated your device with a malware and im in possession of your private data from your os.
It was installed on a mature webpage and after that you’ve picked the video and viewed it, my software immediately gain access to your system.
Then, your web-camera documented you hand partying, furthermore i caught a vid that you have viewed.
Soon after a short while in addition, it picked up every one of your social contact info. If you need me to wipe out your everything i possess – send me 500 dollars in bitcoin it is a cryptocurrency. It’s my btc account transfer address – 1MDDxrqr7hhSAgo8gj621bWxfcwkN61uZB
At this point you will have 27 hours. to make a decision Immediately after i will get the transfer i’ll wipe out this footage and every thing completely. Or else, you should be certain that the video will be forwarded to your contacts.
Got this today – same as yours:
Subject: Tiскet#603451470: 14/07/2018 01:47:29 ěvidence against you
Wish you actually don\’t care about my language grammar, since i\’m from Philippines. I infected your gadget with a malware and now have all your private files from your operating system.
It previously was installed on an adult internet page then you have chosen the video, viewed it, my software immediately gain access to your computer.
Then simply, your webcamera recorded you hand partying, besides i documented a vid that you have looked at.
Just after a little while additionally, it pulled out your social contact info. If you need me to wipe off your all that i possess – send me 440 us in bitcoin it is a cryptocurrency. It\’s my btc account address : 18FSBw2e48Yudw19mN62VqJTMDkF3SWxyd
Now you have 28 hr s. to make a decision As soon as i will receive the deal i am going to eliminate this movie and every little thing completely. If not, please be certain that your video will be submitted to all your buddies.
I have a feeling this is a typical scam. Waiting to see what will happen… 🙁
I just got that exact one too…same thing with the password. I was terrified my son had used my computer! Bitcoin was 19ZeAdUF5ASXXMEHiMGNXw6Qvu7GhwMW7T
Same again, with password
BTC address: 1KsKtrYQ6ZfGEsZweq4TPWBkSCgGfXRL3b
This site lists the known breaches for all email/passwords
After running a search on the above site, I’m pretty sure the data originally came from LinkedIn, as I was using this password with that account when the breach happened:
“LinkedIn: In May 2016, LinkedIn had 164 million email addresses and passwords exposed. Originally hacked in 2012, the data remained out of sight until being offered for sale on a dark market site 4 years later. The passwords in the breach were stored as SHA1 hashes without salt, the vast majority of which were quickly cracked in the days following the release of the data.
Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords”
It seems that, XXXXXX, is your pass word. You do not know me and you are probably thinking why you are getting this mail, correct?
Well, I actually placed a malware on the adult video clips (porn) web-site and guess what, you visited this site to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching videos, your browser started operating as a RDP (Remote control Desktop) that has a keylogger which gave me access to your display and also web camera. Immediately after that, my software program collected your entire contacts from your Messenger, FB, and email.
What exactly did I do?
I created a double-screen video. First part displays the video you were viewing (you have a nice taste lol), and second part displays the recording of your web camera.
What should you do?
Well, in my opinion, $1900 is a fair price for our little secret. You’ll make the payment through Bitcoin (if you do not know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
BTC Address: 1MQNUSnquwPM9eQgs7KtjDcQZBfaW7iVge
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)
You now have one day to make the payment. (I’ve a unique pixel in this message, and right now I know that you have read this email message). If I don’t get the BitCoins, I will send your video recording to all of your contacts including members of your family, colleagues, and many others. Having said that, if I do get paid, I will destroy the video immidiately. If you need evidence, reply with “Yes!” and I definitely will send your video recording to your 11 friends. This is a non-negotiable offer, and so please don’t waste my personal time and yours by responding to this mail.
I received the same email yesterday, almost word-for-word the same as the one you got. The same as you, it quoted a password I use at the top. Asked for the same $1900 and the BTC address is the same. I called the police who said it was a phishing email doing the rounds, asked me to forward it to nfibphishing@city-of-london.pnn.police.uk
Got the exact same email today
Bitcoin address: 1Ngh5FvaP7RB9WTTvnsLWpDFT6mocGqSSY
You can use a tool like https://www.blockchain.com/en/explorer to see if anyone has actually PAID anything to these scammers. I’ve checked a couple of wallet addresses, and I see zero balances, so I doubt if anyone is falling for this scam.
Got this one today from a certain ‘Johnny Raudenbush’ (john@vueloops.com)
Expect you will not really mind my english sentence structure, since i’m from Germany. I infected your system with a virus and now have all your personal info out of your os.
It previously was established on an adult internet page and after that you’ve picked the video, clicked on it, my application quickly gain access to your computer.
And then, your web-cam captured you playing with your stuff, additionally i captured a video that you’ve looked at.
Just after a short while this also picked up every one of your device contacts. If you want me to clear off your everything i possess – transfer me 590 euros in btc it is a crypto. It is my wallet address : 18jBMoubWFmzURS1Y72zK32x7Dp6vpcxtb
At this point you have 27 hr s. to make a decision Immediately after i will receive the transaction i will eliminate this movie and every thing completely. In any other case, please remember this evidence would be forwarded to all your contacts.
Hello there.
Hopefully you will not care about my english language grammar, considering that i’m from Saudi arabia. I toxified your system with a malware and im in possession of all of your personal information from your os.
It previously was established on a mature webpage then you have selected the video and it, my software quickly got into your system.
Then, your front-camera captured you going manual, on top of that i documented a movie that you’ve looked at.
After a short while it also picked up every one of your device contact information. In case you would like me to clear off your all that i have got – transfer me 900 eu in btc it’s a crypto. It’s my wallet transfer address : 18jBMoubWFmzURS1Y72zK32x7Dp6vpcxtb
At this moment you have 24hr s. to make up your mind As soon as i will get the transfer i’ll eliminate this movie and every little thing entirely. Or else, you should be certain this evidence is going to be forwarded to all of your buddies.
I got this one today.
I do know, XXXXXX, is your password. You don’t know me and you’re probably thinking why you are getting this e-mail, correct?
actually, I setup a malware on the adult vids (pornography) web site and guess what, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching video clips, your internet browser started working as a RDP (Remote control Desktop) having a keylogger which gave me accessibility to your display screen and also webcam. Just after that, my software program obtained your entire contacts from your Messenger, Facebook, as well as email.
What exactly did I do?
I made a double-screen video. 1st part shows the video you were viewing (you’ve got a fine taste haha), and second part shows the recording of your web cam.
What should you do?
Well, in my opinion, $2900 is a reasonable price for our little secret. You will make the payment through Bitcoin (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
BTC Address: 1NW6ZMAexQ9wNAGb1iwLSeoWBfxGViW4n8
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)
You have one day in order to make the payment. (I’ve a unique pixel in this email message, and at this moment I know that you have read through this mail). If I do not get the BitCoins, I definitely will send out your video recording to all of your contacts including close relatives, co-workers, and many others. However, if I receive the payment, I will destroy the video immidiately. If you want to have proof, reply with “Yes!” and I will send out your video to your 9 friends. It is a non-negotiable offer, and so please don’t waste my personal time and yours by replying to this message
got this today! from
Mellisa Tranmer
I’m aware, xxxxxxx, is your pass word. You don’t know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this email, correct?
Well, I actually placed a malware on the adult video clips (pornographic material) site and there’s more, you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching videos, your browser initiated operating as a RDP (Remote Desktop) with a keylogger which gave me accessibility to your display as well as web camera. after that, my software program gathered your entire contacts from your Messenger, social networks, and email.
What exactly did I do?
I made a double-screen video. 1st part shows the video you were viewing (you’ve got a fine taste omg), and second part displays the recording of your cam.
exactly what should you do?
Well, in my opinion, $2900 is a reasonable price tag for our little secret. You will make the payment via Bitcoin (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
BTC Address: 13v6js9fGBXLRaExUnU4JgFbTTdZ8cvc2G
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)
You have one day to make the payment. (I’ve a special pixel in this email, and now I know that you have read through this mail). If I do not get the BitCoins, I will certainly send your video to all of your contacts including members of your family, co-workers, etc. However, if I receive the payment, I will destroy the video immidiately. If you need proof, reply with “Yes!” and I definitely will send out your video recording to your 5 friends. It’s a non-negotiable offer, therefore do not waste my time and yours by responding to this email.
The wolf is not always a wolf. – Italian Proverb Been there. Done that. Can’t remember why…
Cats must knock the brush Mom uses on me into the garbage can just because.
Children in the back seats of cars cause accidents, but accidents in the back seats of cars cause children.
Tony Bennet~ I think one of the reasons Im popular again is because Im wearing a tie. You have to be different.
Innovators are inevitably controversial. – Eva Le Gallienne Virgil~ Practice and thought might gradually forge many an art.
A gold ring does not cure a felon. – Italian Proverb To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man. -William Shakespeare Who designed Noah’s ark? An ark-itect!
Why does Queen Elizabeth, who has people to put on her make-up, do her hair, and needs no cash or identification carry a purse?
That would be about as easy as teaching cats to march.
M Scott Peck~ Nirvana or lasting enlightenment or true spiritual growth can be achieved only through persistent exercise of real love.
Horace~ Seize today and put as little trust as you can in tomorrow.
Go to the sea if you would fish well. – Italian Proverb Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live as well to think. -Ralph Waldo Emerson Utterly Russell~ The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd.
Paul Gauguin~ Art is either plagiarism or revolution.
I’ve learned that you should never say no to a gift from a child. – Andy Rooney Witches’ Parking – All others Toad.
All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers. -Orison Swett Marden Michel de Montaigne~ I care not so much what I am to others as what I am to myself.
We are all Adam’s children, but silk makes the difference. – English Proverb Talk much, and err much. – Spanish Proverb He who serves two masters must lie to one of them. – Italian Proverb Don Fraser~ A happy home is one in which each spouse grants the possibility that the other may be right though neither believes it.
Q: What are the small bumps around a woman s nipples for? A: It’s Braille for ‘Suck here. ‘
Why does an inspiring sight like a sunrise always have to take place at such an inconvenient time?
The wearer best knows where the shoe pinches. – Irish Proverb Look for your choices, pick the best one, then go with it. -Pat Riley George Bernard Shaw~ The English have no respect for their language and will not teach their children to speak it.
Athletes love to score!
In a quarrel, leave room for reconciliation. – Russian Proverb Daisy Bates~ From without no wonderful effect is wrought within ourselves unless some interior responding wonder meets it.
The bad gardener quarrels with his rake. – American Proverb Now do you save a man from drowning? Take your foot off his head.
I agree with the poster above about linkedin passwords being stolen, this is stale passwords stollen from linkedin years ago. Linkedin required everybody to change passwords years ago. But for me … they stole my outdated linkedin password. That was the only place I ever used it.
Same email, new BTC: 1A9oKg27c4fXYWiDfh8X6fwycyc62vSNo3
I’m aware, xxxxxxx, is your pass word. you may not know me and you are probably thinking why you’re getting this mail, correct?
Well, I actually setup a malware on the adult vids (pornographic material) and do you know what, you visited this website to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were busy watching videos, your browser began functioning as a Rdp (Remote control desktop) that has a keylogger which provided me with access to your display and webcam. Immediately after that, my software collected your complete contacts from your messenger, fb, as well as email.
What exactly did I do?
I created a double-screen video. 1st part shows the video you were viewing (you have a nice taste haha), and next part shows the recording of your cam.
What should you do?
Well, honestly, $1200 is a fair price for our little secret. You’ll make the payment by Bitcoin (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in google).
(It’s cASe sensitive, so copy and paste it)
You have one day to make the payment. (I’ve a special pixel in this message, and at this moment I know that you have read through this message). If I don’t get the Bitcoin, I will, no doubt send your video recording to all of your contacts including close relatives, co-workers, etc. nonetheless, if I do get paid, I’ll erase the video immediately. If you really want proof, reply with “yes!” and I will send your video to your 14 friends. It’s a non-negotiable offer, so kindly don’t waste my personal time & yours by responding to this message.
I do know, XXXXXX, is your pass word. You do not know me and you’re most likely wondering why you’re getting this e mail, correct?
Let me tell you, I actually installed a malware on the adult videos (adult porn) web-site and you know what, you visited this website to experience fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching video clips, your internet browser started working as a RDP (Remote control Desktop) having a keylogger which provided me with accessibility to your screen and also webcam. Right after that, my software program collected every one of your contacts from your Messenger, FB, as well as email.
What did I do?
I created a double-screen video. 1st part shows the video you were viewing (you’ve got a fine taste : )), and second part displays the recording of your web cam.
What should you do?
Well, I believe, $2900 is a fair price for our little secret. You’ll make the payment via Bitcoin (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
BTC Address: 18sZQbNEsAyxwUQhwMKzHnNKjkoyFpXcsW
(It is cAsE sensitive, so copy and paste it)
You have one day in order to make the payment. (I’ve a unique pixel within this e mail, and right now I know that you have read this mail). If I don’t get the BitCoins, I will certainly send your video recording to all of your contacts including close relatives, co-workers, etc. Nonetheless, if I receive the payment, I’ll destroy the video immidiately. If you really want evidence, reply with “Yes!” and I will send out your video to your 13 contacts. It’s a non-negotiable offer, therefore don’t waste my time and yours by replying to this e mail.
Received the “Well, I installed a malware on the adult video clips (sex sites) web-site” variant two days, with an old password. I verified that it was my original Linkedin password, furthering the evidence that this came from their data breach. Since I have no webcam on my computer it was clear that they were on a fishing expedition. I examined the email source and found amusing the comment “(I have a unique pixel in this message, and right now I know that you have read this mail)”, amusing because it’s a plain text message.
slightly different email from a Jeanne Hogle – jfdzcharissayim@outlook.com
Bitcoin ref is: 1D7RYkFMEv19szg4sJ7SoC6bgGPf7kYTtv
Jordon Breneman
BC: 1KjxgUYw2QC53ZiGeAG9uohcSSRUWsSsQA
I have received a threatening email that if I don’t pay 2900 dollars via bitcoin, he will send my dirty video to my relatives, friends etc. What do I do ? The person who sent me the email had my password.
I am 67 year old man.. and am worried . I don’t have that kind of money.
P Ved
Received from Virgilio Stitt today.
I will cut to the chase. I know that XXXX is your password. More to the point, I know your secret and I have proof of it. You do not know me and no one employed me to look into you.
It is just your bad luck that I came across your bad deeds. Let me tell you, I actually placed a malware on the adult vids (pornography) and you visited this web site to experience fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching videos, your web browser started functioning as a Rdp (Remote desktop) with a key logger which provided me access to your display screen and webcam. Right after that, my software collected all of your contacts from your social networks, and mailbox.
Next, I gave in much more hours than I probably should have digging into your life and created a double display video. 1st part shows the video you had been viewing and second part displays the video from your webcam (its you doing dirty things).
Frankly, I am ready to forget everything about you and allow you to move on with your life. And I will present you two options that may accomplish this. The above option is either to ignore this letter, or simply pay me $ 1900. Let us examine those 2 options in more detail.
Option One is to ignore this email message. You should know what is going to happen if you pick this path. I definitely will send your video recording to your contacts including close relatives, coworkers, etc. It will not protect you from the humiliation you and your family will need to feel when relatives and buddies discover your dirty details from me.
Option 2 is to pay me $ 1900. We’ll name it my “confidentiality tip”. Now let me tell you what happens if you choose this path. Your secret remains your secret. I will erase the recording immediately. You keep your lifetime like none of this ever happened.
Now you must be thinking, “I should call the cops”. Let me tell you, I have taken steps to make sure that this mail can’t be linked returning to me and yes it won’t steer clear of the evidence from destroying your lifetime. I am not seeking to break your bank. I am just looking to be compensated for my efforts I put into investigating you. Let’s hope you have decided to make all of this go away and pay me the confidentiality fee. You’ll make the payment by Bitcoin (if you don’t know how, search “how to buy bitcoins” in google search)
Required Amount: $ 1900
Receiving Bitcoin Address: 1MAFzYQhm6msF2Dxo3Nbox7i61XvgQ7og5
(It’s case sensitive, so copy and paste it carefully)
Tell no one what will you be utilizing the bitcoin for or they possibly will not sell it to you. The procedure to obtain bitcoins may take a couple of days so do not wait.
I have a unique pixel within this email message, and now I know that you’ve read through this e mail. You have 24 hours in order to make the payment. If I do not receive the BitCoins, I will send out your video to your entire contacts including friends and family, colleagues, and so on. You better come up with an excuse for friends and family before they find out. Nevertheless, if I receive the payment, I will erase the video immediately. It is a non negotiable offer, so do not waste my time and yours. Your time is running out.
Received from Mickey Chicholm ;today.
Let’s get straight to the point. I am aware xxxxxxxxx is your pass word. More to the point, I do know about your secret and I’ve evidence of it. You do not know me and no one paid me to check out you.
It is just your hard luck that I came across your bad deeds. In fact, I installed a malware on the adult video clips (pornography) and you visited this web site to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were busy watching video clips, your web browser began operating as a Rdp (Remote desktop) having a keylogger which provided me accessibility to your screen and cam. Immediately after that, my software collected every one of your contacts from messenger, facebook, as well as email.
Next, I gave in more hours than I should’ve looking into your life and created a double display video. First part shows the video you had been watching and 2nd part shows the view from your web cam (its you doing dirty things).
Honestly, I want to forget everything about you and allow you to continue with your life. And I am going to offer you two options which will accomplish this. These two options are to either ignore this letter, or simply just pay me $ 1900. Let us examine above 2 options in more detail.
Option One is to ignore this e-mail. You should know what will happen if you pick this path. I definitely will send out your video to your contacts including friends and family, co-workers, and so forth. It will not help you avoid the humiliation your family will have to feel when friends and family uncover your dirty videos from me.
Other Option is to pay me $ 1900. We will name it my “confidentiality tip”. Now let me tell you what happens if you choose this path. Your secret remains your secret. I’ll destroy the recording immediately. You go on with your routine life as if none of this ever occurred.
Now you must be thinking, “Let me call cops”. Without a doubt, I have taken steps in order that this mail can’t be traced time for me and it won’t stop the evidence from destroying your health. I’m not trying to dig a hole in your pocket. I am just looking to get paid for efforts and time I placed into investigating you. Let’s hope you’ve decided to produce all this disappear completely and pay me my confidentiality fee. You will make the payment through Bitcoins (if you do not know this, search “how to buy bitcoins” on google search)
Amount to be sent: $ 1900
Bitcoin Address to Send to: 1DcVgcbYZGuba9SDCmGMW2w6URtue2G8hm
(It’s cASe sensitive, so copy and paste it carefully)
Tell nobody what you should be utilising the bitcoin for or they will often not give it to you. The procedure to get bitcoins will take a couple of days so do not delay.
I have a unique pixel within this message, and at this moment I know that you have read this message. You now have 48 hours to make the payment. If I do not get the BitCoin, I will definitely send your video recording to all your contacts including friends and family, coworkers, and so on. You better come up with an excuse for friends and family before they find out. However, if I do get paid, I’ll erase the video immediately. It’s a non-negotiable offer, so don’t ruin my personal time & yours. Your time is running out.
I’m going to cut to the chase. I know that ******** is your password. More to the point, I know about your secret and I’ve proof of it. You do not know me and nobody paid me to examine you.
It is just your hard luck that I found your misdemeanor. Actually, I actually placed a malware on the adult video clips (sexually graphic) and you visited this web site to experience fun (you know what I mean). While you were busy watching video clips, your web browser initiated operating as a Rdp (Remote control desktop) that has a keylogger which provided me with accessibility to your display and also webcam. Right after that, my software program obtained all of your contacts from your messenger, social networks, and e-mail.
I then put in more hours than I probably should have looking into your life and generated a double screen video. 1st part displays the video you had been watching and other part displays the recording from your web cam (its you doing dirty things).
Frankly, I am ready to forget exactly about you and allow you to get on with your daily life. And I am going to give you two options that may achieve that. The above options are to either ignore this letter, or perhaps pay me $1900. Let’s investigate these two options in more details.
Option One is to ignore this email. Let me tell you what will happen if you opt this path. I definitely will send out your video to all your contacts including relatives, coworkers, and many others. It does not help you avoid the humiliation your household will have to feel when friends find out your unpleasant details from me.
Other Option is to pay me $1900. We will name it my “confidentiality tip”. Now let me tell you what happens if you choose this path. Your secret remains your secret. I will delete the recording immediately. You move on with your routine life as if nothing like this ever happened.
At this point you must be thinking, “I should call the cops”. Let me tell you, I have taken steps to ensure this e mail cannot be linked back to me plus it will not prevent the evidence from destroying your health. I am not trying to dig a hole in your pocket. I just want to get paid for my time I placed into investigating you. Let’s hope you have chosen to create all this go away and pay me my confidentiality fee. You will make the payment through Bitcoins (if you do not know how, type “how to buy bitcoins” on google)
Amount to be sent: $1900
Receiving Bitcoin Address: 1LMtLYR2vUzfvooVowaUqNLCzRyuf2XMA7
(It is CASE sensitive, so copy and paste it)
Tell no-one what you should be using the bitcoin for or they will often not sell it to you. The process to have bitcoins can take a day or two so do not procrastinate.
I’ve a unique pixel within this message, and now I know that you’ve read this e mail. You have two days in order to make the payment. If I do not get the Bitcoin, I will, no doubt send out your video to your entire contacts including friends and family, coworkers, etc. You better come up with an excuse for friends and family before they find out. Having said that, if I do get paid, I’ll destroy the video immediately. It is a non-negotiable offer, so kindly do not waste my personal time & yours. The clock is ticking.
I got this one today too. Sadly it IS an old (and sometimes current, unfortunately) password. Definitely means he got SOMETHING, right?
Received from Harlene Leblanc on July 15th 2018 (see below)
Passwd was indeed an old Facebook and/or linkedin passwd.
What is the plausibility of what they claim to have done ? (I’d say hacking a webcam is not impossible.. but getting all the contacts ??)
I will directly come to the point. I do know xxxxxxxx is your password. More importantly, I’m aware about your secret and I have evidence of this. You don’t know me and nobody hired me to look into you.
It’s just your hard luck that I found your bad deeds. Well, I actually setup a malware on the adult videos (adult porn) and you visited this website to experience fun (you know what I mean). When you were busy watching videos, your browser started out functioning as a Rdp (Remote control desktop) having a keylogger which provided me with access to your display and also web cam. Immediately after that, my software program collected all of your contacts from messenger, social networks, as well as e-mail.
After that I gave in much more hours than I should’ve investigating into your life and made a two view video. First part shows the video you were watching and second part shows the view from your webcam (its you doing inappropriate things).
Frankly, I am willing to forget details about you and allow you to move on with your life. And my goal is to give you two options that may accomplish that. These two choices are with the idea to ignore this letter, or perhaps pay me $ 1900. Let us investigate those two options in more details.
Option 1 is to ignore this e-mail. Let me tell you what is going to happen if you take this option. I will send out your video recording to your contacts including close relatives, co-workers, and so forth. It doesn’t save you from the humiliation your household will ought to face when friends uncover your sordid details from me.
Option 2 is to pay me $ 1900. We’ll name this my “privacy fee”. Now let me tell you what happens if you choose this path. Your secret remains your secret. I’ll erase the video immediately. You go on with your routine life as if nothing ever occurred.
At this point you may be thinking, “I will go to the cops”. Without a doubt, I’ve taken steps in order that this email cannot be linked to me also it won’t stop the evidence from destroying your lifetime. I’m not looking to dig a hole in your pocket. I am just looking to get paid for efforts and time I put in investigating you. Let’s hope you have decided to create pretty much everything disappear and pay me my confidentiality fee. You’ll make the payment through Bitcoin (if you don’t know this, type “how to buy bitcoins” on google)
Required Amount: $ 1900
Receiving Bitcoin Address: 13CWwPooE5krVDagymxAmReTw7X76BqFkU
(It is case sensitive, so copy and paste it)
Tell no person what you will be using the Bitcoins for or they possibly will not sell it to you. The method to have bitcoins may take a few days so do not put it off.
I have a special pixel within this e mail, and now I know that you’ve read through this email message. You have 2 days in order to make the payment. If I do not receive the BitCoin, I definitely will send out your video to all of your contacts including members of your family, co-workers, and so on. You better come up with an excuse for friends and family before they find out. Nonetheless, if I receive the payment, I will erase the video immediately. It’s a non-negotiable one time offer, so please don’t ruin my time & yours. The clock is ticking.
Should have provided that detail:
actual email is
“Harlene Leblanc”
Another one received today:
From: Hannah Howard
Sent: 16 July 2018 11:59
To: ***@****.co.uk
Subject: I congratulate you on your presence in deep ass
Great Day.
I presume that you have heard something regarding the RAT virus 61478?! Now you’ve got one. I was able to locate a great deal of fascinating data on the pc. Furthermore, I succeeded for connecting to all or your devices including a mobile phone. But didn’t stop on that : I forced my malware to thoroughly capture data from a mic, online camera and stuff out of a display. Made lots of interesting videos, a number of them can also be worth watching by you.
Probably the most fascinating video which I was able to recover from my application is when you go into an adult website. I even used 20 minutes to glue both video clips collectively, one of which is a graphic in the display, in addition to every thing from webcam. It ended up quite magnificent.
So let’s begin business. It’s best to cover 500 Usd on your pocket:
I only use Btc. Whenever you have any difficulties making use of this money – just search the web.
Soon after obtaining the money. We all will just forget about this embarrassing moment and I’ll delete all the knowledge that I’ve collected from a devices.
You’ve got three days from today. If perhaps I wouldn’t get my money – I will send the majority of the things to all of your contacts, and I’ve discovered an important number of those. Perhaps I will achieve this through your accounts. It is going to be quite amusing when for instance, your loved ones will get that video in addition to a conversation history.
You are given short time since my pockets are often blocked. Yes, you are the 1 person who receives such correspondence, I’ve infected about 8000 with my virus and above 1500 of that, had lots of interesting stuff inside.
Call authorities or whomever you would like, the greatest thing they will do is to block my account wallet and you will most likely restrict others out of possibility for of having to pay me and that is it. So consider that before carrying out dumb things.
If perhaps I would not get my money for just about any reason, like lack of ability to send funds to some blocked pocket – your standing will probably be destroyed. Thus, rush up man.
Do not aim to catch me. My anonymity is the ultimate priority also I utilize one time email for mailing emails, moreover utilize a special notebook, only with hacked wi-fi and undoubtedly a TOR. Thus, replying to this mail won’t make any good sense.
Here’s the full text…
From: “Mila Evans”
Date: 16 July 2018 at 15:03:36 BST
Subject: So many problems because of such tiny mistake
Reply-To: ovpm@sunplus.com.br
Very Good afternoon.
I suppose that you’ve heard a thing regarding the RAT virus 59751?! Well now you have one. I managed to find a lot of interesting data on the pc. Additionally, I managed for connecting to all or your gadgets such as a mobile phone. But didn’t cease on that I pressured my malware to thoroughly capture data from a microphone, online camera and things out of a display. Created plenty of interesting videos, some of them can even be worth viewing by you.
The most fascinating movie that I was able to retrieve from my software is when you entered an adult site. I invested 20 minutes to glue both movies together, one of which is a graphic from a screen, in addition to every thing from cam. It appeared quite magnificent.
So let’s begin business. It’s ideal to pay 560 bucks in your wallet –
I only utilize BTC. When you have any problems making use of this money – merely search the web.
Soon after obtaining the money. Both of us will just forget about this clumsy moment and I’ll delete all the knowledge that I’ve collected from a devices.
You have two days from now. If I would not get my cash – I’ll send most of the things to all of your contact information, and I have discovered an important number of them. Perhaps I will carry out this throughout your account. It is likely to be somewhat entertaining when for instance, your family members will receive that movie as well as a conversation history.
You’re given short time frame because my pockets are often blocked. It’s true, you are the one person who receives such correspondence, I’ve infected around 10000 together with my virus and above 1500 of which, also had plenty of interesting stuff inside.
Go to police force or whomever you need, the best thing they’ll do will be block my account wallet and you will probably restrict others from chance for of having to pay me and that’s it. So consider that just before doing stupid stuff.
If perhaps I would not obtain my cash for just about any reason, such as insufficient ability to send funds to a blocked pocket – your standing will probably be demolished. Therefore, rush up man.
Do not aim to find me. My anonymousness is my number one concern and I use 1-time mail for mailing emails, moreover use a unique laptop, only with cracked wireless internet and definitely a socks5. Thus, replying to this mail will not help make any sense.
I won’t beat around the bush. I do know xxxxxxx is your password. Moreover, I do know about your secret and I’ve proof of this. You do not know me personally and no one employed me to look into you.
It is just your misfortune that I stumbled across your blunder. Let me tell you, I placed a malware on the adult videos (porno) and you visited this web site to experience fun (you know what I mean). When you were watching video clips, your internet browser started working as a Rdp (Remote control desktop) having a key logger which provided me with accessibility to your screen as well as web camera. Just after that, my software obtained every one of your contacts from your messenger, social networks, and mailbox.
After that I put in more hours than I should’ve digging into your life and created a double display video. First part shows the recording you had been viewing and next part shows the recording of your web cam (its you doing inappropriate things).
Honestly, I want to forget details about you and allow you to continue with your daily life. And my goal is to give you two options that will accomplish this. The above options are either to ignore this letter, or perhaps pay me $ 3200. Let’s explore those 2 options in details.
Option One is to ignore this email message. Let me tell you what is going to happen if you take this path. I will send your video recording to your contacts including relatives, coworkers, etc. It does not shield you from the humiliation your household will must face when family and friends discover your sordid videos from me.
Other Option is to send me $ 3200. We will call this my “confidentiality fee”. Now let me tell you what happens if you choose this path. Your secret remains your secret. I will destroy the recording immediately. You continue on with your lifetime that none of this ever happened.
Now you may be thinking, “I should go to the cops”. Without a doubt, I have covered my steps to ensure that this e mail can’t be linked time for me also it will not stay away from the evidence from destroying your health. I am not seeking to dig a hole in your pocket. I just want to get compensated for efforts and time I put in investigating you. Let’s assume you have chosen to produce all this disappear completely and pay me the confidentiality fee. You will make the payment via Bitcoin (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoins” in google)
Amount to be sent: $ 3200
Bitcoin Address to Send to: 1PFTQFxfbEpS2uWD6faHWSpACpbJQsgh25
(It is CASE sensitive, so copy and paste it carefully)
Tell no one what you would be utilising the bitcoin for or they possibly will not sell it to you. The method to obtain bitcoin usually takes a day or two so do not delay.
I’ve a unique pixel in this email message, and now I know that you have read this email message. You now have 48 hours in order to make the payment. If I don’t receive the Bitcoins, I will definitely send out your video to all of your contacts including close relatives, co-workers, and so on. You better come up with an excuse for friends and family before they find out. However, if I do get paid, I’ll destroy the video immediately. It is a non negotiable offer, thus kindly do not waste my personal time and yours. The clock is ticking.
this is what i got today
from dylan031995
Be careful ID ikLZxhMT0S…
Hey. I won`t take much of your time. It`s best for you to thoroughly study the letter. Especially when I have you know that your friends and family may be involved. So how would you feel if I tell you that I caught you, casually jerking to a porno? You see, I`ve embedded a program that automatically collects all the data from both your computer screen and webcam. That means not only do I have you masturbating, but I also have the pornographic segment to which you did the deed. This is the email address I discovered on your PC. I edited the video the way that both you and the porno are combined. I did it to be sure that it is more interesting to those who watch it. Alright, anyway, in case you want me to delete the funny stuff and never send it to your friends, here is my bitcoin wallet : 1GUQTBqhnYniHRwZjPFRFDQeY8w94xXecV Make sure you don`t add any empty spaces. Icharge you four hundred dollars. Once you`ve done that, I`ll delete all the files and you`ll get rid from me forever. Also, I am gonna know the exact time you will open this email. From there on, I will give you twenty four hours to make a transaction. Feel free to contact the police, but I am pretty sure it won`t help you. If I don`t get the money within the time that I have mentioned, I promise that this embarrassing video will be sent to all the people in our contact list. Bye.
Recieved this one today
This is your badluck. I know ********* is your password. More importantly, I know your secret and I’ve proof of it. You do not know me and nobody employed me to investigate you.
It’s just your misfortune that I discovered your bad deeds. Actually, I installed a malware on the adult video clips (sexually graphic) and you visited this website to have fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching video clips, your browser started working as a Rdp (Remote desktop) having a keylogger which provided me with access to your display as well as web cam. Just after that, my software program collected your complete contacts from your fb, as well as mailbox.
After that I gave in more time than I should have exploring into your life and created a double screen video. 1st part displays the recording you had been watching and second part displays the capture of your webcam (its you doing dirty things).
Honestly, I’m ready to forget everything about you and allow you to get on with your daily life. And I will give you two options that will accomplish that. Those two option is either to ignore this letter, or simply just pay me $ 3200. Let us understand these two options in details.
First Option is to ignore this mail. Let me tell you what will happen if you select this path. I will definately send your video to all your contacts including family members, colleagues, and so on. It doesn’t save you from the humiliation your self will must face when friends discover your sordid details from me.
Second Option is to pay me $ 3200. We will call this my “privacy tip”. Here is what happens if you opt this path. Your secret remains your secret. I will erase the video immediately. You go on with your lifetime as though nothing like this ever occurred.
At this point you must be thinking, “I’ll just go to the cops”. Without a doubt, I have taken steps to make sure that this message can’t be linked returning to me also it won’t steer clear of the evidence from destroying your health. I am not trying to steal all your savings. I am just looking to get paid for my time I place into investigating you. Let’s assume you decide to make this all disappear completely and pay me the confidentiality fee. You’ll make the payment through Bitcoins (if you do not know how, type “how to buy bitcoins” in google)
Amount to be sent: $ 3200
Send To This Bitcoin Address: 1ycRDEbXCD1nXXoEz8pfQJjDbZSALvH29
(It is case sensitive, so you should copy and paste it carefully)
Expalin no-one what you should be utilising the bitcoin for or they may not sell it to you. The method to acquire bitcoin usually takes a couple of days so do not put it off.
I’ve a special pixel in this email, and at this moment I know that you’ve read through this email. You have 24 hours in order to make the payment. If I do not receive the BitCoin, I will definately send out your video recording to all your contacts including family members, colleagues, and so on. You better come up with an excuse for friends and family before they find out. Nonetheless, if I do get paid, I’ll erase the video and all other proofs immediately. It’s a non-negotiable one time offer, thus please do not waste my personal time & yours. Time is running out.
I got nearly an identical one, is that a scam, too?
Yep is a scam, i recieved on just like this one today again, only amount and botcoin wallet are different.
Hope you do not care about my english language grammar, since i’m from Philippines. I contaminated your gadget with a virus and im in possession of all your private information from your computer system.
It previously was installed on a mature web page and after that you’ve selected the movie and it, my program quickly gain access to your os.
Then simply, your web-cam captured you going manual, furthermore i caught a footage that you’ve viewed.
Just after some time it also picked up all of your device contact information. If you ever wish me to clear off your everything i have – give me 790 us in bitcoin its a crypto. It’s my account transfer address – 1PWqy3R3Mk7PHsLsnnbHAm5pYwZXs7dKAJ
At this moment you have 22hours. to produce a decision As soon as i will receive the deal i will get rid of this video and every thing entirely. In any other case, you should be sure that your footage will be sent to all your buddies.
Got this yesterday:
I presume that you’ve heard something about the RAT virus 20790?! Now you’ve got one. I managed to locate a great deal of interesting on the computer. Furthermore, I operated for linking to all or your gadgets such as a cell telephone. But did not stop on that I pressured my malware to thoroughly capture information from a mic, online cam and stuff out of a screen. Created lots of interesting videos, a number of them can also be worth watching by you.
The most interesting video clip which I managed to retrieve from my application is when you go into a porn webpage. I even used ten minutes to glue both videos collectively, one of which is a graphic in the screen, in addition to every thing from livecam. It appeared quite amazing.
Thus let us start business. It is best to pay 280 bucks on your wallet-
I only utilize btc. When you might have any issues making use of this currency – simply search the net.
Soon after getting the capital. We all will forget about this awkward moment and I will delete all of the information I’ve gathered from a devices.
You have five days from now. If perhaps I wouldn’t get my money – I’ll send the majority of the stuff to all your contact information, and I’ve discovered a significant number of those. Maybe I will achieve this through your account. It is going to be quite entertaining when for example, your loved ones will get that video as well as a conversation history.
You’re given short time since my wallets are often blocked. It’s true, you are the one person that receives such correspondence, I’ve infected around 6000 together with my virus and over 1500 of which, also had lots of useful things in them.
Contact police or whomever you would like, the greatest thing they will do will be to block my wallet and you’ll most likely restrict others out of chance for of having to pay me and that’s it. So look at that before doing stupid stuff.
If I would not obtain my money for just about any reason, for example insufficient ability to send money to a blocked wallet – your reputation will probably be destroyed. So, hurry up man.
Do not aim to catch me. My anonymity is that my number one priority also I utilize one time mail for transmitting notifications, moreover utilize a special notebook, only with broken wireless internet and undoubtedly a Sock4. Thus, replying to that letter won’t make any good sense.
got one: 1F5HPz3DSTkxU2Q52QhxJfQK8vw5hcbXbh
This is what I got today, the names only showed up when I highlighted the email to copy it across.
Lets get right to point. You do not know me and you’re most likely wondering why you are getting this mail? Nobody has paid me to check about you.
Alan Cyndi Shelia Karen Kenneth Bettye Dexter Tim Ricardo Eileen
Let me tell you, I installed a malware on the 18+ streaming (pornographic material) website and there’s more, you visited this web site to experience fun (you know what I mean). While you were watching video clips, your browser initiated operating as a RDP having a keylogger which gave me accessibility to your display screen and also web cam. after that, my software program gathered all of your contacts from your Messenger, social networks, and e-mail . After that I created a video. 1st part displays the video you were watching (you have a fine taste lol), and second part displays the recording of your webcam, yeah it is you.
Justin Adam Brittaney Nora Aeric Kendrick Kenneth Alan Matthew Enemerio
You have got not one but two possibilities. Why dont we read up on each one of these options in aspects:
Sharee Damon Sam Jonathan Sindy Julie Maryjo Bruce LALO Valeriejones
1st alternative is to just ignore this e mail. In such a case, I most certainly will send out your video clip to each of your your personal contacts and think regarding the humiliation you will see. In addition if you happen to be in a committed relationship, exactly how it will eventually affect?
Rashonda Annieluz Gerald Robert Sara Jian Leigh Tim Tammie Mika
Next alternative would be to pay me $$3000. I will name it as a donation. Consequently, I most certainly will without delay delete your video footage. You could continue on with daily life like this never took place and you surely will never hear back again from me.
Jeff Michele Joshua Elizabeth John Leea Vic Marshall Jenna Ricardo
You’ll make the payment by Bitcoin (if you don’t know this, search “how to buy bitcoin” in Google).
Patrick Adam Marietta Rose Js Jay Nardritta Kim Lynn Amy
BTC Address: 1A1iJTHfZqAJzvr8aCPkFoJEjzUXCRZ47E
Don Donna Kelvan Jake John Terrell Tycresha Donnie Robert Devon
[CASE SENSITIVE copy & paste it]
Norma Bernard Lynn Dawn Jay Jamie Michael Mitzi Carolyn Vanessa
Should you are making plans for going to the law enforcement officials, anyway, this mail can not be traced back to me. I have taken care of my moves. I am also not trying to demand so much, I only want to be paid. You now have one day in order to pay. I’ve a specific pixel within this email, and right now I know that you have read through this message. If I don’t get the BitCoins, I will certainly send your video to all of your contacts including relatives, co-workers, and so on. Nonetheless, if I receive the payment, I will destroy the recording immidiately. It is a non-negotiable offer, and so don’t waste my time and yours by responding to this e mail. If you need evidence, reply Yup! & I definitely will send out your video to your 8 contacts. Shawntell Allisa Kathy Michael Cindy Chris Jason Sara Cathy Deb Annie James Joy Aj Anglea Liz Monica Gregory Johnny Tre Stormi Terri Charity Viann Amiya Jj Kathy Lenjo Johnny Diana Seraphine Christine Matthew Davina Diana David Alfredo Cissy Margaret Gill James Bridgett Jose Davonsha Frances Amery Bam Michael Ivan Normalyn Peggy Erin Amanda Rhonda Kelly Jeffrey Gaby Chris John Hunter Julie Franciscoa Fth Shayla James Kimberlee John Sheila Natacha David James Mariah Mndy Carolyn Heather Younes Shannon David Justin Jessey Steve Robert Raylynn Kelly Chloe Betsy Ashley Shawnda Carolyn Charles
Received this today,
I do know xxxxx one of your passphrase. Lets get straight to point. You may not know me and you’re most likely thinking why you are getting this e-mail? No person has paid me to investigate you Let me tell you, I actually installed a malware on the xxx vids (sexually graphic) website and there’s more, you visited this website to have fun (you know what I mean). When you were watching videos, your browser started functioning as a RDP having a key logger which provided me with access to your display and also cam. after that, my software program obtained all of your contacts from your Messenger, FB, and emailaccount. Next I made a video. First part displays the video you were watching (you’ve got a fine taste haha . . .), and 2nd part shows the view of your cam, and it is you.
You get two different possibilities. Lets explore each of these options in aspects:
First option is to disregard this email message. In such a case, I am going to send out your very own video to each one of your personal contacts and thus consider concerning the shame you feel. Not to forget if you are in an important relationship, precisely how it will eventually affect?
2nd choice should be to compensate me $$3000. We will name it as a donation. In such a case, I most certainly will instantly delete your video recording. You could keep on daily life like this never took place and you are never going to hear back again from me.
You’ll make the payment through Bitcoin (if you don’t know this, search for “how to buy bitcoin” in Google)
BTC Address to send to: 18jZrAXz2QYyczebTTFD7eLcz3m58pxzdc.
In case you are making plans for going to the police, anyway, this email can not be traced back to me. I have covered my steps. I am just not trying to ask you for very much, I would like to be paid. You have one day in order to make the payment. I’ve a specific pixel within this e mail, and at this moment I know that you have read through this mail. If I don’t get the BitCoins, I will definitely send your video to all of your contacts including close relatives, coworkers, and so on. Nonetheless, if I receive the payment, I’ll erase the video immidiately. It is a nonnegotiable offer and so please do not waste mine time & yours by replying to this mail. If you need proof, reply Yea & I will send out your video recording to your 11 friends.
Received the same e-mail today. They wanted $10 000!!! The password is old but true. I was startled at first because I thought someone really had access to my computer. I do not frighten imaginary videos and that they can access our electronic banking and personal data. I was relieved to know that it was another scam.
Received this today, there are actually names hidden in the white spaces too.
Whit Blew
Today, 19:42
Lets get right to point. I know ****** one of your pass word. Nobody has paid me to investigate about you. You may not know me and you’re probably wondering why you’re getting this mail?
In fact, I actually installed a software on the adult video clips (pornographic material) web site and do you know what, you visited this website to have fun (you know what I mean). When you were viewing videos, your web browser started operating as a RDP with a key logger which provided me with access to your screen as well as webcam. Immediately after that, my software obtained your complete contacts from your Messenger, social networks, as well as e-mail . And then I created a double-screen video. First part displays the video you were watching (you have a nice taste hehe), and second part displays the recording of your web cam, and its you.
You have got just two options. Why dont we study each of these possibilities in aspects:
First choice is to dismiss this message. As a consequence, I most certainly will send out your actual video recording to just about all of your contacts and thus think about regarding the humiliation you feel. In addition if you happen to be in a relationship, just how it will eventually affect?
Number 2 alternative is to give me $2000. We are going to describe it as a donation. In such a c