Can’t live without your computer? How to find the best repair company

We all eventually have to face that dreaded question. Whom can I find to that I can trust to fix my beloved computer fast and completely?  We have some tips below to help you make this decision.

Shop Around

Just like any other service, you need to look around and ask questions before finding the right business to fix your laptop.  I would advise to call around to the different small and large business to compare prices and services.  I would start the conversation by explaining what your computer is doing and then asking if they have any ideas on what the problem could be. Once they give you an idea if the problem is hardware, software, or viral issue then I would ask the business what their protocol is for fixing the computer.  You will want to know if they will offer a “free investigation” or charge to diagnose before they go ahead and fix the computer and if the problem costs more then they estimated they will call you for permission first.  You will also want to ask if once the problem is fixed if there are any other services they perform with the fix.  Some business will input extra virus protection if the problem is viral or clean your pc for you. Some businesses also offer a “no fix no fee” this can be to your advantage but beware, if it’s not fixed but worse than before, what do they do then? What if they recommend more parts to fix and you decide not to proceed?

My business operates a free investigation. This means our clients get a fixed price for the work before they decide if they want to go ahead. We don’t really estimate costs over the phone as it’s impossible to quote without looking up the parts and properly diagnosing the problem. 

Get References / Check Their Credentials

Talk to coworkers, neighbors and people in your community to get their opinions on the computer repair businesses in the area.  You can also look on websites such as Facebook,, Google Places or many social websites to get see others statements about the businesses in your area.  Chances are if many people have had a good experience at the business then it is likely that you will too.  Sometimes just some simple research can give you a real good idea of whom either to go to or who to avoid based off of others experiences. It’s also worth checking they are qualified to do the work – Are they Apple or Microsoft Certified? Trading Standards Approved? CRB Checked? Serious companies go the extra mile to achive these statuses. Oh and check they are insured too!

At Nexus we’ve been CRB’d, Apple Consultant Network Members, Microsoft Partners, Trading Standards Approved and Fully insured. It’s been a long process for us to achieve the above but we think it’s important to show we know our stuff and care about our clients.

The overall point is research, research, and research. The more research you can do within your allotted time constraints the better chance you will be able to find a computer repair shop that will give you great service for the best price.

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