Email disconnected, locked, bouncing or undeliverable?

“Error message from destination mail server: 550 5.1.1 recipient rejected (mailbox locked)”

Are you or your friends seeing the above error message when sending mail to

Old customers using Virgin Broadband have recently had their email accounts disconnected following Virgin Media selling off their broadband services to TalkTalk.

Emails have usually been sent to customers but some have reported that these have appeared as spam emails so have been ignored or deleted.

What should you do?

Unfortunately, there is no way to keep your existing email address and although TalkTalk is offering free email accounts it’s not something that we would recommend using.

Using an email address that is locked down to an internet provider means that you are less likely to move services, furthermore you may experience issues such as this when businesses are bought and sold.

Register for a new email address

Our advice would be to create a brand new email account with Microsoft. Visit and underneath where it says ‘sign in’ click on ‘create one!’ this will then redirect you to a page where you can fill out all of your details.

If you need assistance moving your old email accounts from your Virgin account over to your new email mailbox the Nexus team are here to help you! Contact us today.

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