Super Hi-Vision 8K TV Standard Approved by UN

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Traditional standard definition television sets have a maximum resolution of 480p, which means that each set can display a maximum of 640 by 480 pixels at a time. High definition television sets saw a massive forward leap in technology, with each 1080p HDTV offering a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels. The latest technological advancement is referred to as Super Hi-Vision 8K, or “ultra-high definition television.” The Super Hi-Vision 8K standard has been recently approved by the UN international standards body and offers a maximum resolution of 7680 by 4320 pixels, which is almost 16 times higher than the standard high definition television set available in stores today.

One major benefit of Super Hi-Vision 8K technology is that it allows for a vastly superior variety of colors to be displayed on screen at any given time. Additionally, Super Hi-Vision 8K technology can reproduce images at 120 hertz, or roughly double the rate of high definition programs that are being broadcast today. Both of these benefits lead to images that move smoother and look more lifelike than even the highest quality HD broadcasts today can provide.

Another benefit is that 8K technology actually exceeds the resolution available on standard 35 millimeter film. In Hollywood, the vast majority of all films and television shows are still shot on film despite an increased use of digital video in recent years. While 1080p is the standard for high definition television sets at the present time, that resolution is actually incapable of capturing all of the fine detail present in a film source. Even though high definition Blu-ray discs may look excellent, you’re still not seeing all the detail you would if you were watching the same movie in a theater.


As 8K technology is capable of capturing every last bit of detail present in film, any movie shot on film and displayed using Super Hi-Vision 8K technology will literally look as good as it did when projected in a high quality cinema. Most films will likely look better than they’ve ever been seen before, regardless of how old they are. Super Hi-Vision 8K technology actually allows for a level of detail that is fairly close to that found in material shot for the 70 millimeter IMAX large screen format. Recent blockbusters shot in this format include Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight Rises” and Brad Bird’s “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol.”


The downside to Super Hi-Vision 8K technology is one that will lessen with time. Presently, there just isn’t a great deal of material that can take advantage of the increase in resolution. Even when classic films like “The Godfather” or “Alien” are scanned for archival purposes they are typically only scanned at a 4K resolution. While a 4K version of “The Godfather” would show a noticeable improvement over its current Blu-ray release, it still wouldn’t display half of the detail that an 8K television set or projector is capable of displaying. However, as more manufacturers adopt the format and more content is produced, consumers will have more options and will be able to take full advantage of their new television sets.

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