How to recover a deleted file

Computer file

We’re sure you’ve experienced this issue before – you accidentally delete an important file and you panic, unsure of whether or not you can recover it. Worry not! Here are a few ways to recover your deleted files.

Search for the file 

If you’re not sure whether you deleted the file, search for it. Go to My Computer on Windows or the Finder on a Mac and use the search bar in the top-right corner. Type in the file name and see if it pops up. if it does, you can cut and paste the file into a folder you’re familiar with.

Check the trash

For Windows, you’ll want the Recycling Bin. For Mac, the Trash. These also have search bars in the top-right, so if your Recycling Bin/Trash is particularly full, use it to narrow your search.

Check your cloud storage service

If you store your files in SkyDrive, Dropbox or other cloud storage services, log in to the website and check the trash.


You should regularly back up any important files in case something happens to them. If you manually back up your files, search through your folders. If it’s automatic, say, through Time Machine, search the time increments for your file.

 If you use Windows 7, go to the folder the file originated from, right-click it and select ‘Restore previous versions’ – this will allow you to view any automatic backups taken. You might find your file there. 

If you’re really stuck, you can seek professional help. Here at Nexus, we offer a data recovery service, so we may be able to recover your file for you!

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