Easily speed up your PC (Windows)

Is your computer running slowly? These quick tips might solve the problem!

Delete Unnecessary Programs

We’ve all installed programs in the past and then forgotten about them, moving on to better versions or just growing bored. Unused programs take up space, however, so it’s good to have a purge!

Step 1: Go to Control Panel and, under Programs, click on Uninstall a program.

Windows Uninstall Program


Step 2: You’ll be presented with a list of your programs. Simply select which program you’d like to uninstall and then click ‘uninstall’.

Windows Uninstall Programs

You’ll be asked if you’re sure you want to uninstall the program. Select ‘Yes’ to begin uninstalling.

Restart Your Computer

It may sound obvious, but if your computer suddenly begins running slowly, restarting could well be the answer. Just because you click the X and close the program, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it isn’t still running (think of apps on your iPhone staying in the tray until you manually close them). Restarting your PC will clear the memory and might speed you up.

Stop Startup Programs

Some programs are automatically loaded when the PC is turned on. Your computer might be slowed down by the likes of Spotify, iTunes or Skype popping up. Put a stop to them!

Step 1: Go to the Start Menu and type ‘System Configuration’ into the search bar. Click on System Configuration when it appears.

Windows System Configuration

Step 2: Go to the Startup tab and uncheck any programs that you no longer want to be loaded automatically. If you find a program that you’ve never heard of before, leave it checked – it could be important.

Windows System Configuration Startup

Don’t run too many programs at the same time

If you’re not using a program, why not close it? Programs take up system memory and that can massively affect performance.

Disk Cleanup

Finally, you can clean up your hard drive and delete any temporary files or system files that are no longer required.

Step 1: Go to the Start Menu and type ‘Disk Cleanup’ into the search bar, then select it from the list.

Step 2: The Disk Cleanup will run…

Windows Disk Cleanup

Step 3: … and you’ll see how much disk space you can free up.

Windows Disk Cleanup

Step 4: Click OK, and you’ll be asked if you’re sure you’d like to permanently delete the files. Click Delete Files.

There you have it! Hopefully that should speed up your PC, but if it doesn’t and you’re still concerned, you might want to check for viruses. If you’re still worried, contact us on 01753 884 700 and see how we can help you!

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