Best 10 Free Entertainment Apps for your new iPad

So we brought you some of the most productive free Apps for the iPad and the best multiplayer games for iPad. Now it’s time to show you what else the iPad can do.

Free Entertainment Apps for iPad

1. BBC iPlayer

Can the iPad go as far as replacing your TV? Well not only does BBC iPlayer have an app, so does ITV, 4oD and Sky!

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2. ZeeBox

If however you still love TV and just wanted to join in the conversation in social media. It allows you to browse TV channels and what is being said about each one. A real second screen experience.

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3. Paper by FiftyThree

A beautiful and popular notebook app. The drawing functionality is wonderful and graceful. The only slight downside is that the full set of tools is £5.49, but it’s cheaper than a notebook or pens. Well worth it!

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4. Shazam

You’ll never lose a beat the intro quiz round again with this app. Don’t recognise that catchy song on the radio? Shazam will compare the song to its database and tell you what it is. Magic!

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5. IMDb

Remember that face from a TV show, but can’t quite place it? IMDb is the comprehensive app to ensure you never ever lose another film/TV pub quiz round.

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6. Google Earth

Want to travel the world, but don’t have the time or money? Google earth might not be able to give you the cultural experience but you can go see the sights!

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7. National Geographic

Tons of amazing news, videos and articles. But really, National Geographic is all about browsing their phenomenal photography.

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8. TED

This is for your more contemplative moments. A real source of inspiration. Talks from the worlds brightest and most influential people.

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9. Soundcloud

Record sounds on the go with this awesome app. Or sit back and explore the vast audio libraries of music available on Soundcloud.

It also comes on iPhone and Android!

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10. Kindle

This app is free, although their trick is to make you pay for books. We have to say though the experience of flicking through 100s of books without having to carry them round with you is liberating.

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