13″ Apple MacBook Repair
Do you do macbook repairs? If so I have a 13 inch macbook that needs repairing. The symptoms are as follows
The computer randomly shuts down with battery inserted even when running on mains and displays “not charging” or “no battery present” when it is inserted. macbook works fine on mains with no battery inserted.
I have tried the following to fix
1. reset pvram settings this provides some stability but the problem still reoccurs
2. replaced battery, this new battery also works fine in another macbook proSo I’m guessing its some problem with the motherboard. Can you help?
We’ve replaced logic boards in the past however it sounds to me it’s the DC board not charging the battery.
Its probably best to bring this along to our office at Waterford House 9A Station Road, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, SL9 8ES where we can diagnose the root of the problem.
Call our office if you have any questions regarding the repair on 01753 884700
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